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  • I - Swap(交换行列是对角线都为1)2020-07-29 22:03:07

    Given an N*N matrix with each entry equal to 0 or 1. You can swap any two rows or any two columns. Can you find a way to make all the diagonal entries equal to 1? InputThere are several test cases in the input. The first line of each test case is an integ

  • assert:断言2020-07-03 20:02:53

    一、基本语法 assert expression1, ["," expression2]   x, y = 1, 2 assert x == y, "not equal" # 等价于下面的语法: x, y = 1, 2 if __debug__ and not x == y: raise AssertionError("not equal") 当表达式为真时,程序继续往下执行; 当表达式为假时,抛出AssertionError

  • 学习httprunner记录032020-06-24 19:03:45

    使用httprunner3.x版本 python版本是3.6 测试环境是zen dao 以下为脚本: # NOTE: Generated By HttpRunner v3.1.0 # FROM: assign_me.har import re from httprunner import HttpRunner, Config, Step, RunRequest, RunTestCase class TestCaseAssignMe(HttpRunner): confi

  • assertpy2020-06-18 11:55:42

      类型判断 assert_that(’’).is_not_none()#不是nullassert_that(’’).is_empty()#是空assert_that(’’).is_false()#是falseassert_that(’’).is_type_of(str)#是str的类型assert_that(’’).is_instance_of(str)#是str的实例 常用 assert_that(‘foo’).is_length(3)#字符

  • String类的equal方法2020-06-11 21:53:10

    先来看这个方法的英文注释 /** * Compares this string to the specified object. The result is {@code * true} if and only if the argument is not {@code null} and is a {@code * String} object that represents the same sequence of characters as this

  • E - E HDU - 3280(暴力枚举)2020-04-21 10:09:24

    E - E HDU - 3280(暴力枚举) An equal sum partition of a sequence of numbers is a grouping of the numbers (in the same order as the original sequence) in such a way that each group has the same sum. For example, the sequence: 2 5 1 3 3 7 may be grouped as:

  • CF w1d1 C. The Party and Sweets2020-04-07 23:51:56

    n boys and m girls came to the party. Each boy presented each girl some integer number of sweets (possibly zero). All boys are numbered with integers from 1 to n and all girls are numbered with integers from 1 to m. For all 1≤i≤n the minimal number of swe

  • 【Golang】判断相等的deepequal2020-04-04 14:43:31

    Values of distinct types are never deeply equal. 不同类型的值不会深度相等 type S1 struct { Field int } type S2 struct { Field int } func main() { fmt.Println(reflect.DeepEqual(S1{1}, S2{1})) } 对应输出false Array values are deeply equal w

  • 1053 Path of Equal Weight2020-03-22 20:58:43

        Sample Input:20 9 2410 2 4 3 5 10 2 18 9 7 2 2 1 3 12 1 8 6 2 200 4 01 02 03 0402 1 0504 2 06 0703 3 11 12 1306 1 0907 2 08 1016 1 1513 3 14 16 1717 2 18 19 Sample Output:10 5 2 710 4 1010 3 3 6 210 3 3 6 2 给出该树,要求输出符合条件的路径。   这个题

  • Java深入学习06:HashCode和equal方法2020-03-17 11:04:45

    Java深入学习06:HashCode和equal方法  一、HashCode是什么   hashcode就是通过hash函数得来的,通俗的说,就是通过某一种算法得到的,hashcode就是在hash表中有对应的位置。   hash函数中的实现就是一种算法,就是通过一系列的算法来得到一个hash值。这个时候,我们就需要知道另一个东

  • codeforces 1301C Ayoub's function (排列组合)2020-03-04 21:00:27

    Ayoub thinks that he is a very smart person, so he created a function f(s)f(s), where ss is a binary string (a string which contains only symbols "0" and "1"). The function f(s)f(s) is equal to the number of substrings in the string ss

  • 直方图均衡化与规定化2020-03-02 12:04:11

    Histogram equalization and specialization   from PIL import Image import os class Img: def __init__(self, image): self.img = image def getPr(self): # 获取各灰度的概率 img = self.img dic = {} colors = img.g

  • F - Make It Equal CodeForces - 1065C2020-02-01 23:54:57

    题目大意:有n座塔,塔高h[i],每次给定高度H对他们进行削切,要求每次削掉的所有格子数不能超过k个,输出最少削几次才能使所有塔的高度相同。 思路一:差分+贪心 对于每一个高度h,用一个数组让1~h的数,每一个都加一。用差分求一下后缀和可以完成。 AC code: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using na

