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2022-05-30 23:04:47  阅读:145  来源: 互联网

标签:box index 变换 image 离线 height width 随机 new


0 前言

1 数据增强的实现

1.1 贴背景

1.2 随机旋转

1.3 随机色调变换

1.4 随机透视变换

1.5 完整代码

2 总结


0 前言


那么什么是数据增强呢?Data Augmentation ,基于有限的数据生成更多等价(同样有效)的数据,丰富训练数据的分布,使通过训练集得到的模型泛化能力更强。

数据增强可以分为两类,离线增强和在线增强。离线增强 : 直接对数据集进行处理,数据的数目会变成增强因子乘以原数据集的数目,这种方法常常用于数据集很小的时候。在线增强 : 这种增强的方法用于,获得 batch 数据之后,然后对这个 batch 的数据进行增强,如旋转、平移、翻折等相应的变化,由于有些数据集不能接受线性级别的增长,这种方法长用于大的数据集,很多机器学习框架已经支持了这种数据增强方式,并且可以使用 GPU 优化计算。


视频讲解地址:【深度学习】【数据增强】【目标检测】带或不带标注框的图片离线增强的实现(贴背景、随机旋转、随机色调变换、随机透视变换)(附源码)_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili


1 数据增强的实现



1.1 贴背景


def add_background_randomly(image, background, box_list=[]):
    box_list = [(cls_type_0, rect_0), (cls_type_1, rect_1), ... , (cls_type_n, rect_n)]
    rect = [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
    left_top = (x0, y0), right_top = (x1, y1), right_bottom = (x2, y2), left_bottom = (x3, y3)
    img_height, img_width = image.shape[:2]
    bg_height, bg_width = background.shape[:2]
    # resize image smaller to background
    # the image accounts for at least two-thirds and not more than four-fifths
    min_size = min(bg_height, bg_width) // 3 * 2
    max_size = min(bg_height, bg_width) // 5 * 4
    new_size = random.randint(min_size, max_size)
    resize_multiple = round(new_size / max(img_height, img_width), 4)
    # image = image.resize((int(img_width * resize_multiple), int(img_height * resize_multiple)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    image = cv2.resize(image, (int(img_width * resize_multiple), int(img_height * resize_multiple)))
    img_height, img_width = image.shape[:2]
    # paste the image to the background
    # height_pos = random.randint((bg_height-img_height)//3, (bg_height-img_height)//3*2)
    # width_pos = random.randint((bg_width-img_width)//3, (bg_width-img_width)//3*2)
    height_pos = random.randint(0, (bg_height-img_height))
    width_pos = random.randint(0, (bg_width-img_width))
    background[height_pos:(height_pos+img_height), width_pos:(width_pos+img_width)] = image
    img_height, img_width = background.shape[:2]
    # calculate the boxes after adding background
    new_box_list = []
    for cls_type, rect in box_list:
        for coor_index in range(len(rect)//2):
            # resize
            rect[coor_index*2] = int(rect[coor_index*2] * resize_multiple)      # x
            rect[coor_index*2+1] = int(rect[coor_index*2+1] * resize_multiple)  # y
            # paste
            rect[coor_index*2] += width_pos                                     # x
            rect[coor_index*2+1] += height_pos                                  # y
            # limite
            rect[coor_index*2] = max(min(rect[coor_index*2], img_width), 0)     # x
            rect[coor_index*2+1] = max(min(rect[coor_index*2+1], img_height), 0)# y
        box = (cls_type, rect)
    image_with_boxes = [background, new_box_list]
    return image_with_boxes


