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  • [ngx-formly] Use Angular Formly Extensions to automatically localize all field labels2021-04-29 23:02:12

    In this lesson we're diving a bit deeper and learn how to inject services into Formly Extensions with the example of using ngx-translate to localize all of our form field labels. Create Extension with Tranlsate service: // translate.extension.ts imp

  • angular-formly中 expressionProperties 属性的使用方式:2020-09-16 15:03:30

    参考网址:https://formly.dev/guide/getting-started   expressionProperties 属性的使用方式: import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {FormGroup} from '@angular/forms'; import {FormlyFieldConfig} from '@ngx-formly/core'; @Componen

  • [ngx-formly] Customize Angular Formly validation messages2020-01-09 16:57:48

      When you display error messages you want to make them as understandable as possible such that the user is able to figure out the problem. Example: the error message of a min validator should ideally contain the actual number and the min number allowed.


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