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  • 算法第二章上机实践报告2021-10-05 17:00:40

    1,实践报告名称 7-1 maximum number in a unimodal array  2,问题描述 You are a given a unimodal array of n distinct elements, meaning that its entries are in increasing order up until its maximum element, after which its elements are in decreasing order. Give an

  • 算法第2章实践报告2021-09-27 19:01:53

    一、题目:7-1 maximum number in a unimodal array (40 分) ou are a given a unimodal array of n distinct elements, meaning that its entries are in increasing order up until its maximum element, after which its elements are in decreasing order. Give an algorithm t

  • The 2021 ICPC Asia Regionals Online Contest (I)补题2021-09-22 20:36:02

    I Neiborhood Search 题意:签到题 思路:主要是学习stringstream,记得加头文件sstream 注:当时以为这个题会卡A的范围,就开始找大数,因为最开始就是类似这样写的,没有用stringstream,只是普通的读入,后来才发现就是多空格的问题,但是比赛的时候一直以为是卡int和long long,也是够了,后来还是队

  • python基本语法2021-09-14 12:03:08

    python基本语法 基本语法 python语法严格区分大小写 python每一行都是一条语句,以换行结束 每一行语句长度不要过长,可以通过''换行 python是缩进严格控制的 使用'#'进行注释 # 输出打印 print('hello world!') # 代码过长使用 \换行 print('Although it was signed into law just

  • rust thread '<main>' has overflowed its stack in Rust2021-09-10 16:33:28

    在子线程中,写成这样就不提示溢出了 use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; fn main() { thread::Builder::new().stack_size(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024).spawn(spawn_function).unwrap(); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5000)); } fn sp

  • PAT (Advanced Level) Practice 1101 Quick Sort (25 分) 凌宸16422021-08-21 04:00:49

    PAT (Advanced Level) Practice 1101 Quick Sort (25 分) 凌宸1642 题目描述: There is a classical process named partition in the famous quick sort algorithm. In this process we typically choose one element as the pivot. Then the elements less than the pivot are

  • UIView controller 大小初始化2021-07-13 18:02:47

    1 view contoller的初始化 initWithFrame:  self.view.bounds   or self.view.frame  or   CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100) bound和frame是两个结构体变量: struct CGRect { CGPoint origin; CGSize size; }; typedef struct CG_BOXABLE CGRect CGRect;//----------

  • 有用的英语词组呀2021-07-11 10:32:43

    bring sth to its knees 使得…屈服、瘫痪、罢工 The strikes brought the industry to its knees.罢工使得这个行业陷入瘫痪。 The stories were of a dullness to bring a buffalo to its knees.故事比较乏味,讲得是驯服一头水牛。 The cost of the war had beaten the dingdom t

  • CF 613D - Kindom and its Cities-虚树2021-07-10 13:58:09

    https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/613/D 题目大意:有n个点,每次询问要最少移除多少个点使得关键点分隔 思路:首先,如果关键点是相连的话,那么一定是不行的。 然后因为询问的总节点数不多,可以使用虚数。 我们按照关键节点建立虚数后进行树形dp; 在虚数中, 如果u是关键节点,那么

  • Cypress web自动化9-聚焦元素focused,截图screenshot使用2021-06-03 15:52:16

    前言 在页面上点击输入框时,可以用 cy.focused() 判断当前元素是不是聚焦元素。 屏幕截图,这是web自动化经常用到的功能,可以用cy.screenshot()实现 .end() 结束命令链 // cy.end is useful when you want to end a chain of commands // and force Cypress to re-query from the ro

  • What is Domain-Driven Design笔记:C1.Analyzing Business Domains2021-05-29 10:00:17

    In this chapter, you will learn about domain-driven design’s concepts for analyzing a company’s business: the business domain; core, supporting, and generic subdomains; and domain experts. 在这一节,你将学习通过DDD从公司商业角度进行分析的概念: 商业域、核

  • Vue Comparison with Other Frameworks2021-05-20 11:33:44

    Comparison with Other Frameworks Knockout Knockout was a pioneer in the MVVM and dependency tracking spaces and its reactivity system is very similar to Vue’s. Its browser support is also very impressive considering everything it does, with support back t

  • DHCP2021-05-18 13:04:20

    DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol): An application-layer client-server protocol for allowing a device to automatically obtain an IP address. DHCP also allows a host to learn additional information, e.g. its subnet mask; the address of its first-ho

