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  • Your Ride Is Here 你的飞碟在这儿 USACO 模拟2019-07-30 12:50:28

    1001: 1.1.1 Your Ride Is Here 你的飞碟在这儿 时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB 提交: 9  解决: 9[提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:外部导入] 题目描述    1.1.1 Your Ride Is Here 你的飞碟在这儿 (ride.pas/c/pp)    众所周知,在每一个彗星后都有一只UFO。这

  • Deleting C# Unsafe Pointers [closed]2019-07-29 18:35:28

    Deleting C# Unsafe Pointers [closed] It depends. You use free and delete to free memory allocated with malloc and new. but in general if you do a PInvoke call, then the pointer should be a IntPtr. if you use fixed (or GCHandle) to obtain a point

  • Game-Based Learning Is Changing How We Teach. Here's Why.2019-07-29 14:03:44

    https://www.edsurge.com/news/2019-02-04-game-based-learning-is-changing-how-we-teach-here-s-why This article is part of the guide Game-Based Learning: Preparing Students for The Future. Dan White, the co-founder and CEO of Filament Games, an educati

  • Walkthrough: Capturing the GUID Values of Records Selected in a Grid (CRM 2011 Edition)2019-07-27 23:43:15

    原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/Republic/archive/2011/08/25/2153663.html You might remember this one from the SDK for CRM 4.0. Doing the same steps as described here won’t get you there for CRM 2011. It seems the dialogArguments no lo

  • jquery三种写法2019-07-11 14:42:27

    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> 2 <script> 3 // 第一种写法 4 $(function(){ 5 $("div").html(""); 6 // add your code h

  • jsp脚本和注释2019-07-07 12:53:11

    jsp技术(可以嵌套java代码,也擅长写HTML代码)! jsp本质其实就是一个servlet类 jsp脚本 <%j ava代码 %>  1)----- 内部的java代码翻译到service方法的内部 <%=java变量或表达式%> ----- 会被翻译成service方法内部out.print() <%!java代码%> ---- 会被翻译成servlet的成员的内容 jsp注释

  • 开源项目到github2019-06-29 14:51:52

    将自己的项目放到github 最近做了一个小项目,学着将代码及其它文件托管到github。 第一步 注册github,下载并安装git 第二步 在github主页上create a new repository 第三步 在自己的项目文件夹下右键,打开git bash here (如果已安装git), 依次使用指令: git init git add .

  • Oracle中merge into的使用2019-06-26 19:02:46

    操作数据库的时候,有时候会遇到insertOrUpdate这种需求。 如果数据库中存在数据就update,如果不存在就insert。 以前的时候,需要额外select查询一下,如果有数据就update,如果没有数据就insert。 而现在Orcale数据库都提供了 MERGE 方法来处理这种需求。 MERGE 命令使用一条语句从一个或

  • Docker - get started2019-06-23 08:48:15

    ref: https://docs.docker.com/machine/get-started/     [Narrator] To get started with MongoDB, we first have to use Docker to download and run a container for it. Make sure that your Docker daemon is running. You can do that by simply clicking he

  • JSP2019-06-14 15:53:04

    JSP         <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/htm

  • FocusVisualStyle2019-06-11 09:47:51

     <Style x:Key="MyFocusVisual">      <Setter Property="Control.Template">        <Setter.Value>          <ControlTemplate>            <Rectangle Margin="-2" StrokeThickness="1" Stroke="

  • HTML5 canvas 在线涂鸦2019-06-07 19:00:51

    插件地址 http://bencentra.github.io/jq-signature/ 采用技术 jq-signature.min.js Developed using jQuery 2.1.4. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Insert title here</title> <script src="

  • SIP协议出现488 Not acceptable here2019-06-05 13:54:59

    错误报文如下: SIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK3c832484e202e1e6c7d6cfd4e60f8;received=;rport=20000 From: "WinSIP 1" <sip:6008@>;tag=97b7-ea09-7660-ac89 T

