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  • 文件.分隔符与FileSystem.getSeparator文件系统()与系统.getProperty(“文件.分隔符“)2021-12-26 20:05:48

    There seems to be three identical ways to get the platform-dependent "file separator" platform-independently: java.io.File.separator java.nio.file.FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator(); System.getProperty("file.separator") How do

  • 自监督-How to find your friendly neighborhood: Graph Attention Design with Self-Supervision2021-12-26 15:34:16

    动机 当图存在噪声的时候, 图注意力网络不总是有效的 贡献 提出了两种 GAT 的改进 并且结合边预测的节点作为自监督训练的任务进行训练 技术 符号 对于一个图 \(\mathcal{G}(V,E)\), \(N\) 是节点的数量, \(F^l\) 是第 \(l\) 层的特征, 图注意力层就是将一个特征集合 \(\math

  • 读django文档——nginx + uwsgi 部署django项目2021-12-26 13:58:20

    本例是在anaconda虚拟环境webenv下面建立的django项目,名字叫webdev。 激活虚拟环境,在该环境里面安装uwsgi。 conda activate webenv conda install uwsgi  在django项目webdev目录里创建 uwsgi.ini文件,编辑内容如下。如果遇到目录不存在,比如/var/log/uwsgi,那么自行创建一下。 [

  • LeetCode-18. 4Sum [C++]2021-12-25 15:06:14

    LeetCode-18. 4SumLevel up your coding skills and quickly land a job. This is the best place to expand your knowledge and get prepared for your next interview.https://leetcode.com/problems/4sum/ 题目描述 Given an array nums of n integers and an integer 

  • Stars in your window2021-12-23 23:36:33

    写在一切的一切之前 因为这个菜鸡把presentation理解成speech,所以有了这个稿,写的很垃圾,将就看一下 顺便跟老师解释一下,我用blog才不是为了留念,只是比较习惯用blog直接打代码弄格式,比如这种删除线 Shakspeare once said “Those whom God wishes to destroy,he first makes

  • Android 10 申请动态权限以后仍然无法读写文件的解决方案2021-12-23 11:05:33

    仍然以targetSdkVersion 为 29,但是可在AndroidManifest.xml中application标签添加 android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true",这样也可以,但是注意compileVersion也必须同时为 29 : android { compileSdkVersion 29 buildToolsVersion “29.0.3” defaultConfig { applicati

  • Git的配置(内含设置GitHub及Gitee的SSH密钥)2021-12-23 10:34:04

    输入 cd ~/.ssh查看电脑上是否已经存在SSH密钥 若显示无法找到该文件则要创建新的ssh key; 输入 ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@your_email.com"  执行这条命令会提示文件保存路径 然后会在 .ssh 目录生产两个文件 用记事本打开.ssh目录下的id_rsa.pub文件,复制里面的内

  • shell脚本2021-12-22 17:32:11

    docker启动ubuntu docker run -it --rm -v /Users/dongjie/crr/docker/shelltest:/zcw ubuntu:18.04 /bin/bash 变量 #!/bin/bash your_name="qinjx" echo $your_name echo ${your_name} 加花括号是为了帮助解释器识别变量的边界 屏幕打印内容作为变量值 echo $(ls /etc)

  • elastic7.16 install 0 - Configure security for the Elastic Stack2021-12-20 21:02:35

    文章目录 Security needs vary depending on whether you’re developing locally on your laptop or securing all communications in a production environment. Because security needs vary, the following scenarios provide options for configuring the Elastic S

  • idea如何连接github项目2021-12-17 04:01:16

    1、登录/注册github账号 2、安装git 3、打开git bash,输入ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@youremail.com" 后面的your_email@youremail.com改为在github上注册的邮箱,之后会要求确认路径和输入密码,默认的一路回车就行,成功的话会在~/下生成.ssh文件夹,进入文件夹,打开id_rsa.pub,复制

  • Practicing Mindfulness2021-12-16 23:59:22

    Matthew Sockolov, the founding teacher of One Mind Dharma, struggled with bipolar disorder and addiction throughout most of his adolescence. One day, his dad gave him a copy of “The Miracle of Mindfulness,” a simple introduction to mindfulness practice

  • [渝粤教育] 中国地质大学 大学英语(7) 复习题2021-12-16 12:30:01

    《大学英语(4)》 一、单项选择题 1.-How are things with you Bill?-_________________. A.Hello Sue B.I’m terribly busy these days C.Mind your own business D.See you later 2.The baby is hungry but there’s ______ milk in the bottle. A.little B.a little C.few D

