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  • 在SpringBoot启动类上添加ComponentScan出现springbootapplication already applies given @ComponentScan2021-06-02 15:07:43

    查看@SpringBootApplication注解源码,可以看到 @SpringBootApplication=@Configuration+@EnableAutoConfiguration+@ComponentScan,其中扫描包的范围为启动类所在包和子包,不包括第三方的jar包。如果我们需要扫描通过maven依赖添加的jar,我们就要单独使用@ComponentScan注解扫描第三

  • flowable实战(六)flowable的意见表和附件表应用2021-06-02 13:57:36

    一、act_hi_comment和act_hi_attachment两表表,前者意见表后者是附件表 意见表它里面有一个类型type字段,分别是comment代表意见(这个type可以自定义,例如自定义为:通过/退回/提前终止),缺省提供了comment,event是事件,当你给附件表增加记录时,它就会在意见表同时增加多少条记录,并且type的

  • 【转】Python3.8中使用pymysql连接数据报错__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 5 were given解决方案2021-06-01 18:01:42

    使用python3.8进行MySQL数据库连接的时候,发现出现以下错误 init() takes 1 positional argument but 5 were given 而源代码如下: import pymysql db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "root", "xxx", "xxxx") 目前的一个解决方案是,为每个参数都指定到对应的参数名上: db = pymysql.c

  • UVA11181 Probability|Given 条件概率2021-05-29 21:03:01

    vjudge传送 条件概率典型例题。 对于第\(i\)个人,用条件概率公式\(P(A|B)=\frac{P(AB)}{P(B)}\).其中\(P(A|B)\)表示在\(r\)个人买东西的前提下,\(i\)买东西的概率,\(P(AB)\)表示总共有\(r\)个人买东西,且第\(i\)个人也买东西的概率,\(P(B)\)表示\(r\)个人买东西的概率。 因为\(n\leqs

  • NHibernate报错:No row with the given identifier exists2021-05-21 21:32:18

    这个和Hibernate错误差不多,原因是你的数据库里面有脏数据,即:外键关联的对应主键内容不存在,就像报的这个错误,查询出的User没有了引用。 产生此问题的原因:  1.有两张表,table1和table2.产生此问题的原因就是table1里做了关联<one-to-one>或者<many-to-one unique="true">(特殊的

  • After Go victory, challenges given to 'AlphaMahjong'2021-05-20 23:08:22

    AlphaGo后,是否接下来会有Alpha麻将?比较有意思。 The world’s top Go player Lee Sedol reviews the match after the fourth match of the Google DeepMind Challenge Match against Google’s artificial intelligence program AlphaGo in Seoul, South Korea, in this handout

  • 基于RestAssured实现接口自动化2021-05-15 22:35:20

    RestAssured是一款强大的接口自动化框架, 旨在使用方便的DSL,简化的接口自动化。  下面是基于RestAssured扩展的一个简单框架示例, 先看看用例的风格: package testcases import models.Create_Post import models.Info_Post import models.List_Get import org.testng.annotations

  • 【Rust日报】 2019-06-20:重磅:使用 Rust 进行 GPU 编程的库 Emu2021-05-10 14:06:11

    rs-pbrt 发布 v0.6.1这是一个按这本书实现的图形渲染库。看下效果Read Morepbrt如何对 diesel 写自动化测试数据使用 diesel-factories。这个库参考 Ruby 的 factory_bot 设计。可以对应像下面这样写:Rubyfactory :country do  name "Denmark"  code "DK"endfactory :city do

  • Fibonacci2021-05-09 12:32:46

    Source Find the Nth number in Fibonacci sequence. A Fibonacci sequence is defined as follow: The first two numbers are 0 and 1. The i th number is the sum of i-1 th number and i-2 th number. The first ten numbers in Fibonacci sequence is: 0, 1, 1, 2,

  • 解决程序报错takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given2021-05-08 11:03:37

    在学习python面向对象时,程序报错takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given Python在类中定义方法的时候,方法会被传进一个参数,即当前对象的地址,所以一般在类中定义方法的时候,必须在方法中至少定义一个参数  

  • 【flink】flink Class not resolvable through given classloader ClassNotFoundException: FlinkKafkaConsum2021-04-18 09:02:33

    1.概述 某些情况下 flink报错如下 2021-04-16 17:13:52 org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTaskException: Cannot load user class: org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaConsumer ClassLoader info: URL ClassLoader: file: '/tmp/b

  • Count 1 in Binary2021-04-11 12:33:54

    Source Count how many 1 in binary representation of a 32-bit integer. Example Given 32, return 1 Given 5, return 2 Given 1023, return 9 Challenge If the integer is n bits with m 1 bits. Can you do it in O(m) time?   题解 题 O1 Check Power of 2 的进阶