1.2 随机旋转


def rotate_image(image, label_box_list=[], angle=90, color=(0, 0, 0), img_scale=1.0):
    rotate with angle, background filled with color, default black (0, 0, 0)
    label_box = (cls_type, box)
    box = [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
    # grab the rotation matrix (applying the negative of the angle to rotate clockwise), 
    # then grab the sine and cosine (i.e., the rotation components of the matrix)
    # if angle < 0, counterclockwise rotation; if angle > 0, clockwise rotation
    # 1.0 - scale, to adjust the size scale (image scaling parameter), recommended 0.75
    height_ori, width_ori = image.shape[:2]
    x_center_ori, y_center_ori = (width_ori // 2, height_ori // 2)
    rotation_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((x_center_ori, y_center_ori), angle, img_scale)
    cos = np.abs(rotation_matrix[0, 0])
    sin = np.abs(rotation_matrix[0, 1])
    # compute the new bounding dimensions of the image
    width_new = int((height_ori * sin) + (width_ori * cos))
    height_new = int((height_ori * cos) + (width_ori * sin))
    # adjust the rotation matrix to take into account translation
    rotation_matrix[0, 2] += (width_new / 2) - x_center_ori
    rotation_matrix[1, 2] += (height_new / 2) - y_center_ori
    # perform the actual rotation and return the image
    # borderValue - color to fill missing background, default black, customizable
    image_new = cv2.warpAffine(image, rotation_matrix, (width_new, height_new), borderValue=color)
    # each point coordinates
    angle = angle / 180 * math.pi
    box_rot_list = cal_rotate_box(label_box_list, angle, (x_center_ori, y_center_ori), (width_new//2, height_new//2))
    box_new_list = []
    for cls_type, box_rot in box_rot_list:
        for index in range(len(box_rot)//2):
            box_rot[index*2] = int(box_rot[index*2])
            box_rot[index*2] = max(min(box_rot[index*2], width_new), 0)
            box_rot[index*2+1] = int(box_rot[index*2+1])
            box_rot[index*2+1] = max(min(box_rot[index*2+1], height_new), 0)
        box_new_list.append((cls_type, box_rot))
    image_with_boxes = [image_new, box_new_list]
    return image_with_boxes
def cal_rotate_box(box_list, angle, ori_center, new_center):
    # box = [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
    # image_shape - [width, height]
    box_list_new = []
    for (cls_type, box) in box_list:
        box_new = []
        for index in range(len(box)//2):
            box_new.extend(cal_rotate_coordinate(box[index*2], box[index*2+1], angle, ori_center, new_center))
        label_box = (cls_type, box_new)
    return box_list_new
def cal_rotate_coordinate(x_ori, y_ori, angle, ori_center, new_center):
    # box = [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
    # image_shape - [width, height]
    x_0 = x_ori - ori_center[0]
    y_0 = ori_center[1] - y_ori
    x_new = x_0 * math.cos(angle) - y_0 * math.sin(angle) + new_center[0]
    y_new = new_center[1] - (y_0 * math.cos(angle) + x_0 * math.sin(angle))
    return (x_new, y_new)


1.3 随机色调变换


def hue_change(image):
    if np.random.rand() < 0.8: image = transforms.ColorJitter(brightness=0.5)(image)
    if np.random.rand() < 0.2: image = transforms.ColorJitter(contrast=0.2)(image)
    if np.random.rand() < 0.2: image = transforms.ColorJitter(saturation=0.2)(image)
    if np.random.rand() < 0.2: image = transforms.ColorJitter(hue=0.2)(image)
    return image


1.4 随机透视变换


 1 def perspective_tranform(image, perspective_rate=0.5, label_box_list=[]):
 2     # perspective transform
 3     img_height, img_width = image.shape[:2]
 4     # points_src = np.float32([[rect[0], rect[1]], [rect[2], rect[3]], [rect[4], rect[5]], [rect[6], rect[7]]])
 5     points_src = np.float32([[0, 0], [img_width-1, 0], [img_width-1, img_height-1], [0, img_height-1]])
 6     max_width = int(img_width * (1.0 + perspective_rate))
 7     max_height = int(img_height * (1.0 + perspective_rate))
 8     min_width = int(img_width * (1.0 - perspective_rate))
 9     min_height = int(img_height * (1.0 + perspective_rate))
10     delta_width = (max_width - min_width) // 2
11     delta_height = (max_height - min_height) // 2
12     x0 = random.randint(0, delta_width)
13     y0 = random.randint(0, delta_height)
14     x1 = random.randint(delta_width + min_width, max_width)
15     y1 = random.randint(0, delta_height)
16     x2 = random.randint(delta_width + min_width, max_width)
17     y2 = random.randint(delta_height + min_height, max_height)
18     x3 = random.randint(0, delta_width)
19     y3 = random.randint(delta_height + min_height, max_height)
20     points_dst = np.float32([[x0, y0], [x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]])
21     # width_new = max(x0, x1, x2, x3) - min(x0, x1, x2, x3)
22     # height_new = max(y0, y1, y2, y3) - min(y0, y1, y2, y3)
23     M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(points_src, points_dst)
24     image_res = cv2.warpPerspective(image, M, (max_width, max_height))
25     # cut
26     image_new = image_res[min(y0, y1):max(y2, y3), min(x0, x3):max(x1, x2)]
28     # labels
29     box_new_list = []
30     for cls_type, box in label_box_list:
31         # after transformation
32         for index in range(len(box)//2):
33             px = (M[0][0]*box[index*2] + M[0][1]*box[index*2+1] + M[0][2]) / ((M[2][0]*box[index*2] + M[2][1]*box[index*2+1] + M[2][2]))
34             py = (M[1][0]*box[index*2] + M[1][1]*box[index*2+1] + M[1][2]) / ((M[2][0]*box[index*2] + M[2][1]*box[index*2+1] + M[2][2]))
35             box[index*2] = int(px)
36             box[index*2+1] = int(py)
37             # cut
38             box[index*2] -= min(x0, x3)
39             box[index*2+1] -= min(y0, y1)
40             box[index*2] = max(min(box[index*2], image_new.shape[1]), 0)
41             box[index*2+1] = max(min(box[index*2+1], image_new.shape[0]), 0)
42         box_new_list.append((cls_type, box))
44     image_with_boxes = [image_new, box_new_list]
46     return image_with_boxes