  • 1060 Are They Equal2020-01-29 22:04:09

    题目 题意:给定两个实数,为他们的科学计数法数是否相等,精确到小数点后n位  #include<iostream> using namespace std; int n; void f(string &s,int &u) { u=0; int len=s.size(); while(u<len&&s[u]!='.') u++; if(u==len) { int t=u; if(s=="0") u=0

  • 面向对象深入部分2020-01-26 10:55:06

    一:继承 子类继承了父类,拥有了父类的一切(但你未必全能用) 对象 instance of 类 override 三大原则: 1.方法名 参数列表相同 2.返回值类型和异常类型 子类要小于父类 3.返回权限 子类要大于父类 object类是所有类的父类,最核心基础的类,所有类都是object 打印一个对象其实是调对象的tost

  • (算法练习)——PAT A1060 Are They Equal2020-01-24 10:07:47

    这两天都在刷疫情的新闻,压根没看书= =得要继续好好看书了,三月的考试一定要200+!!!!! 主要是string的使用 #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int n; string deal(string s,int &e){ int k = 0; while(s.length() > 0 && s[0] ==

  • Day8 - B - Non-Secret Cypher CodeForces - 190D2020-01-22 13:58:28

    Berland starts to seize the initiative on the war with Flatland. To drive the enemy from their native land, the berlanders need to know exactly how many more flatland soldiers are left in the enemy's reserve. Fortunately, the scouts captured an enemy

  • 【Leetcode Medium】1318. Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c2020-01-16 14:42:33

    原题链接 题目描述 Given 3 positives numbers a, b and c. Return the minimum flips required in some bits of a and b to make ( a OR b == c ). (bitwise OR operation). Flip operation consists of change any single bit 1 to 0 or change the bit 0 to 1 in their

  • leetcode 1318 Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c2020-01-13 15:54:41

    Given 3 positives numbers a, b and c. Return the minimum flips required in some bits of a and b to make ( a OR b == c ). (bitwise OR operation).Flip operation consists of change any single bit 1 to 0 or change the bit 0 to 1 in their binary

  • Not equal <> != operator on NULL2019-12-24 13:53:02

    https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5658457/not-equal-operator-on-null <> is Standard SQL-92; != is its equivalent. Both evaluate for values, which NULL is not -- NULL is a placeholder to say there is the absence of a value. Which is why you can on

  • JCC 指令2019-12-20 21:00:30

    JCC跳转指令 JCC指条件跳转指令,CC就是指条件码。 JCC指令 中文含义 英文原意 检查符号位 典型C应用 JZ/JE 若为0则跳转;若相等则跳转 jump if zero;jump if equal ZF=1 if (i == j);if (i == 0); JNZ/JNE 若不为0则跳转;若不相等则跳转 jump if not zero;jump if not equal

  • shell编程之条件语句2019-12-02 14:00:38

    shell条件语句一、条件测试test命令:测试特定的表达式是否成立,当条件成立时,测试语句的返回值为0,否则为其他数值格式1:test 条件表达式格式2:[ 条件表达式 ] 条件表达式与中括号之间至少应有一个空格二、文件测试[ 操作符 文件或目录 ]常用的测试操作符-d:测试是否为目录(Direc

  • A1060 Are They Equal (25 分)2019-11-23 20:51:33

    一、技术总结 cnta、cntb用于记录小数点出现的位置下标,初始化为strlen(字符串)长度。 q、p用于记录第一个非0(非小数点)出现的下标,可以用于计算次方和方便统计输出的字符串,考虑到前面可能出现0。 如果cnta > p ,说明小数点在第一个开始的非0数的下标的右边,那么科学计数法的指数为cnt

  • STAT 3032 Homework4 Instruction2019-10-22 18:53:02

    Please do not share this handout outside the class.STAT 3032 Homework4 Instruction (Fall 2019)Due Thursday, Oct 17 @ 11:59pm in Canvas20 points in totalPlease show your work on each problem for full credit. A correct answer, unsupported by thenecessary ex

  • 【leetcode】1224. Maximum Equal Frequency2019-10-16 11:05:00

    题目如下: Given an array nums of positive integers, return the longest possible length of an array prefix of nums, such that it is possible to remove exactly one element from this prefix so that every number that has appeared in it will have the same num


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