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  • 22022-06-14 14:04:31

    Your body language is equally important, since it reveals a lot about your thoughts and attitudes. Make sure it clearly supports the message you want to deliver. A smile shows you are attentive to the issues being discussed, while looking away with your a

  • 计算 GWAS的 lambda GC2022-06-13 15:02:14

    You have conducted your genome-wide association study (GWAS) and have tested each genetic variant for an association with your trait of interest. Now it is time to investigate if there are any systematic biases that may be present in your association resu

  • 003 测试成功只是完整更改项目的本地仓库路径,不更改内容的情况下(特别是.git没有更改的情况下),是否依然可以成功上传到Github远程仓库?2022-06-13 02:00:55

    只是完整更改项目的本地仓库路径,不更改内容的情况下(特别是.git没有更改的情况下,),是否依然可以成功上传到Github远程仓库? 先上结论:可以! 1、改项目路径 原路径如下: E:\DownloadFiles\BaiduNetdiskDownload\AndroidStudy\00 PDF\AndroidProgramming3eMm 然后,不对做项目做任何额外的

  • 【TED演讲】为什么你应该知道你的同事得多少报酬?(中英字幕)2022-06-12 18:31:34

    【TED演讲】为什么你应该知道你的同事得多少报酬?(中英字幕) Why you should know how much your coworkers get paid | David Burkus   2016-10-11 可以从这个网站下载字幕 How much do you get paid? Don't answer that out loud. But put a number in your head. Now: How much

  • Git startups2022-06-11 00:04:23

    Branching Branches are a vital part of git and allow people to work on separate parts of the codebase and not interfere with one another, or risk breaking a product that is visible to the client. Breaking something on one branch does not have an impact on

  • Mysql授权用户 库名带横线的方法2022-06-10 19:38:23

    mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON g-xxx.* TO 'test'@'%';ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-iam.* TO 'g-d

  • 测试一下2022-06-09 20:36:51

    permalink: / title: "About me" excerpt: "About me" author_profile: true redirect_from: /about/ /about.html I am currently studying for my master's degree in School of Cyberspace Security, University of Chinese Academy of Scienc

  • ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your2022-06-09 17:00:46

    使用load命令导入数据时报错:ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '/tmp/ck.txt into table test1' at line 1 查看 secure_file_priv 对应的值: secure

  • pagehelper使用报错2022-06-04 23:34:44

    项目名:ssm_test 问题描述:使用pagehelper时,报错You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' 解决:xxxmapper.xml文件中的查询语句多写了一个分号,删除即可 原因:因为PageHelp

  • kvm2022-06-04 13:04:08

            1 install software   apt -y install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-daemon virtinst bridge-utils libosinfo-binapt -y install virt-manager qemu-systemapt -y install ovmf     2 enable iommu 2.1Config BIOS Intel Based: Enable "Intel VT

  • 创建telegram机器人教程2022-06-03 17:02:30

    首先建立一个bottg内搜索botfather,开启与之聊天框,然后输入 /newbot 机器人会反馈 Alright, a new bot. How are we going to call it? Please choose a name for your bot.  然后输入你想建立的机器人昵称 回车后你就要输入你需要建立的机器人名字,例如 example_bot 机器人名称必

  • 微信小程序:使用自定义中文字体的一种(非在线)方法2022-06-02 22:01:26

    Step1: Choose your font and download it as *.ttfStep2: Use 'Fontmin'(http://ecomfe.github.io/) to compress your fontStep3: Use (https://transfonter.org/) with 'Base64 encode on' to convert your compressed fontStep4: Download the conver

  • ubuntu proxy变量设置2022-06-01 10:04:03

      原文:https://www.serverlab.ca/tutorials/linux/administration-linux/how-to-configure-proxy-on-ubuntu-18-04/ ---------------------- Single User Temporary Proxy Settings You may not always want to force Internet traffic through a proxy.  Sometimes you need t

  • 英语邮件2022-05-29 14:36:04

    第一步: greeting 非常正式的情况下使用Dear ~  ,一般日常情况下使用 Hi~ 第二步:如果是回复某人的邮件 Thanks for your update. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for your information Thanks for your help. Thanks for your email. Thanks for your prompt replay. Thanks for yo

