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  • NumPy矩阵的旋转2022-06-15 19:00:08


  • LeetCode 0048 Rotate Image2022-03-29 08:35:34

    原题传送门 1. 题目描述 2. Solution 1、思路分析 1> Rotation of point through 90° about the origin in clockwise direction when point M (x, y) is rotated about the origin O through 90° in clockwise direction. The new position of point M (x, y) will become M’

  • C - Clockwise or Counterclockwise2020-08-17 22:02:40

    https://vjudge.net/contest/389195#problem/C It is preferrable to read the pdf statment.After some basic geometric lessons, Cuber QQ has learned that one can draw one and only one circle across three given distinct points, on a 2D plane. Specialized in art

  • codeforces-------Circle of Students2019-08-14 11:38:27

    题目描述 There are n students standing in a circle in some order. The index of the i-th student is pi. It is guaranteed that all indices of students are distinct integers from 1 to n (i. e. they form a permutation). Students want to start a round danc

  • UVA1332019-02-17 21:04:26

    这是一道很好的练习链表的题目 先给出我写的代码 #include<cstdio> using namespace std; const int maxn = 20+3; struct person { int index; person *clockwise; person *con_clockwise; }Node[maxn]; person *off, *off_con;//删除了第一个节点怎么办 int N,k,m;


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