  • org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:Element "class" does not allow "propert" here.2019-06-03 13:51:39

    检查了一下,发现自己在.java文件和hibernate中class的name不一致导致的。 hbm.xml: <class name = "ParticleInfo">      <cache usage = "read-write"/>      <id name="id">         <generator class="sequence">            &l

  • Linux Shell Here Document2019-06-02 10:44:25

    Here Document 是一种有特殊用处的代码块,他使用IO重定向的形式记录了一段临时的文本或交互命令,并且把这些文本或命令 依次的传递给一个程序或一个命令,作为他运行时的标准输入。 Here document的语法格式为 void@void-ThinkPad-E450:~/linuxShellArg$ command << delimiter> docume

  • request转发地址不变,response重定向地址改变2019-05-30 14:44:14

    1.主页面,index.jsp <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loos

  • MERGE INTO:存在就更新不存在就新增2019-05-28 15:55:15

    MERGE INTO [your table-name] [rename your table here]USING ( [write your query here] )[rename your query-sql and using just like a table]ON ([conditional expression here] AND [...]...)WHEN MATCHED THEN [here you can execute some update sql or something el

  • 2018-8-10神经网络优化问题的学习2019-05-23 09:43:38

    2018-8-10神经网络优化问题的学习梁子20163933 optimzation random search 这是一种很坏的方法,这里就不进行介绍。略过。 gradient (偏导组成的向量) negative gradient is the direction of the deepest descent direction. 梯度方向的反方向就是下降最快的方向。 梯度是

  • Multi-Projector Based Display Code ---- Download2019-04-29 15:41:01

    The code providing are for your reference. Please download the code according to your hareware configuration. The binary codes should be able to run on your system smoothly if correlty configured. You are free to modify the source codes if the binary d

  • (18)What a planet needs to sustain life2019-04-22 12:39:30

    https://www.ted.com/talks/dave_brain_what_a_planet_needs_to_sustain_life/transcript 00:12I'm really glad to be here. I'm glad you're here, because that would be a little weird. I'm glad we're all here. And by "here," I d

  • 2-jsp简介2019-04-17 17:42:54

    一。什么是jsp:1.只能运行在服务器中2.可以将java代码嵌入html页面中的技术 补充:在eclipse中修改jsp的创建模板  window--preference--web--jsp file--editors--templates--new jsp file(html)--editor B/S的开发模式:浏览器/服务器 二。语法:1.指令:   <%@ page %>:是指明当前网页

  • Matrix Factorization, Algorithms, Applications, and Avaliable packages2019-04-09 21:50:45

    来源:http://www.cvchina.info/2011/09/05/matrix-factorization-jungle/美帝的有心人士收集了市面上的矩阵分解的差点儿全部算法和应用。因为源地址在某神奇物质之外。特转载过来,源地址Matrix Decompositions has a long history and generally centers around a set of known

  • fashion datasets图像检索实践project2019-03-14 19:41:13

    Using Siamese Networks and Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for Fashion Similarity Matching Resources Code for the project is available here. Deep Fashion dataset is available here. Data Science Virtual Machine documentation. Visual Stud

  • 添加“Git Bash Here”到右键菜单2019-03-05 11:44:40

    1.按键盘上的组合键【Win+R】把运行调出来 2.在运行中输入【regedit】再点击确定。 3.定位到HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell(如果Background下面没有shell目录,就自己新建一个) 4.右键点击shell,选择新建,然后选择项,命名为 Git Bash Here,成功后进入桌面右键发现多了 Git

  • 第一次使用Git Bash Here 将本地代码上传到码云2019-02-24 19:51:37

    当我们安装成功git工具时候,初次使用Git时,需要Git进行配置。 1.点击桌面上的这个图标,打开Git Bash:如图所示 2.配置自己的用户名和邮箱 git config --global user.name "你的名字或昵称" git config --global user.email "你的邮箱"   3.生成并部署SSH key公钥 ssh-keygen -t rsa


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