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  • 【音乐分享】《Ride Or Die》 - XYLØ2020-11-07 20:33:50

    曲名:Ride Or Die 作者:XYLØ 1 [00:06.40]Yeah I think it's cute when you tell me lies ooh 2 [00:09.03]Always let you win when I know I'm right ooh 3 [00:11.53]Backseat in the coupe with the suicide ooh 4 [00:14.34]Then we get a little hi

  • if you wanna the rainbow, you have to deal with the rain.2019-09-21 23:54:33

    bulk. n. 大量 reluctant. adj. 不情愿的 terrorist. n. 恐怖分子 recognition. n. 认出 tout.v. 兜售 conceal.v. 隐藏 drastic. adj. 猛烈的 seam. n. 矿层 jealousy. n. 嫉妒 ripple. n. 波纹 farewell.n.告别 flap. v. 拍打 idle. 懈怠的

  • We don't wanna work!2019-09-14 10:02:26

    We don't wanna work! [JAG Asia 2016] 两个set,一个代表工作的,一个代表不工作的 其实是一个很简单的模拟,但是我竟然排序之前标号。。。。 检查代码的时候要从头开始检查。。 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int maxn = 1e5+7; struct node { char s[2


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