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  • 大话测试数据(二):概念测试数据的获取2022-03-21 14:00:59

    在大话测试数据(一)文章中,我提到,获取数据的第一步是获取概念上数据。这一步看起来简单,其实不是那么容易。获取概念数据和获取需求的过程是交织在一起的,事实上,它们其实是一个事儿,因为数据是需求中最重要的组成部分。 需求工程是个大话题,目前有很多种流派和实践方式来来搞定需求,

  • cs61a 2021 fall lab042022-03-20 14:03:47

    网址 https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61a/fa21/lab/lab04/ question1: 简单理解递归就好了 这是一些测试用例 HW_SOURCE_FILE = __file__ def summation(n, term): """Return the sum of numbers 1 through n (including n) wíth term applied to each n

  • [转]Jira Work with issue workflows2022-03-19 08:03:02

    本文转自:https://support.atlassian.com/jira-cloud-administration/docs/work-with-issue-workflows/ A Jira workflow is a set of statuses and transitions that an issue moves through during its lifecycle, and typically represents a process within your organiza

  • Linux 利用conda查看创建删除虚拟环境等基本命令2022-03-10 10:03:00

    参考链接:https://blog.csdn.net/Jeremy_lf/article/details/102864102 1、查看当前系统所有的conda环境 conda info -e or conda env list 2、查看安装了哪些包 conda list 3、查看cuda版本号 at /usr/local/cuda/version.txt 或者 nvcc -V 4、创建虚拟环境 conda creat

  • 多台WIN10之间的SSH免密登录2022-03-07 18:04:50

    网上有很多关于使用win10-ssh客户端登录linux-ssh服务端的介绍,但很少介绍多台win10-ssh服务端之间互访的。以下记录如何免密登录win10-ssh服务。 1、安装OpenSSH。 网上有很多介绍通过添加win10可选功能安装openssh,此处不赘述。如果通过添加可选功能出现安装失败,可以下载openssh自

  • 30天英语口语背诵材料:PASSAGE 11 Caring for the Five Senses2022-03-06 11:32:33

      Everyone has five senses. The five senses are sight, hearing, smell,taste and touch. We use different body parts for different senses. We need to take care of the parts of our bodies that let us use our senses.     For example, you use your eyes for s

  • 【六级单词】2022.3.52022-03-05 23:33:55

    witch -n -an evil witch glacier -n -mountain glaciers auction -n,v -be sold at auction pastime -n -a hobby or pastime visualize -adj -visualize your anger as a red cloud inside your body lyric -n,adj -write the lyrics relish -v -I just want to relish this

  • getent 查找特定信息2022-03-02 13:00:57

    getent命令帮助用户administrative databases中查找相关信息。administrative databases包括: passwd – can be used to confirm usernames, userids, home directories and full names of your users group – all the information about Unix groups known to your system se

  • Python| Anaconda的功能介绍和简单使用2022-03-01 19:03:31

    环境配置 系统:Windows11 我开始学Python是通过 官方包+Atom 进行的,但是随着学习的需要,我要对我的版本进行管理,所以就选择Anaconda来学习使用。 介绍 Anaconda,指的是一个开源的Python发行版本,其包含了conda、Python等180多个科学包及其依赖项。因为包含了大量的科学包,Anaconda 的下

  • 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第31期答案汇总2022-02-28 14:31:22

    进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第31期答案汇总   If you're one of the millions of Americans now trapped in home because of the COVID-19,it might feel like you're cooking more than you've ever cooked in your entire life. And maybe you' re planning to

  • 开放英语22022-02-28 11:58:51

    1、I feel that in the summer everyone is in a great mood, and very generous. 2、He has()?gone out. 3、It would be great to see you and catch up on all our news. 4、He used to play basketball every Sunday. 5、One of the family()on the bed. 6、--- Is there a ba

  • vSphere Capacity Report2022-02-27 12:05:19

    vSphere Capacity Report Published: September 29, 2015 Automation Purpose of the Script: If you are an admin who manages a vSphere environment then you are in the right place. How many times did you wish for a report that would give you a holistic view o

