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  • Ted2022-07-04 12:31:58

    Tips to improve your critical thinking  Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us. Some are small and unimportant, but others have a larger impact on our lives. For example, which politician should I vote for? Should I try the latest diet craze? O

  • What the async keyword actually does2022-07-04 10:05:08

    What the async keyword actually does When it comes to curiousity about inner workings of C# keywords or construct, async and await are at the top of my list by a mile. The amount of complicated intrinsics packed into two simple keywords which magically im

  • (转载)can-i-skip-the-lock-when-reading-an-integer2022-06-27 02:00:11

    Can I skip the lock when reading an integer? Posted on March 12, 2014 Today, a question from a Coverity customer: Here is a greatly simplified version of our code: public class TestLock { private object threadLock = new object(); private int value =

  • Kubernetes——利用环境变量(env.value or env.valueFrom)配置容器应用2022-06-25 16:33:17

    利用环境变量(env.value or env.valueFrom)配置容器应用   在 Kubernetes 中使用此类镜像启动容器时,也可以在 Pod 资源或 Pod 模板资源的定义中,为容器配置段使用 env 参数来定义所使用的环境变量列表。   环境变量配置容器化应用时,需要在容器配置段中嵌套使用 env 字段,它的值是一

  • 获取GAID得到00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000的问题2022-06-25 09:34:18

    最近大老板查看数据发现有用户上报的GAID有00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000的情况。先查代码,发现不是程序写死的常量值,又怀疑是手机的问题,是个例,看了手机的型号,ADVAN出的,印尼最大的手机制造商,那就不像是手机的问题。 程序里是通过AdvertisingIdClient.getAdvertisingIdInfo(

  • docker入门学习(二)使用docker安装软件2022-06-24 10:31:23

    镜像下载官网  Docker Hub Container Image Library | App Containerization 安装tomcat 搜索镜像 从docker hub上查找镜像 拉取镜像 docker pull tomcat  查看镜像 docker images  可以查看本地是否拉取到tomcat 启动镜像 docker run -it -p 8080:8080 tomcatdocker run

  • 12022-06-18 23:36:23

    MBG will automatically merge XML files if there is an existing file with the same name as the newly generated XML file. MBG will not overwrite any custom changes you make to the XML files it generates. You can run it over and over again without fear of lo

  • 购买衣服2022-06-16 00:07:38

    negotiate 谈判       Have you decided yet ? 您定下来了吗? Have you found something you like? 您找到您喜欢的了吗? Hmm, I will go for this blue shirt. 恩, 我要这件蓝色衬衫。 yes, I've decided on these. Hmm, I think I will leave it. 恩, 我想我不要了。

  • 22022-06-14 14:04:31

    Your body language is equally important, since it reveals a lot about your thoughts and attitudes. Make sure it clearly supports the message you want to deliver. A smile shows you are attentive to the issues being discussed, while looking away with your a

  • 003 测试成功只是完整更改项目的本地仓库路径,不更改内容的情况下(特别是.git没有更改的情况下),是否依然可以成功上传到Github远程仓库?2022-06-13 02:00:55

    只是完整更改项目的本地仓库路径,不更改内容的情况下(特别是.git没有更改的情况下,),是否依然可以成功上传到Github远程仓库? 先上结论:可以! 1、改项目路径 原路径如下: E:\DownloadFiles\BaiduNetdiskDownload\AndroidStudy\00 PDF\AndroidProgramming3eMm 然后,不对做项目做任何额外的

  • 001 手把手用Git,Git从入门到上传本地项目到Github,看这篇就够了2022-06-12 00:05:27

    安装git 下载Git 下载好后,一路next即可 安装好后,打开Git bash,进行配置 首先配置自己的身份 git config --global user.name "Name" git config --global user.email "name@gmail.com" 检查是否配置成功: git config --global user.name git config --global user.email 创

  • 栈(Stack) 和 队列(Queue)总结2022-06-11 06:00:27

    In a LIFO data structure, the newest element added to the queue will be processed first. Different from the queue, the stack is a LIFO data structure. Typically, the insert operation is called push in a stack. Similar to the queue, a new element is always