1.5 完整代码

import os
import random
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from tqdm import tqdm
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import shutil
def add_background_randomly(image, background, box_list=[]):
    box_list = [(cls_type_0, rect_0), (cls_type_1, rect_1), ... , (cls_type_n, rect_n)]
    rect = [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
    left_top = (x0, y0), right_top = (x1, y1), right_bottom = (x2, y2), left_bottom = (x3, y3)
    img_height, img_width = image.shape[:2]
    bg_height, bg_width = background.shape[:2]
    # resize image smaller to background
    # the image accounts for at least two-thirds and not more than four-fifths
    min_size = min(bg_height, bg_width) // 3 * 2
    max_size = min(bg_height, bg_width) // 5 * 4
    new_size = random.randint(min_size, max_size)
    resize_multiple = round(new_size / max(img_height, img_width), 4)
    # image = image.resize((int(img_width * resize_multiple), int(img_height * resize_multiple)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    image = cv2.resize(image, (int(img_width * resize_multiple), int(img_height * resize_multiple)))
    img_height, img_width = image.shape[:2]
    # paste the image to the background
    # height_pos = random.randint((bg_height-img_height)//3, (bg_height-img_height)//3*2)
    # width_pos = random.randint((bg_width-img_width)//3, (bg_width-img_width)//3*2)
    height_pos = random.randint(0, (bg_height-img_height))
    width_pos = random.randint(0, (bg_width-img_width))
    background[height_pos:(height_pos+img_height), width_pos:(width_pos+img_width)] = image
    img_height, img_width = background.shape[:2]
    # calculate the boxes after adding background
    new_box_list = []
    for cls_type, rect in box_list:
        for coor_index in range(len(rect)//2):
            # resize
            rect[coor_index*2] = int(rect[coor_index*2] * resize_multiple)      # x
            rect[coor_index*2+1] = int(rect[coor_index*2+1] * resize_multiple)  # y
            # paste
            rect[coor_index*2] += width_pos                                     # x
            rect[coor_index*2+1] += height_pos                                  # y
            # limite
            rect[coor_index*2] = max(min(rect[coor_index*2], img_width), 0)     # x
            rect[coor_index*2+1] = max(min(rect[coor_index*2+1], img_height), 0)# y
        box = (cls_type, rect)
    image_with_boxes = [background, new_box_list]
    return image_with_boxes
def rotate_image(image, label_box_list=[], angle=90, color=(0, 0, 0), img_scale=1.0):
    rotate with angle, background filled with color, default black (0, 0, 0)
    label_box = (cls_type, box)
    box = [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
    # grab the rotation matrix (applying the negative of the angle to rotate clockwise), 
    # then grab the sine and cosine (i.e., the rotation components of the matrix)
    # if angle < 0, counterclockwise rotation; if angle > 0, clockwise rotation
    # 1.0 - scale, to adjust the size scale (image scaling parameter), recommended 0.75
    height_ori, width_ori = image.shape[:2]
    x_center_ori, y_center_ori = (width_ori // 2, height_ori // 2)
    rotation_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((x_center_ori, y_center_ori), angle, img_scale)
    cos = np.abs(rotation_matrix[0, 0])
    sin = np.abs(rotation_matrix[0, 1])
    # compute the new bounding dimensions of the image
    width_new = int((height_ori * sin) + (width_ori * cos))
    height_new = int((height_ori * cos) + (width_ori * sin))
    # adjust the rotation matrix to take into account translation
    rotation_matrix[0, 2] += (width_new / 2) - x_center_ori
    rotation_matrix[1, 2] += (height_new / 2) - y_center_ori
    # perform the actual rotation and return the image
    # borderValue - color to fill missing background, default black, customizable
    image_new = cv2.warpAffine(image, rotation_matrix, (width_new, height_new), borderValue=color)
    # each point coordinates
    angle = angle / 180 * math.pi
    box_rot_list = cal_rotate_box(label_box_list, angle, (x_center_ori, y_center_ori), (width_new//2, height_new//2))
    box_new_list = []
    for cls_type, box_rot in box_rot_list:
        for index in range(len(box_rot)//2):
            box_rot[index*2] = int(box_rot[index*2])
            box_rot[index*2] = max(min(box_rot[index*2], width_new), 0)
