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  • HashTable和HashMap区别理解(很重要)2020-04-11 10:02:12

    HashTable和HashMap区别 第一,继承的父类不同。Hashtable继承自Dictionary类,而HashMap继承自AbstractMap类。但二者都实现了Map接口。 复制代码 代码如下: public class Hashtable<K,V> extends Dictionary<K,V> implements Map<K,V>, Cloneable, Serializable public class HashMap

  • robotframework定位动态元素2020-04-05 13:53:39

    1.可以用contains在定位不会变化的部分如 或者用starts-with或ends-with     2.通过定位父元素、兄弟元素间接定位。  

  • 219. Contains Duplicate II2020-03-29 21:01:21

    Given an array of integers and an integer k, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that nums[i] = nums[j] and the absolute difference between i and j is at most k. Example 1: Input: nums = [1,2,3,1], k = 3 Ou

  • Leetcode 217. 存在重复元素 (Contains Duplicate)2020-03-29 19:08:12

    题目 Given an array of integers, find if the array contains any duplicates. Your function should return true if any value appears at least twice in the array, and it should return false if every element is distinct. Example 1: Input: [1,2,3,1] Output: true

  • PAT甲级 1084 Broken Keyboard (20point(s))2020-03-14 14:39:28

    On a broken keyboard, some of the keys are worn out. So when you type some sentences, the characters corresponding to those keys will not appear on screen. Now given a string that you are supposed to type, and the string that you actually type out, plea

  • leetcode 220 Contains Duplicate - zerteen2020-03-07 10:55:58

    Given an array of integers, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that the absolute difference between nums[i] and nums[j] is at most t and the absolute difference between i and j is at most k. Example 1: 12Input: nums

  • codeforces 1301C Ayoub's function (排列组合)2020-03-04 21:00:27

    Ayoub thinks that he is a very smart person, so he created a function f(s)f(s), where ss is a binary string (a string which contains only symbols "0" and "1"). The function f(s)f(s) is equal to the number of substrings in the string ss

  • UVA10573 Geometry Paradox【计算几何】2020-03-04 09:41:41

    In the picture below you can see two small circles touching each other. The larger circle touches both of them. The length of the common tangent inscribed inside the larger circle is t and the radiuses of the two smaller circles are r1 and r2. The cente

  • Contains函数应用 IEqualityComparer 示例2020-03-01 10:09:01

    Contains函数应用 IEqualityComparer 示例一、引用函数二、示例 项目中涉及到了比较器的应用,截图如下: 现将 Contains函数应用 IEqualityComparer 做一个完整的示例如下: bool b = stuList.Contains(stu, new IDComparater()); 一、引用函数 #region 程序集 System.Core, Ve

  • PTA 1005 Spell It Right2020-02-27 16:57:49

    题目描述: Given a non-negative integer N, your task is to compute the sum of all the digits of N, and output every digit of the sum in English. Input Specification: Each input file contains one test case. Each case occupies one line which contains an N (

  • [Javascript] Objects and Functions2020-02-25 18:53:38

    What makes objects different is that we can create more of them. Every time we use the {} object literal, we create a brand new object value: let shrek = {}; let donkey = {};   Functions: for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { let dig = function() {

  • 面向对象的核心特征之:聚合/组合、接口/实现、抽象2020-02-24 22:54:02

    1.聚合/组合 Aggregation/Composition 首先继承(Inheritance )它表述的是一种“is a”的关系,即一个类继承了另一个类的特征,比如:A car is a vehicle(汽车是一种交通工具)   A student is a person(学生是一类人)而聚合(Aggregation)它表述的是一种“has a”的关系,即一个对象是另一个对

  • xpath-语法基本-02232020-02-23 10:36:30

    选取节点 谓语 查找class属性中包含某个词的标签 contains(@属性名,包含的值) 通配符 选取多个 例如 笔记小结 点赞 收藏 分享 文章举报 ifubing 发布了897 篇原创文章 · 获赞 43 · 访问量 13万+ 他的留言板

