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2020-03-04 11:36:53  阅读:377  来源: 互联网

标签:access What network two 计算机网络 Quiz1 They Internet

1.An employee at a branch office is creating a quote for a customer. In order to do this, the employee needs to access confidential pricing information from internal servers at the Head Office. What type of network would the employee access?
A. an intranet
B. the Internet
C. an extranet
D. a local area network

2.What are two functions of end devices on a network? (Choose two.)
A. They originate the data that flows through the network.
B. They direct data over alternate paths in the event of link failures.
C. They filter the flow of data to enhance security.
D. They are the interface between humans and the communication network.
E. They provide the channel over which the network message travels.

3.What type of network must a home user access in order to do online shopping?
A. an intranet
B. the Internet
C. an extranet
D. a local area network

4.Which area of the network would a college IT staff most likely have to redesign as a direct result of many students bringing their own tablets and smartphones to school to access school resources?
A. extranet
B. wired LAN
C. wireless LAN
D. wireless WAN

5.Which two connection options provide an always-on, high-bandwidth Internet connection to computers in a home office? (Choose two.)
A. cellular
C. satellite
D. cable
E. dial-up telephone


1 2 3 4 5

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43896318/article/details/104513179

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