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Operation System Concepts Ch.4 Thread

2021-04-25 19:34:20  阅读:172  来源: 互联网

标签:kernel thread System number threads user Ch.4 Operation Why


Process creation is heavy-weight while thread creation is light-weight

can simplify code, increase efficiency

Benefits: responsiveness, sharing, economy, scalability

multicore, multiprocessor, parallelism, concurrency

Data parallelism: same data distributed across multicores, same operation on each

Task parallelism: each thread performing unique operation on different cores

Amdahl's Law

Multithreading Models


User threads: management by user-level threads library

Kernel threads: support by kernel

Kernel have a thread table for kernel threads, while Process have own thread table for user threads

Why user thread? no kernel intervention, efficient

Why not user thread? one blocked, all blocked

Why kernel thread? can on different processors

Why not kernel thread? slow


Many-to-One (one block all block, can not parallel, few now)

One-to-One (more concurrency, number restricted)

Many-to-Many (sufficient)

Two-Level (allow 1:1 and M:M)

M:M for server, 1:1 for PC

Thread Libraries

Library: user space or kernel-level

Pthreads: either as user-level or kernel level, a specification not implementation

Implicit Threading

creation and management of threads done by compilers

thread pools: create a number of threads in a pool where they await work (faster, large number)

Threading Issues

fork() and exec()

two version of fork(): copy all threads or copy one thread

exec() replace all thread

if exec() immediately after fork() then copy all is unnecessary


async: immediately

deferred: allow target thread to periodically check if cancelled

disabled: remains pending until enables it

Signal Handling

signals are used to notify a process that a event has occurred

where should a signal be delivered for multi-threaded?

all threads in a process share a same handler

Thread-Local Storage

each thread have its own data, across functions, similar to static data

Why not use thread stack? life cycle reasons.

Scheduler Activations

How to maintain an appropriate number of kernel threads allocated to the app?

Intermediate data structure between user and kernel threads: lightweight process (LWP), a virtual processor on which process can schedule user thread to run, each LWP attached to kernel thread

Upcalls: from kernel to the upcall handler in the thread library

When blocked, the attached LWP also blocks. The kernel makes an upcall and then allocates a new LWP to the application.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/mollnn/p/14701629.html

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