  • 106、Java中String类之使用contains()方法判断子字符串是否存在2020-02-19 16:02:57

    01.代码如下: package TIANPAN; /** * 此处为文档注释 * * @author 田攀 微信382477247 */ public class TestDemo { public static void main(String args[]) { String str = "helloworld"; // 字符串对象 if (str.contains("world&qu

  • Mapped Statements collection already contains value for2020-02-02 13:38:57

    报错信息 Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mapped Statements collection already contains value for 原因 存在重复的方法名或statementID。 解决方法 检查dao类和xml文件,看是否存在相同的方法名和statementID,并修改之。 注意 持久层不能重载,因为接口调用

  • 攻防世界upload12020-01-28 16:56:56

      打开之后是是一个上传页面 第一想法上传一句话木马,使用菜刀连接     但是只能上传图片 查看源码 Array.prototype.contains = function (obj) { var i = this.length; while (i--) { if (this[i] === obj) { return true;

  • 217. Contains Duplicate2020-01-28 16:05:30

    Given an array of integers, find if the array contains any duplicates. Your function should return true if any value appears at least twice in the array, and it should return false if every element is distinct. Example 1: Input: [1,2,3,1] Output: true E

  • 采集北京市政百姓信件内容——首都之窗(采用htmlunit,webmagic)附源代码、htmlUnit webmagic JAR包2020-01-28 11:04:09

      由于首都之窗网站第二页和第二页网址不变,已经和林子雨老师教程相差甚远,所以现在选择htmlunit模拟点击,(跳转摁钮显示网页仍是第一页),所以本代码用的一直是点击下一页摁钮。 爬取网址:http://www.beijing.gov.cn/hudong/hdjl/com.web.search.mailList.flow 获取代码:      

  • PAT Advanced 1084 Broken Keyboard (20分)2020-01-25 11:57:30

    On a broken keyboard, some of the keys are worn out. So when you type some sentences, the characters corresponding to those keys will not appear on screen. Now given a string that you are supposed to type, and the string that you actually type out, please

  • 验证登陆案例2020-01-23 12:39:35

    1. 案例1_登录验证 * 需求: 1. 访问day17_case案例的资源。验证其是否登录 2. 如果登录了,则直接放行。 3. 如果没有登录,则跳转到登录页面,提示"您尚未登录,请先登录"。 具体步骤 LoginFilter的业务逻辑; 1.判断是否是登录相关的资源: *是,直接放行 *不是,判断是否登陆

  • 【PAT甲级】1001 A+B Format2020-01-22 20:07:59

    1001 A+B Format (20分) Calculate a+b and output the sum in standard format -- that is, the digits must be separated into groups of three by commas (unless there are less than four digits). Input Specification: Each input file contains one test case. Each c

  • 1295. Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits2020-01-17 13:53:47

    Given an array nums of integers, return how many of them contain an even number of digits.   Example 1: Input: nums = [12,345,2,6,7896] Output: 2 Explanation: 12 contains 2 digits (even number of digits).  345 contains 3 digits (odd number of digits).

  • 3-3 【视频讲解】Dart基础快速入门2020-01-12 15:00:17

    首先 程序入口 https://www.tutorialspoint.com/execute_dart_online.php 控制台输出 变量 定义变量的时候,可以指定它的类型,也可以不指定它的类型。 创建和分配变量  没有指定otherName的类型,但是在运行的时候会推测出otherName的类型。 更多的信息可以参考da

  • pat10012019-12-25 22:06:17

    1001 A+B Format (20分)   Calculate a+b and output the sum in standard format -- that is, the digits must be separated into groups of three by commas (unless there are less than four digits). Input Specification: Each input file contains one test c

  • 【leetcode】1295. Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits2019-12-23 10:55:37

    题目如下: Given an array nums of integers, return how many of them contain an even number of digits. Example 1: Input: nums = [12,345,2,6,7896]Output: 2Explanation: 12 contains 2 digits (even number of digits). 345 contains 3 digits (odd number of digits


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