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  • NC15832 Most Powerful2022-09-03 12:03:35

    题目链接 题目 题目描述 Recently, researchers on Mars have discovered N powerful atoms. All of them are different. These atoms have some properties. When two of these atoms collide, one of them disappears and a lot of power is produced. Researchers know the wa

  • 159. Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters2022-08-14 06:30:27

    Given a string s , find the length of the longest substring t  that contains at most 2 distinct characters. Example 1: Input: "eceba" Output: 3 Explanation: tis "ece" which its length is 3. Example 2: Input: "ccaabbb" Output

  • LeetCode 1838. Frequency of the Most Frequent Element2022-08-05 06:31:06

    原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/frequency-of-the-most-frequent-element/ 题目: The frequency of an element is the number of times it occurs in an array. You are given an integer array nums and an integer k. In one operation, you can choose an i

  • LeetCode Container With Most Water 区间贪心2022-07-10 21:03:56

    You are given an integer array height of length n. There are n vertical lines drawn such that the two endpoints of the ith line are (i, 0) and (i, height[i]). Find two lines that together with the x-axis form a container, such that the container contains

  • Python统计list中每个元素出现的个数2022-05-29 12:00:07

    from collections import Counter n = ['a','b','a','c','d','a'] # 统计list中每个元素出现的个数 eleCounts = Counter(n) # most_common()返回出现次数排名前n个的元素,不输入时默认按照出现次数对所有数据排序 top_one = eleCounts.most_common(2) prin

  • writing about graphs2022-05-23 12:35:46

    The bar chart illustrates the numbers of men and women attending various evening courses at an adult education center in the year 2009. And the pie chart shows the age distribution of the course participants. Overall, it can be seen that the most popular

  • Most popular Vue.js plugins & packages2022-03-28 15:31:29

    原文链接 :17 Most popular Vue.js plugins & packages Vue 被一个健康的插件和包的生态系统所加强,使开发变得可靠、快速和简单。由于Vue 是一个国际开发者社区所选择的框架,所以有一个不断增长的插件和包库,你可以在项目中使用。 本文列举了用于 Vue 2 和 Vue 3 的 17个 流行的 V

  • LeetCode 0011 Container With Most Water2022-02-28 20:34:04

    原题传送门 1. 题目描述 2. Solution 1 1、思路分析 分析: 问题等价于,有底木桶能装多少水? 双指针: left, right 分别从两边往中间靠近 容积计算: width = right - left; curHeight = min(height[left], height[right]); 短板原则 volume = width * curHeight 指针移动原则: 短板

  • 【CVPR2021】OCR文本检测MOST解读2022-02-23 11:02:00

    MOST: A Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detector with Localization Refinement

  • vim中如何保存打开过的文件路径mru插件的安装2022-02-06 13:02:27

    mru.vim - Plugin to manage Most Recently Used (MRU) files : vim online yegappan/mru: Most Recently Used (MRU) Vim Plugin (github.com) 另外提供一段代码用于保存文件编辑位置 " Return to last edit position when opening files (You want this!) autocmd BufReadPost

  • Most_important2022-02-05 02:31:29

    Xml中,不能用逗号分隔,一般是用空格!! 正确: <bean id="user2" class="wqh.bean.User"> <constructor-arg name="name" value="user-ok" /> <property name="name" value="User 2 " /> <

  • Whatsapp批量发送和自动回复WordPress插件WhatsMarKet推荐2022-02-01 10:31:16

    WordPress插件WhatsMarKet是一款批量发消息的WhatsApp 营销工具WP插件,您可以使用它的许多功能,例如允许您在几秒钟内自动向数百万客户批量发送 WhatsApp 发件人、自动回复第一条消息、带有关键字或句子的聊天机器人系统、发送所有类型的文件,如 PDF、Excel、txt.. 另外,导出联系人

  • Traceback (most recent call last)错误2022-01-19 23:31:27

    背景:很久未使用pip 安装第三方包 在命令窗口输入:pip install Faker 报下列错误(图是网上找的) 有时候在执行pip更新失败后,再次执行pip命令时会提示ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip’错误,导致pip命令无法使用   解决步骤 1、重新打开一个cmd命令窗口 2、先执行第一条命

