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  • Action speaks louder than words.2022-06-25 22:01:39

    少年,梦要你亲自实现,世界要你亲自去看,当你未来付出踏踏实实的努力的时候,那些你觉得看不到的人和遇不到的风景,终将在你的生命力出现! 加油,少年! One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done. 

  • What are legacy interrupts?2022-06-10 19:05:39

    转载:(2条消息) What are legacy interrupts?_dumb_man的博客-CSDN博客_legacy中断 在看arm的trustzone的手册时,在中断一节常看到legacy interrupts这个名词,这是什么意思呢?以下是网上高手的解释说明。 Legacy interrupts are the two interrupts that were in ARM before GIC arriv

  • Proj CMI Paper Reading: Mining Metrics to Predict Component Failures2022-06-03 01:04:28

    Abstract 研究: 任务:What is it that makes software fail? 数据集:post-release defect history of five Microsoft software systems 结论:容易发⽣故障的软件在统计上与代码复杂性度量相关 前提:没有一套简单的复杂性度量能够全面通用地描述软件缺陷 方法:在代码度量上做主成分分析,

  • What Is ReactJS2022-05-28 21:01:27

    React (a.k.a. ReactJS or React.js) is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces, open sourced to the world by Facebook and Instagram team in 2013. One might think of it as the “View” in the “Model-View-Controller” pattern. React’s main goal is t

  • 英语单词--备忘2022-05-26 16:32:47

    P post-mortem 有点"事后回顾","事后总结","事故总结记录"的意思 直译就是"验尸"的意思 下面摘自What is a post-mortem?A post-mortem is where a team reflects on what went wrong with something they did, and documents it and/or amends their process to st

  • How to present a paper 怎么讲好一篇文献2022-05-24 21:03:30

    Author : 如果在冬夜一个旅人 Date : 2022/05/24 目录背景说明1 读文献1.1 读文献的层次1.2 论文阅读的首轮次序2 讲文献2.1 The Problem to be studied2.2 The contributions of this paper-reasonably short2.3 Definitions, descriptions of data, etc2.4 main results2.5 Conc

  • 功夫熊猫2022-05-15 14:31:41

    或许你的人生不是从快乐开始的 Your story may not have such a happy beginning. 但这 不影响你成为怎样的人 But,that does not make you who you are. 你想要变成什么样子,全看你自己的选择 What you want to become depends on your own choice.

  • Testing Blog2022-05-14 18:31:53

    What's the difference between notes and essays? They just look all the same!!! Well, at least on the editor's page. To post on the homepage of the blog, one gotta write essays like this instead of articles. This is an inline math equation \(E =

  • 2021ICPC台北F What a Colorful Wall (扫描线,并查集)2022-05-08 17:34:55

    https://codeforces.com/gym/103443/problem/F 扫描线核心思想就是从下到上暴力跑一维,把另一维的线段化为两个点处理,若处理两个点的线段的时间复杂度是log,这样平面上n个矩形,值域为X,Y的问题,能够在nXlogn(Y)的复杂度内处理 离散化 暴力一个一个点的涂色是n^3 考虑用扫描线从下往

  • Neo4j Fundamentals-Graphs Are Everywhere2022-05-04 11:04:58

    Neo4j Fundamentals Graph Thinking The Seven Bridges Graph Elements Graph Structure Graphs Are Everywhere Property Graphs What is a Property Graph? Native Graph Advantage Non-graph Databases to Graph Your First Graph The Movie Graph VIDEO

  • SMS (Surface-water Modeling System)2022-05-02 23:02:13

    Introduction to SMS What Is SMS Highlights Layout of the Graphical Interface SMS Workflows Learning Center Modules Overview Numerical Models Overview Simulation Based Modeling Commands What's New What's New in SMS 13.1 What's New in SMS

  • Untimely meditations2022-05-01 11:35:28

    上学期旁听了一节关于尼采的课,非常感动,对我来说仿佛是一种artistic experience。尼采和Spinoza是上学期对我影响巨大的两位作家(尽管他们写作风格迥异)。这学期也许是由于没受到足够的人文滋养,感觉实在是撑不下去了...尼采的文字仿佛是让我在焦躁时刻获得平静力量的清泉,于是抽空继续

