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  • 实验六2022-05-24 22:34:39

    def is_valid(m): if len(m)==18 and m.isdigit(): return 'True' elif len(m)==18 and m[-1]=='X': return 'True' else: return 'False' with open('D:/实验六数据文件data3_id.txt',

  • 实验六2022-05-24 16:35:35

    task5-1 import random import datetime with open('C:\\Users\\86131\\Desktop\\实验6数据文件\\实验6数据文件\\data5.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: a=f.readlines() b=[x.strip('\n').split('\t') for x in

  • 实验62022-05-24 16:04:19

    with open('data3_id.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: data=f.readlines() data=[line.strip().split(',') for line in data] ans=[] def isvalid(id): if len(id)!=18: return False else: for i

  • 实验六2022-05-24 15:00:07

    task3 def is_valid(x): if len(x) != 18: return False for i in x: if not (i.isdigit() or i == 'X'): return False else: return True import csv l=[] with open('data3_id.txt', 'r'

  • HTML element input type datetime-local All In One2022-05-24 12:31:46

    HTML element input type datetime-local All In One HTML element: <input type="datetime-local"></inout> https://caniuse.com/mdn-html_elements_input_type_datetime-local https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/inpu

  • 实验六2022-05-23 23:34:49

    def is_valid(id): if len(id) != 18: return False try: for i in id: if i == 'X': continue elif type(eval(i)) == int: continue else: return

  • 实验6 文件应用编程-22022-05-23 23:00:22

    def is_valid(x): if len(x)==18: if x.isdigit() or( x[:-1].isdigit() and x[-1]=='X'): return True else: return False else: return False with open('data3_id.txt','r',enco

  • 实验六 文件应用编辑-22022-05-23 23:00:07

    Task——3 def is_valid(x): if len(x) != 18 : return False else: for i in x: if '0'<=i<='9'or i=='X': continue return False else: return

  • 实验6 文件应用编程-22022-05-23 21:35:15

    def is_valid(a): if len(a)==18 : if a.isdigit() or( a[:-1].isdigit() and a[-1]=='X'): return True else: return False else: return False with open('D://aa//data3_id.txt','

  • 实验六2022-05-23 18:32:01

    def is_valid(x): if len(str(x[3:]))!=18: return False elif len(str(x[3:]))==18 and x[3:].isdigit(): return True else: if x[3:-1].isdigit() and x[-1]!='X': return False else: ret

  • 实验62022-05-22 20:34:08

    def is_valid(id): if len(id) !=18: return False try: for i in id: if i =='x' continue elif type (eval(i))==int continue else:return False except:return False return True import csv a=[] with open('date3_id.txt',&

  • 实验62022-05-22 19:33:16

    def is_valid(x): if len(x)!=18: return False else: if x.isdecimal(): return True elif x.find('X')and x.strip('X').isdecimal(): return True else: return False w

  • 实验62022-05-22 16:03:04

    task3.py def is_valid(n): if len(n) == 18: if (n.isdigit()) or (n[:-1].isdigit() and n[-1] == 'X'): return True else: return False else: return False with open('data3_id.txt',&

  • 实验62022-05-22 14:03:50

    task3 1 def is_valid(s): 2 if len(s)!=18: 3 return False 4 elif s.isdigit() is False: 5 for i in s: 6 if i<='9' and i>='0': 7 continue 8 elif i<='Z&#

  • 实验6 文件应用编程-22022-05-22 11:34:35

    6.3 def is_valid(x): data=x if len(data)!=18: return False else: if ord(data[-1])==88 or 48<=ord(data[-1])<=57: return True else: return False with open('data3_id.txt','r&#

  • 实验六 文件应用编程-22022-05-22 09:33:07

    #test-3.py def is_valid(m): if len(m)==18 and m.isdigit(): return '合法' elif len(m)==18 and m[-1]=='X': return '合法' else: return '不合法' with open('data3_id.txt','r&#

  • 实验62022-05-22 09:03:37

    实验任务3 def is_valid(s): if(len(s)!=18): return False for i in range(len(s)): if((s[i]<'0' or s[i]>'9') and s[i]!='X'): return False else: return True li=[] with open('d

  • 实验六2022-05-21 21:31:08

    def is_valid(x): for i in x[0:-2]: if not i.isdigit(): return False if len(x)!=18 or not (x[-1].isdigit() or x[-1]=='X'): return False else: return True with open('data3_id.txt','r

  • 实验6 文件应用编程2022-05-21 21:00:45

    task.3.py def is_valid(s): if len(s)!=18: return False elif s.isdigit()==bool(1) or 'X' in s : return bool(1) else: return False with open('D:\\data3_id.txt','r',encoding='utf-8�

  • C# 获取当前月份天数的三种方法总结2022-05-19 14:31:20

    方法一: //最有含量的一种 int days = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Calendar.GetDaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year ,DateTime.Now.Month);   方法二://最奇怪的一种 DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Today;int days = dtNow .AddDays(1 – dtNow .Day).Ad

  • 实验六2022-05-18 20:02:26

    Task3: 1 def is_vaild(x): 2 if(len(x) != 18): 3 return False 4 5 else: 6 for i in range(len(x)): 7 8 if(x[i] < '0' or x[i] > '9'): 9 10 if(x[i] == 'x' or

  • 实验62022-05-18 19:33:55

    任务3 1 def is_valid(x): 2 a,b,c = set(x),set("1234567890X"),set() 3 if (a|b)-b!=c or len(x)!=18:return False 4 return True 5 with open("data3_id.txt","r",encoding="UTF-8") as f: 6 data2=[id1.sp

  • C#循环DataTable赋值2022-05-18 17:31:06

    DateTime date = DateTime.MinValue;for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { if (dt.Columns[j].ColumnName == "123" || dt.Columns[j].ColumnName == "456") { DateTime.TryParse(dt.Rows[i][

  • python获取上月、当月、下月的开始和结束日期2022-05-17 17:01:01

    获取上月开始结束日期 方法一 import datetime import calendar def get_date_of_last_month(): """ 获取上月开始结束日期 :return: str,date tuple """ today = datetime.date.today() today = datetime.date(2022, 1, 1) year = toda

  • python根据日期、随机数生成编码2022-05-17 08:00:06

    import datetime import random import string """    编码格式:YYYYMMDD 身份证后四位、四位随机数 """ datetime_str = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d') id_card = '340825198901113524' card_str = id_card[-4:] random_s


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