  • BUUCTF test_your_nc2022-05-24 10:32:09

    安装pwntools 在已安装python和pip后,直接 pip install pwntools 使用checksec,检测文件的保护机制 checksec在下载好pwntools后就有 发现test文件为64位,部分开启RELRO,开启了NX防护和PIE RELRO(ReLocation Read-Only)堆栈地址随机化:     RELRO会有Partial RELRO和FULL

  • 遗忘表达22022-05-22 06:31:54

    homebody, homegirl宅,宅男, inward 内向的,introverted 内向的  outgoing vend 自动买东西机器 low-key低调 footage镜头 curtain窗帘, blinds 百叶窗 luggage行李 baggage top bunk, bottom bunk 上下铺 patchy 不齐整 = neat, patch版本 retain = keep 什么什么that i would

  • 关于mysql 走过的坑2022-05-21 17:03:08

    有时候我们写SQL语句时出现报错1064 > 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`order_lis' at line 1  而当我们检查几次后缺发现语法没有问题,这是就要考虑是不是一

  • 转 MySQL 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax 错误解决办法2022-05-18 21:31:53

    MySQL 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax 错误解决办法 目录 一、报错信息 二、报错原因 三、解决办法   回到顶部 一、报错信息   1 2 错误代码: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MyS

  • python工程化项目Anaconda环境搭建2022-05-18 20:04:30

    Anaconda  Anaconda指的是一个开源的Python发行版本,其包含了conda、Python等180多个科学包及其依赖项。 因为包含了大量的科学包,Anaconda 的下载文件比较大(约 531 MB)   安装 Anaconda  anaconda官方链接:Anaconda | The World's Most Popular Data Science Platform 根据自己的

  • 80211bSDR LinkLayer-MATLAB-NAV-GUI2022-05-13 12:33:45

    from:https://github.com/80211bSDR/LinkLayer-MATLAB-NAV-GUI LinkLayer-MATLAB-NAV-GUI LinkLayer-MATLAB-NAV-GUI is an IEEE 802.11b Standard Compliant Link Layer (PHY and MAC layer) for MATLAB-based SDR. The code is highly modular and is entirely written in M

  • Jspreadsheet v4: The javascript spreadsheet2022-05-10 20:04:53

    Jspreadsheet v4: The javascript spreadsheet Jexcel has been renamed to Jspreadsheet. Jspreadsheet is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based online interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with other spreadsheet software.

  • 每日一句2022-05-10 12:31:06

    Week 4 2022.3.11 Fri 2022.3.12 Sat Week 5 2022.3.14 Mon 2022.3.15 Tue Tomorrow comes never. 切莫依赖明天。 2022.3.16 Wed All things come to those who wait. 苍天不负有心人。 2022.3.17 Thur Forever friend gets your through the hard times, the

  • DataX学习指南(四)-- 项目运行2022-05-09 15:00:24

      上篇文章介绍了源码的打包,这篇文章就主要介绍如何将程序运行起来,并实现数据的同步。   对于DataX程序运行,有两种方式,上文介绍的自定义插件开发并打包运行是比较复杂的一种;   而相对简单地一种方式就是直接将datax编译后的文件下载下来。DataX下载地址   下载后解压至本

  • git 基础使用2022-05-03 23:02:01

    git 基础使用 安装 window https://git-scm.com/download/win 配置 安装完 Git 之后,要做的第一件事就是设置你的用户名和邮件地址。 这一点很重要,因为每一个 Git 提交都会使用这些信息,它们会写入到你的每一次提交中,不可更改。 git config --global user.name "your name" git conf

  • Email Templates2022-05-02 02:32:51

    PS 该文用于记录在上学期间,和professor, tutor, supervisor, accommodation, postgraduate application等的一些常用邮件回复。 Application Status Situation: 主要是针对研究生申请过程中,梦想院校迟迟不发审核结果的情况,进行邮件催申请结果。 Words: 200-300 To: 申请专业


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