  • Table View学习笔记—第一部分2021-12-15 18:31:20

    各位iOS开发大佬们好: 我是一名Swift+SwiftUI栈的iOS小白,目前还在上大三,最近准备实习,面试的过程中发现现在大公司很多还在用OC + UIKit的技术栈,OC我还在考虑要不要学,目前想先把UIKit学完,这是我在官网学习UIKit英文文档时摘录的本人认为的重点,如果你们也觉得对你们有用的话欢迎

  • 1081 检查密码 (15 分) (C语言)2021-12-15 16:34:07

    本题要求你帮助某网站的用户注册模块写一个密码合法性检查的小功能。该网站要求用户设置的密码必须由不少于6个字符组成,并且只能有英文字母、数字和小数点 .,还必须既有字母也有数字。 输入格式: 输入第一行给出一个正整数 N(≤ 100),随后 N 行,每行给出一个用户设置的密码,为不超过 80

  • OpenStreetMap buildings2021-12-15 14:31:33

    Buildings can be mapped in OpenStreetMap. Their shapes can be turned into 3D models for use in FlightGear scenery. Challenges There are "just" 64 million buildings in OSM[1], most cities in the world have no buildings at all or just a few. Only

  • Steve Jobs——Follow your heart and intuition, everything else is secondary.2021-12-12 23:02:59

    Extraverted iNtuition Thinking Judgment Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out

  • C:glibc:_ISOMAC 这个是什么意思?ISO macro,ISO定义的宏2021-12-12 22:02:14

    文章目录 解释 解释 /stdlib/isomac.c 这是一个精心设计的程序,用来检查系统头文件中的“非法宏定义”。 什么是非法的宏定义: 不是出自实现域内的,例如,没有以下划线开始的不是标准定义的宏。例外情况,就是以E开头的,可能是errno.h里的定义。例外情况,以_MAX 结尾,参考下面的 前

  • 科院美景(软件技术3212班)2021-12-11 18:59:36

    May the world continue to be alive may I still be me. 祝这个世界继续热闹祝我仍然是我。  Be brave no matter what your life is like to you. 无论生活对你如何,都要勇敢一些。    We will go ashore at last in the sunshine. 我们终将上岸,阳光万里。 May everythin

  • 62 Best Remote Jobs Websites to Find Great Remote Jobs in 20222021-12-11 15:35:24

    https://www.ryrob.com/remote-jobs-websites/ The Best General Remote Jobs (Websites) Writing and Editing Remote Jobs (Websites) Engineering Remote Jobs (Websites) Design and Creative Remote Jobs (Websites) Marketing Remote Jobs (Websites) Up & Coming

  • How to use IBEX2021-12-11 15:04:50

    sbatch #!/bin/bash #SBATCH –-job-name=myjobname #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --time=00:10:00 #SBATCH --mail-user=useremail@kaust.edu.sa #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL #SBATCH --error=JobName.%J.err #SBATCH --output=JobName.%J.out #SBATCH --partition=batch #SBA

  • summary for ip2021-12-10 17:02:21

    summary for ip time depending of the office it may take up to 2, 3 years to grant your patent it takes longer, if your patent is initially rejected cost hiring professionals patent office costlegal costs of filling for violation and infriengement

  • 动态规划一-博弈类2021-12-10 11:01:20

    292. Nim Game You are playing the following Nim Game with your friend: Initially, there is a heap of stones on the table. You and your friend will alternate taking turns, and you go first. On each turn, the person whose turn it is will remove 1 to 3 st

  • FCC Basic CSS2021-12-09 11:03:24

    1 Change the Color of Text Passed Now let's change the color of some of our text. We can do this by changing the style of your h2 element. The property that is responsible for the color of an element's text is the color style property. Here&#

  • Building a Car Hacking Development Workbench: Part 12021-12-08 17:05:26

    https://www.rapid7.com/blog/post/2017/07/11/building-a-car-hacking-development-workbench-part-1/ Introduction There is a vast body of knowledge hiding inside your car. Whether you are an auto enthusiast, developer, hobbyist, security researcher, or just c

  • P12第12讲、使用Padstack Editor制作贴片焊盘和通孔焊盘2021-12-06 16:30:21

    Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. It's the all-in-one workspace for you and your teamhttps://swamp-basket-b7c.notion.site/P12-12-Padstack-Editor-647e


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