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  • 控制Wow64重定向2021-04-25 23:03:30

    参考:https://blog.csdn.net/karlxzy/article/details/42170419   在默认情况下,64位环境运行32位程序,会启用重定向, 比如 调用CreateFile时,系统会把system32文件夹重定向到Syswow64等等。 但是有些时候需要访问system32文件夹的时候就需要关闭重定向。 MS已经提供了一组函数用

  • [Bash] Chain Commands with Pipes and Redirect Output in Bash2021-02-09 03:32:03

    Pipes (|) are one of the most powerful features in bash and allow you to efficiently chain commands together and send data through it. We'll also look at how output redirection works using the stdout redirect operator (>). This allows us to take t

  • nginx出错:rewrite or internal redirection cycle2020-12-01 10:02:23

    原配置:location / { rewrite ^/(.*).html$ /$1.html?mode=test last; error_page 404 = @nodejs; }修改后:location / {root /path/to/files;index index.html;#try_files $uri /index.html;if ($query_string !~ mode=test) {rewrite ^/(.*)\.html$ /$1.html?mod


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