  • django 报错“ init() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given “2021-04-04 16:00:04

    报错" init() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given " 解决:在App的urls.py文件中添加as_view()方法 urlpatterns = [ path('', views.ArticleList.as_view(), name='list'), ] 如果继续报错:" AttributeError: ‘function’ object has no attribut

  • [LeetCode] 1802. Maximum Value at a Given Index in a Bounded Array2021-04-01 05:32:25

    You are given three positive integers: n, index, and maxSum. You want to construct an array nums (0-indexed) that satisfies the following conditions: nums.length == n nums[i] is a positive integer where 0 <= i < n. abs(nums[i] - nums[i+1]) <= 1 

  • 解决java内置aes加密出现Given final block not properly padded异常的问题2021-03-16 18:01:54

    今天使用java的aes解密的时候出现了Given final block not properly padded的错误,如果你的数据不是用java自带的接口进行加密的密文,解密时可能出现这个问题,这是因为加解密除了算法外还有多种模式,比如ECB, CBC, CTR, CFB, OFB这些,其中最简单的是ecb,也叫做密码本,就是直接用秘钥

  • 408. Valid Word Abbreviation2021-03-12 14:35:39

    Given a non-empty string s and an abbreviation abbr, return whether the string matches with the given abbreviation. A string such as "word" contains only the following valid abbreviations: ["word", "1ord", "w1rd", &

  • The given range isn‘t in document.2021-03-12 13:03:40

    问题: WangEditor在vue中使用,样式都正常显示,但是功能不能点击,查看控制台js显示The given range isn't in document,这是因为模板渲染导致的。 解决: mounted : function(){ let E = window.wangEditor; let wang = new E('#div-editor'); wa

  • 【Cucumber】常用Tags2021-03-01 22:02:11

    参考: https://www.cnblogs.com/meimeilove/p/7286397.html   Scenarios/Steps/The cucumber Command   1. Scenario:一个feature文件里面可以有很多个Scenario,一个Scenario就是一个具体的你想要测试的功能点,一个Scenario又是由很多个步骤(Steps)组成的。Scenario明确的描述我们

  • 如何避开No SOURCES given to target:ade2021-02-27 23:57:38

    在window下编译OpenCV出现了一个很奇怪的问题: CMake Error at modules/gapi/cmake/DownloadADE.cmake:23 (add_library): No SOURCES given to target: ade Call Stack (most recent call first): modules/gapi/cmake/init.cmake:19 (include) cmake/OpenCVModule.cmake:312

  • Introduction of Machine Learning2021-02-20 17:35:19

    definition of Machine Learning Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if its perfo

  • 1655. Distribute Repeating Integers2021-02-14 15:04:36

    问题: 给定一组数,将其分配给多个用户, 每个用户要求quantity[i]个相同的数。 问是否能够分配完。 Example 1: Input: nums = [1,2,3,4], quantity = [2] Output: false Explanation: The 0th customer cannot be given two different integers. Example 2: Input: nums = [1,2,3,3

  • 【C实现】P1014 [NOIP1999 普及组] Cantor 表2021-02-05 21:31:39

    #include <stdio.h> int main() { int given; int i = 1, is_odd = 0, fenzi = 0, fenmu = 0, sum; scanf("%d", &given); while(given > i){ given -= i; i++; } if (given == 0){ i--; }

  • Find the two repeating elements in a given array2021-02-04 09:33:22

    There is an array of 1001 elements which range from 1 to 1000. Only one element is repeated in the array while the others exist only once in the array. Which of the following algorithms is the fastest? 1-1000放在含有1001个元素的正整数数组中,只有唯一的一个元素

  • 接口测试 rest-assured 使用指南2021-01-22 08:32:26

    注意,如果您正在使用 1.9.0 或者更早的版本请参考旧文档。 REST Assured 是一个可以简化 HTTP Builder 顶层 基于 REST 服务的测试过程的 Java DSL(针对某一领域,具有受限表达性的一种计算机程序设计语言)。它支持发起 POST,GET,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS,PATCH 和 HEAD 请求,并且可以用来验

  • [LeetCode] 1646. Get Maximum in Generated Array2021-01-17 07:32:39

    You are given an integer n. An array nums of length n + 1 is generated in the following way: nums[0] = 0 nums[1] = 1 nums[2 * i] = nums[i] when 2 <= 2 * i <= n nums[2 * i + 1] = nums[i] + nums[i + 1] when 2 <= 2 * i + 1 <= n Return the maxim


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