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  • Exploiting DRAM Restore Time Variations in Deep Sub-micron Scaling2021-09-30 20:02:51

    restore time - the time required to fully charge the storage capacitor划分内存组为块,并将每个块的时间参数的不同暴露给内存控制器,通过重新组织物理块为逻辑块,可以创造出更多的快速块并减少缓慢块的数量tWR-write recovery time芯片成品率和tWR tWR和DRAM芯片的性能

  • 【论文】Know Your Surroundings: Exploiting Scene Information for Object Tracking -20202020-12-23 21:02:55

     Abstract 目前最先进的跟踪器只依赖于目标外观模型来定位每个帧中的对象。然而,在出现例如快速的外观变化或存在干扰器对象的情况下,这种方法很容易失败,因为仅有目标外观模型不足以进行鲁棒跟踪。 在这种情况下,了解周围场景中其他物体的存在和位置是非常有益的。 这些场景信息

  • Exploiting Choice: Instruction Fetch and Issue on an Implementable Simultaneous Multithreading Proce2020-11-01 15:02:48

    Time 2020.11.1 Summary Research Objective Problem Statement Method(s) Evaluation Conclusion This paper presents a simultaneous multithreading architecture that: ● borrows heavily from conventional superscalar design, requiring little additional hardware s


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