  • 使用VS Code编译Marlin固件2022-02-26 22:36:21

    参考:https://marlinfw.org/docs/basics/install_platformio_vscode.html 前言 在阅读本文之前,您应该已经阅读了使用 PlatformIO 安装 Marlin。   VSCode中的PlatformIO插件:PlatformIO将 VSCode 变成了一个完整的 IDE,用于编译和开发 Marlin。   1.安装 1.1安装VSCode 访问设置 V

  • 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第20期答案汇总2022-02-26 19:02:51

    进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第20期答案汇总   Sometimes the bad impression your co-workers may have formed has nothing to do with you. Ten years ago, I met a woman at a meeting. Today, we’re close friends. But, she said that she hadn’t liked me at fi

  • git 基本命令2022-02-24 12:34:47

    git config --global设置用户名和邮件 安装好git后,在命令行或终端中使用下面的命令可以设置git自己的名字和电子邮件。 git config --global user.name "your name" git config --global user.email "your email" fatal:unab to access报错 git config --global credential.h

  • 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第5期答案汇总2022-02-23 19:33:32

    进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第5期答案汇总   Your tour begins in Milan,Italy,and moves on to the pretty Italian Lake District and the attractive resort(胜地)of Stresa, your home for two nights.Collette Vacations has carefully chosen the Costa Victoria as y

  • 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第2期答案汇总2022-02-23 07:31:12

    进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第2期答案汇总   You can either travel or read, but either your body or soul must be on the way. The popular saying has inspired many people to read or go sightseeing. Traveling just like reading, is a refreshing journey fro

  • Human centered design and design thinking2022-02-22 19:03:20

    Human centered design and design thinking 文章目录 Human centered design and design thinkingBioWhy?When was graphical user interafce first developed?Pirates of Silicon ValleyPersonal computer being used in other domainsWhat they didHuman centered desig

  • (VASP报错)YOUR APPLICATION TERMINATED WITH THE EXIT STRING: Killed (signal 9)2022-02-22 13:02:14

    VASP提交后出现如下报错:   解决方法:   通过降低K点操作后可以正常计算 原因猜测:   较大的K点选取导致计算量激增,超过当前所用核数的计算能力承载范围,导致程序崩溃被终止   

  • docker(四) 共享应用程序2022-02-21 03:00:17

    1.要推送镜像,我们首先需要在 Docker Hub 上创建一个存储库 注册或登录Docker Hub 注册:https://www.docker.com/pricing?utm_source=docker&utm_medium=webreferral&utm_campaign=docs_driven_upgrade 登陆:https://hub.docker.com/ 2.对于 repo 名称,使用getting-started. 确保可见

  • 写邮件催稿(how to write an email to the editor inquiring the status of your submission)2022-02-20 18:04:00

    template 1 Dear Dr./ Mr./Ms. [Editor's Name], I have submitted my manuscript titled [insert manuscript title] to your journal on January 10, 2017 and the status has remained "Editor assigned" since then. Since it has been two months since m

  • 百度云语音合成 Python SDK2022-02-20 14:32:25

    pip install baidu-aip 安装好AipSpeech后就可以直接上代码了,很简单 from aip import AipSpeech """ 你的 APPID AK SK 在百度云控制台中可以获取,目前可以免费体验""" APP_ID = 'your ID' API_KEY = 'your KEY' SECRET_KEY = 'your SECRET_KEY' c

  • 【六级单词】2022.2.182022-02-18 14:00:44

    [alarm, alert] alarm n. 警报 alert adj. 警觉的 [conserve, reserve, preserve] conserve n. 保护,保养 reserve v. 预定,保留 preserve v. 维持(状态)n. 禁区,果酱 [dedicate, devote] v. 奉献 [cooperation, collaboration] n. 合作 collaboration 还有“通敌”的意思 [gen

  • 2022-2023年英语周报七年级第14期答案汇总2022-02-17 09:01:01

    进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报七年级第14期答案汇总   Successful employees turn stress into motivation. Have you ever noticed that you get the least amount of work done when you have the fewest deadlines? Too little stress can affect how  much you actually ge

  • Learn web development2022-02-17 02:31:53

    Learn web development Welcome to the MDN learning area. This set of articles aims to guide complete beginners to web development with all that they need to start coding websites. The aim of this area of MDN is not to take you from "beginner" to


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