            box_rot[index*2+1] = int(box_rot[index*2+1])
            box_rot[index*2+1] = max(min(box_rot[index*2+1], height_new), 0)
        box_new_list.append((cls_type, box_rot))
    image_with_boxes = [image_new, box_new_list]
    return image_with_boxes
def cal_rotate_box(box_list, angle, ori_center, new_center):
    # box = [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
    # image_shape - [width, height]
    box_list_new = []
    for (cls_type, box) in box_list:
        box_new = []
        for index in range(len(box)//2):
            box_new.extend(cal_rotate_coordinate(box[index*2], box[index*2+1], angle, ori_center, new_center))
        label_box = (cls_type, box_new)
    return box_list_new
def cal_rotate_coordinate(x_ori, y_ori, angle, ori_center, new_center):
    # box = [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
    # image_shape - [width, height]
    x_0 = x_ori - ori_center[0]
    y_0 = ori_center[1] - y_ori
    x_new = x_0 * math.cos(angle) - y_0 * math.sin(angle) + new_center[0]
    y_new = new_center[1] - (y_0 * math.cos(angle) + x_0 * math.sin(angle))
    return (x_new, y_new)
def hue_change(image):
    if np.random.rand() < 0.8: image = transforms.ColorJitter(brightness=0.5)(image)
    if np.random.rand() < 0.2: image = transforms.ColorJitter(contrast=0.2)(image)
    if np.random.rand() < 0.2: image = transforms.ColorJitter(saturation=0.2)(image)
    if np.random.rand() < 0.2: image = transforms.ColorJitter(hue=0.2)(image)
    return image
def perspective_tranform(image, perspective_rate=0.5, label_box_list=[]):
    # perspective transform
    img_height, img_width = image.shape[:2]
    # points_src = np.float32([[rect[0], rect[1]], [rect[2], rect[3]], [rect[4], rect[5]], [rect[6], rect[7]]])
    points_src = np.float32([[0, 0], [img_width-1, 0], [img_width-1, img_height-1], [0, img_height-1]])
    max_width = int(img_width * (1.0 + perspective_rate))
    max_height = int(img_height * (1.0 + perspective_rate))
    min_width = int(img_width * (1.0 - perspective_rate))
    min_height = int(img_height * (1.0 + perspective_rate))
    delta_width = (max_width - min_width) // 2
    delta_height = (max_height - min_height) // 2
    x0 = random.randint(0, delta_width)
    y0 = random.randint(0, delta_height)
    x1 = random.randint(delta_width + min_width, max_width)
    y1 = random.randint(0, delta_height)
    x2 = random.randint(delta_width + min_width, max_width)
    y2 = random.randint(delta_height + min_height, max_height)
    x3 = random.randint(0, delta_width)
    y3 = random.randint(delta_height + min_height, max_height)
    points_dst = np.float32([[x0, y0], [x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]])
    # width_new = max(x0, x1, x2, x3) - min(x0, x1, x2, x3)
    # height_new = max(y0, y1, y2, y3) - min(y0, y1, y2, y3)
    M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(points_src, points_dst)
    image_res = cv2.warpPerspective(image, M, (max_width, max_height))
    # cut
    image_new = image_res[min(y0, y1):max(y2, y3), min(x0, x3):max(x1, x2)]
    # labels
    box_new_list = []
    for cls_type, box in label_box_list:
        # after transformation
        for index in range(len(box)//2):
            px = (M[0][0]*box[index*2] + M[0][1]*box[index*2+1] + M[0][2]) / ((M[2][0]*box[index*2] + M[2][1]*box[index*2+1] + M[2][2]))
            py = (M[1][0]*box[index*2] + M[1][1]*box[index*2+1] + M[1][2]) / ((M[2][0]*box[index*2] + M[2][1]*box[index*2+1] + M[2][2]))
            box[index*2] = int(px)
            box[index*2+1] = int(py)
            # cut
            box[index*2] -= min(x0, x3)
            box[index*2+1] -= min(y0, y1)
            box[index*2] = max(min(box[index*2], image_new.shape[1]), 0)
            box[index*2+1] = max(min(box[index*2+1], image_new.shape[0]), 0)
        box_new_list.append((cls_type, box))
    image_with_boxes = [image_new, box_new_list]
    return image_with_boxes
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # test
    img_test_path = os.path.join(test_path, file_name)
    points = np.array([[rect[0],rect[1]], [rect[2],rect[3]], [rect[4],rect[5]], [rect[6],rect[7]]], np.int32)
    image_rect = cv2.polylines(image_res, pts=[points], isClosed=True, color=(0,0,255), thickness=3)
    cv2.imwrite(img_test_path, image_res)
    # print("")


2 总结





来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/chentiao/p/16328665.html

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