  • “Unable to register this add-in because its DllRegisterServer returns an error”的解决办法2021-05-12 13:01:47

    在vc++6.0安装插件的时候经常会提示“Unable to register this add-in because its DllRegisterServer returns an error”,解决办法如下: 通过设置MSDEV.exe文件,右键–>“属性”–>“兼容性”–>“以管理员身份运行该程序” 就可解决问题。 MSDEV.exe路径如下:C:\Program Files

  • At present, the main retained version of iQOO Neo32021-04-15 12:32:28

    At present, the main retained version of iQOO Neo3 is the high-end version of 12GB+128GB. The original price of this version is 3298 yuan. In April last year, as a 5G flagship equipped with the Snapdragon 865 processor, it was set at this price. High, and

  • Proxool连接池遇到Created a new connection but it failed its test2021-04-10 19:32:46

    Proxool 是完全可以和C3P0相媲美的,至于有些人说性能高于C3P0我至少没有做过系统的TEST,但是根据在项目中的表现来说 Proxool相当的不错,而从其后台查询界面以及可以在JavaBean中来使用这两点就足以够贴心了的。 但是无奈的是Proxool的资料很少,所以网上很多的伪技术们疯狂的转贴,但是

  • Proxool连接池遇到Created a new connection but it failed its test2021-04-09 19:33:38

    Proxool 是完全可以和C3P0相媲美的,至于有些人说性能高于C3P0我至少没有做过系统的TEST,但是根据在项目中的表现来说 Proxool相当的不错,而从其后台查询界面以及可以在JavaBean中来使用这两点就足以够贴心了的。 但是无奈的是Proxool的资料很少,所以网上很多的伪技术们疯狂的转贴,但是

  • c语言:找1000中的“完数”2021-03-22 23:33:15

    题目概述: 一个数如果恰好等于它的因字之和就是“完数” 编程: #include<stdio.h> int main() { int m,s,i; for(m=2;m<1000;m++) { s=0; for(i=1;i<m;i++) if((m%i)0) s=s+i; if(sm) { printf("%d,its factors are",m); for(i=1;i<m;i++) if(m%i==0) printf("%d",i);

  • Protect against security threats on Azure2021-03-19 21:32:37

    Introduction   In this module, you'll learn about some of the security tools that can help keep your infrastructure and data safe when you work in the cloud. Security is a small word for a significant concept. There are so many factors to consider in

  • 2021年佳木斯市中考录取分数线(佳木斯)2021-03-13 22:02:53

    2021年佳木斯市中考录取分数线,将于7月中下旬公布!请考生家长注意收藏  进入查看:2021年佳木斯市中考录取分数线 Are you interested in hi­tech products? Here are some that you might find at the market pretty soon. CX­1 Tired of dragging your bag through busy airport

  • 2021年河池市中考录取分数线(河池)2021-03-13 15:35:07

    2021年河池市中考录取分数线,将于7月中下旬公布!请考生家长注意收藏  进入查看:2021年河池市中考录取分数线 What does the Educational App Store intend to do here? A.Inspire language learners. B.Show its high technology. C.Compare ways of learning. D.Promote its latest pr

  • Decentralized Storage and Publication with IPFS and Swarm2021-03-12 15:33:29

    https://www.sitepoint.com/ipfs-swarm-decentralized-content-publication-storage/ In this article, we outline two of the most prominent solutions for decentralized content publication and storage. These two solutions are IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) a

  • 1101 Quick Sort (25 分)2021-03-06 18:34:05

    There is a classical process named partition in the famous quick sort algorithm. In this process we typically choose one element as the pivot. Then the elements less than the pivot are moved to its left and those larger than the pivot to its right. Gi

  • 剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY162021-02-28 15:35:01

    Some people think that machine translation is highly developed in today's society. Therefore it is not necessary for children to learn a foreign language. What's your opinion?   It will be goog news for school children when they are told that fo

  • PAT A1101 Quick Sort (25 分)/B 1045 快速排序 (25 分)2021-02-14 18:02:11

    PAT A1101 Quick Sort (25 分)/B 1045 快速排序 (25 分) There is a classical process named partition in the famous quick sort algorithm. In this process we typically choose one element as the pivot. Then the elements less than the pivot are moved to its lef


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