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2020-12-17 12:04:25  阅读:273  来源: 互联网

标签:value 字节 shifts APP unsigned signed 浮点 numbers CS

Most machines encode signed numbers using a two’s-complement representation and encode floating-point numbers using IEEE Standard 754.

https://www.cnblogs.com/mrblug/p/5706996.html 浮点数上溢和下溢
(之前只知道整数溢出可能会造成两个正数相加得负数,对于浮点数上溢和下溢的情况并不了解)Integer representations can encode a comparatively small range of values, but do so precisely, while floating-point representations can encode a wide range of values, but only approximately.

A machine-level program views memory as a very large array of bytes, referred to as virtual

C指针的大小跟寻址空间位数有关,https://blog.csdn.net/FX677588/article/details/52700894。指针的类型会影响解引用、指针加减运算。机器的字长决定寻址空间位数。gcc -m32 prog.c可以指定以32位编译,所得可执行文件可以在32位机器运行。也可以在64位系统中运行(backward compatibility)。




casting意为显式类型转换。思考:如何用C语言print出一个int的字节存储情况?(对int取址,转为unsigned char*型的指针,然后向后读4次)

typedef 内置类型 自定义类型

Even identical processors running different operating systems have differences in their coding conventions and hence are not binary compatible.

In practice, however, almost all compiler/machine combinations use arithmetic right shifts for signed data, and many programmers assume this to be the case. For unsigned data, on the other hand, right shifts must be logical.
In contrast to C, Java has a precise definition of how right shifts should be performed. The expression x >> k shifts x arithmetically by k positions, while x >>> k shifts it logically.

The most common computer representation of signed numbers is known as two’s-complement
form. This is defined by interpreting the most significant bit of the word to have
negative weight. (个人认为这种理解比主流教材“最高位是符号位”的说法更容易接受。主流教材需要大家背诵“正数的补码是他本身,负数的补码是取反后加一”。相反数的和为0,这一点可以辅助记忆。)

When an operation is performed where one operand is signed and the other is unsigned, C
implicitly casts the signed argument to unsigned and performs the operations assuming the numbers are non-negative. This leads to non-intuitive results for relational operators such as < and >.
(常常遇到的warning:comparing between signed and unsigned。最简单的一个例子:-1>0U,因为-1会被转成unsigned型)
One way to avoid such bugs is to never use unsigned numbers. In fact, few languages other than C support unsigned integers.(作为系统语言,在flags、地址等场景unsigned还是有用的。)

sx = -12345: cf c7
usx = 53191: cf c7
x = -12345: ff ff cf c7
ux = 53191: 00 00 cf c7
1和2的区别,E=e-Bias和E=1-Bias(大E表示真正的指数,小e表示图中八位作为unsigned的值,bias用于修正范围,如float,1~ 254 -126~+127),M=1+f和M=f。见原书P143.

10.00011 B = 10.00 B
10.00110 B = 10.01 B
10.11100 B = 11.00 B
10.10100 B = 10.10 B

x = a + b + c;
y = b + c + d;
The compiler might be tempted to save one floating-point addition by generating
the following code:
t = b + c;
x = a + t;
y = t + d;

both unsigned and two’s-complement arithmetic satisfy
many of the other properties of integer arithmetic, including associativity, commutativity, and distributivity. This allows compilers to do many optimizations. For example, in replacing the expression 7*x by (x<<3)-x, we make use of the associative, commutative, and distributive properties, along with the relationship between shifting and multiplying by powers of 2.


From float or double to int, the value will be rounded toward zero. The value may overflow. The C standards do not specify a fixed result for this case. Intel-compatible microprocessors designate the bit pattern [10 … 00] (TMinw for word size w) as an integer indefinite value.
Any conversion from floating point to integer that cannot assign a reasonable integer approximation yields this value. Thus, the expression (int) +1e10 yields -21483648, generating a negative value from a positive one.

the largest finite number that can be represented with double precision
is around 1.8 × 10^308.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42100211/article/details/111224170

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