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  • 概率论与数理统计知识点(二) 离散型随机变量及其分布2020-06-22 10:38:24

    1. 随机变量 设随机试验的样本空间为S={e}. X=X(e) 是定义在样本空间S上的实值单值函数。称X=X(e)为随机变量 2. 离散型随机变量 定义: 全部可能取到的值为有限个或可列无限多个,这种随机变量称为离散型随机变量 骰子的点数,打靶环数,某城市120急救电话一昼夜收到的呼叫次

  • 金山打字通 右手练习2020-02-02 14:40:30

    随机资源   m']j'lpy]n'.k[kmk,uyoi/oj][/,m.y.y[j'hkp.[nu[nuk.lm/l[uk.ukjj./iylj/jj/o/[]/p[unomyly/]/'liunh.l,p['o.;pipon.p''/li[.uuili'i''uj'l,]u]]lumk[;.[[m'kn.p/]n][,y.i'jmp'nuhon/;n/

  • is there a way to find the list of slab aliases for a given kmem_cache2019-08-18 13:39:10

    Introduction The kmem subsystem in RHEL7 has changed to include cache aliases, which can be confusing. This article covers a bit of the internals of the slab aliases and which should give some pointers to faster crash analysis as well as some areas for f

  • Openwrt开发之mt7688pinctrl设置小知识2019-06-20 19:02:35

    state_default: pinctrl0 { gpio { ralink,group = "gpio"; //gpio11 ralink,function = "gpio"; }; perst { ralink,group = "perst"; //gpio36 ralink,function = "gpio";

  • Luogu P2522 [HAOI2011]Problem b 莫比乌斯反演2019-06-09 11:50:32

    设$f(d)=\sum_{i=1}^N\sum_{j=1}^M[gcd(i,j)==d],\\F(n)=\sum_{n|d}f(d)=\lfloor \frac{N}{n} \rfloor \lfloor \frac{M}{n} \rfloor$ 则$f(n)$ $=\sum_{n|d}\mu(\frac{n}{d})F(d)$ $=\sum_{n|d}\mu(\frac{n}{d})\lfloor \frac{N}{d} \rfloor \lfloor \fr


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