  • 2022年·阅读·离散数学&数据结构2022-04-18 18:31:59

    《Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science》 阅读原因:阅读龙书时,前言部分,提到了需要有离散数学的基础。 推荐链接:reference request - What is the best book for studying discrete mathematics? - Mathematics Stack Exchange 始于:2022年4月18日  

  • What Neural Networks Memorize and Why: Discovering the Long Tail via Influence Estimation2022-04-07 01:04:47

    目录概主要内容一种简便的估计方法被记忆的样本所产生的边际效用不同网络结构下的实验最后一次是否足够用于记忆一些示例 Feldman V. and Zhang C. What neural networks memorize and why: discovering the long tail via influence estimation. In Advances in Neural Informat

  • 2022年雅思口语题库1月-4月汇总(2)part 2&3旧题汇总(1)People/Animal(1)2022-04-06 01:02:32

    https://ielts.koolearn.com/20211129/854302.html 一个巧妙解决某个问题的人 Describe a person who gave a clever solution to a problem. You should say: Who the person is When you met this person What the problem was And explain why you think it was a clever solut

  • 2022年雅思口语题库1月-4月汇总(1)part 2&3 新题汇总(1)2022-04-06 00:32:14

    来源:https://ielts.koolearn.com/20211129/854302.html 描述一个在社交媒体上关注的人 Describe a person you follow on social media You should say: Who he/she is How you knew him/her What he/she posts on social media And explain why you follow him/her on social med

  • Python 3 - Questions2022-04-01 21:34:13

      What is Python? Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting language. Python is designed to be highly readable. It uses English keywords frequently where as other languages use punctuation, and it has fewer syntactica

  • 大话测试数据(二):概念测试数据的获取2022-03-21 14:00:59

    在大话测试数据(一)文章中,我提到,获取数据的第一步是获取概念上数据。这一步看起来简单,其实不是那么容易。获取概念数据和获取需求的过程是交织在一起的,事实上,它们其实是一个事儿,因为数据是需求中最重要的组成部分。 需求工程是个大话题,目前有很多种流派和实践方式来来搞定需求,

  • [渝粤教育] 山东大学 英语话中华 参考 资料2022-03-21 13:00:48

    教育 -英语话中华-章节资料考试资料-山东大学【】 Unit 2 Assignment Unit 2 Quiz 1、【单选题】Which ceremony is held at the Confucius Temple in Qufu every year? A、Confucius Temple Ceremony. B、Confucius Memorial Ceremony. C、Confucius Anniversary Ceremony.

  • C++超好玩的游戏2022-03-20 09:04:59

    此代码为作者转载,原作者【蒟蒻一枚】,话不多说,上代码  #include<bits/stdc++.h>     #include<windows.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<time.h> #define Nor if(B[b].x<5) B[b].x=5; #define Out1 Bx1-Bvx1<=6||Bx1-Bvx1>=28||By1-Bvy1&l

  • Chapter 1: What Is an Information System?2022-03-19 15:02:15

    Chapter 1: What Is an Information System? Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of this chapter, you will be able to: define what an information system is by identifying its major components; describe the basic history of information systems

  • How does HTTPS work? What's a CA? What's a self-signed Certificate?2022-03-09 22:33:09

    How does HTTPS work? What's a CA? What's a self-signed Certificate? ref https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4Df5_cojAs

  • 【Wireshark Lab v8.0】Lab9:ICMP2022-03-01 19:02:32

    实验步骤均来自实验指导手册。 实验指导手册下载地址:Jim Kurose Homepage (umass.edu) In this lab, we’ll explore several aspects of the ICMP protocol: • ICMP messages generating by the Ping program; • ICMP messages generated by the Traceroute program; • the

  • What to account for when accounting for algorithms2022-02-28 13:58:17

    What to account for when accounting for algorithms A systematic literature review on algorithmic accountability Maranke Wieringa m.a.wieringa@uu.nl Datafied Society Utrecht University Utrecht, The Netherlands ABSTRACT As research on algorithms and their

  • Human centered design and design thinking2022-02-22 19:03:20

    Human centered design and design thinking 文章目录 Human centered design and design thinkingBioWhy?When was graphical user interafce first developed?Pirates of Silicon ValleyPersonal computer being used in other domainsWhat they didHuman centered desig


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