  • 深耕ElasticSearch - 基于most_fields策略实现多字段查询2021-12-19 22:02:30

    1. 最佳字段和多数字段的区别 1、最佳字段(best_fields): 当搜索词语具体概念的时候,比如 “brown fox” ,词组比各自独立的单词更有意义。文档在相同字段中包含的词越多越好,评分也来自于最匹配字段。 2、 多数字段(most_fields): 为了对相关度进行微调,常用的一个技术就是将相同的数

  • 13472—32021-12-19 12:00:18

    快速阅读 Online GFLCJHBIIE Question EIADGHBMLK I Think KBECLFAIDG Wildlife ADBFGJEHFJ V.Moving CECEJIGFBD Women LDNGKFAHCJ Work LHBFCKGJDI How HDCFABEICG Fashion DHCAIBFGEF English EAIBHIGCFD 阅读 In times  bring living Falling irreparably The It’s an ann

  • LightningChart 10.2.1 无限制2021-12-18 10:34:55

    Why LightningChart .NET? LightningChart .NET is the fastest 2D & 3D data visualization SDK for WPF, WinForms and UWP. It has been actively developed since 2009.Ω578867473 The charting library contains over 170 interactive charts with rich functionalit

  • 55.跳跃游戏2021-11-23 20:31:51

    题目 给定一个非负整数数组 nums ,你最初位于数组的 第一个下标 。 数组中的每个元素代表你在该位置可以跳跃的最大长度。 判断你是否能够到达最后一个下标。 链接:https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/jump-game/ 分析 这里我一开始就直接往动态规划的方向去想,首先构造了一个dp

  • 20211108-02 Container With Most Water2021-11-08 09:33:27

    20211108-02 Container With Most Water https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/container-with-most-water/ Input: height = [1,8,6,2,5,4,8,3,7] Output: 49 Explanation: The above vertical lines are represented by array [1,8,6,2,5,4,8,3,7]. In this case, the max are

  • LED Cup Coasters: Help You Keep Your Stains Off In Style2021-11-06 15:01:10

    LED coaster by HeartHorse is a pleasant looking ancillary which brightens up the interior of your car, adding an unusual charm and sophistication. Also, lets you drive stress-free over accidental spilling of liquid because their material is of supreme qua

  • 学习python--023 Counyer()函数2021-11-01 20:34:17

    Counter函数旨在为我们统计列表中元素的数量并排序,非常适合词袋模型使用。 from collections import Counter b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 'a', 'a'] c = Counter(b) >>> Counter({1: 4, 2: 2, 3: 1, 4: 2, 'a': 2}) Counter().most_common()方法: 通过给mo

  • ES系列:max_bytes_length_exceeded_exception: bytes can be at most 32766 in length2021-10-03 10:01:57

    目录 现象 原因分析: 解决方法 现象 max_bytes_length_exceeded_exception: bytes can be at most 32766 in length 原因分析: 原因是keyword类型某个字段的值太长,而Search每个keyword类型的field默认能接受的长度为32766个字节,当超过32766个字节时,会抛异常

  • Sam Gichuru2021-09-19 10:06:19

    Sam Gichuru @SamGichuruI have been journaling for close to 5 years, reading old entries, I noticed..  1. Most fears/worries never materialize 2. I predicted most of what has happened in my life 3. I surpassed most of my goals 4. I must/need to recharge ev

  • The top 10 must-have skills to secure your career in the future | Preface2021-08-28 23:34:57

      10 most in-demand skills for the future of work First Paragraph: While things are rapidly changing everyday, getting prepared for the future is always the key to success. So what will be the most demanded skills in future? Preface coding has predicted

  • python集合2021-07-27 19:02:33

    ii=set(12,3,5,6,9,9,8,8) print(ii) 输出: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<input>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: set expected at most 1 argument, got 8 修改为: ii=set((12,3,5,6,9,9,8,8)) print(ii) 输出为: {3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12}

  • 2021-7-19 Frequency of the Most Frequent Element2021-07-19 04:00:24

    难度 中等 题目 Leetcode: 1838. Frequency of the Most Frequent Element   The frequency of an element is the number of times it occurs in an array.   You are given an integer array nums and an integer k. In one operation, you can choose an index of nums and


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