  • FastQC的安装与使用2022-06-09 14:32:26

    FastQC的安装与使用 一、下载安装 1、准备工作---java环境 FastQC是一个java应用程序。为了运行它,需要您的系统安装合适的Java运行时环境。因此,在尝试运行FastQC之前,应该确保有一个合适的Java运行时环境。 $ java -version openjdk version "1.8.0_192" OpenJDK Runtime Environme

  • linux shell自动检测硬盘使用率报警脚本2022-06-06 23:35:46

    通过df -h 来获得sd硬盘使用率 并设定阈值超过80就会触发报警和邮件告警 具体代码实现如下 #!/bin/bash #Author JYC #自动检测df-h 调用/dev/sdXXXX的usage并实现自动报警,echo后面可以配合邮件系统自动报警,外层while true循环 内层用while read 读入 sed 的输出,并实现长时间持续

  • Docker容器yum报错连不上网:curl#6 - "Could not resolve host: mirrorlist.centos.org; Unknown error"?2022-06-02 22:02:15

    目录问题解决 问题 宿主机网络正常,能ping通。但进入docker容器后,无法ping通,yum任何东西都报如下错误: [root@a4742adb2225 yum.repos.d]# yum install vim Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, ovl Could not retrieve mirrorlist http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=7&arch=x86_64

  • wazuh hips规则引擎和ossec的差异分析——本质上语法层面和ossec没有变化,但是公共字段提取出来了,同时正则匹配数据提取灵活性更强2022-06-01 18:35:36

    https://documentation.wazuh.com/current/user-manual/ruleset/ruleset-xml-syntax/rules.html  因为是继承自ossec,所以我们从其官方文档里看二者的差异。   Rules Syntax The Wazuh Ruleset combined with any customs rules is used to analyze incoming events and generate

  • Branch in GPU2022-05-31 11:03:55

    What is it about shaders that even potentially makes if statements performance problems? It has to do with how shaders get executed and where GPUs get their massive computing performance from. Separate shader invocations are usually executed in parallel,

  • PPT设置宽度不是cm为单位2022-05-20 21:32:26

    https://www.indezine.com/products/powerpoint/learn/textandfonts/2016/resize-text-boxes-accurately.html Note: Do you see the Width and Height values in centimeters rather than inches? That's not an issue since you will either see centimeters or inches

  • Test2022-05-17 02:32:47


  • Compiling and Installing Yate on Windows2022-05-11 09:01:53

    Compiling and Installing Yate on Windows see http://docs.yate.ro/wiki/Compiling_and_Installing_Yate_on_Windows Download http://voip.null.ro/tarballs/yate6/    There are two ways to install Yate under Windows: Download and install Yate from download p

  • 220505 How cookie works2022-05-06 10:32:41

    目录How does cookie works?How cookie be setted ?Cookie attributesSet and Get rid of cookie How does cookie works? As we know that a cookie is a small and non-edible plain text file. It is stored in the browse, to be more precise, stored in the client side l

  • cocktail with hearthstone(组合数+找规律+一点点的dp思想+快速幂)2022-05-05 22:01:56

    Mr. Cocktail like a game named Hearthstone. In this game, there is a game mode "Arena" with the four rules as follows. 1.The record of each player is described as (a,b)(a,b), where aa means number of wins, and bb means number of losses. At the

  • Dyson Box(模拟题--周长)2022-05-05 17:02:27

    swjtu—春季集训 - Virtual Judge (vjudge.net) Dyson Box Input file: standard input Output file: standard output Time limit: 2 seconds Memory limit: 256 megabytes A Dyson Sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures a

  • Hadoop 概述(二)2022-05-04 14:34:51

    shell定时上传linux日志信息到hdfs 从标题可以分析出来,我们要使用到shell,还要推送日志信息到hdfs上。 定义出上传的路径和临时路径,并配置好上传的log日志信息。这里我使用了上一节配置的nginx的error.log #上传log日志文件的存放路径 /bigdata/logs/upload/log/ #上传log日志

  • Andrew, 61 years old, and Clare, 59 years old, are a married couple2022-04-20 07:31:40

    Andrew, 61 years old, and Clare, 59 years old, are a married couple. They have no children and their parents have died. Both are considering retirement and they want to have a chat with their financial adviser on their retirement options. Both have a High


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