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  • Music Festival (压状DP+单位元素的定义)2022-04-06 21:00:32

    F. Music Festival time limit per test1 second memory limit per test1024 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Music festivals should be fun, but some of them become so big that cause headache for the goers. The problem is that there are so m

  • VS2022 Dependences Nodes2022-04-01 12:33:58

    The dependency node has a few child nodes Analyzers: Those found under Analyzers are code analyzers. If you're using the newer SDK format and .NET 5+ then it ships with analyzers that check your code while you're writing and compiling. Framewor

  • vue3组件内部改变props的值2022-01-18 23:01:52

    -- vue2: 内部触发改变: this.$emit("update:visible", value); 外部绑定是需要加上.sync修饰符: :visible.sync="shows" vue3: vue3取消了.sync修饰符,通过 @update:show="shows = $event" 改变props的值 内部触发改变: emit(update:visible, value) 外部绑定是需要加上@update

  • PTE - 百度语言学习 - 口语 看图说话(描述图表)常用词组2021-07-01 12:32:42

    a decreasing trendAarizonaaboutabout the aboveABSabsorbencyabsorbency chartaccommodationAccording toAccording to the chartAccording to the chart we can see thatAccording to the chartsAccording to the mapAccording to the pictureAccording to the planAccordi

  • 7 Best Spanish TV Shows to Learn Spanish2021-04-04 16:02:35

      2 Best Shows for Beginners and Lower Intermediates​ DestinosEXTRA en Español   5 Best Spanish TV Shows IsabelEl Tiempo Entre Costuras (The Time in Between)Escobar, El Patrón Del Mal (Escobar, Boss of Evil)Gran Hotel (Grand Hotel)Mi Corazón Es Tuyo

  • jQuery 勾选显示2021-01-27 22:32:03

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> .shows{ display: none; }

  • TVMAZE API应用:查找电影图片2021-01-27 12:34:07

    输入电影的名称,返回所匹配的所有电影对应的图片 API: https://www.tvmaze.com/api postman tool:  key, value to add parameters   <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport"


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