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  • (四) Redis连接的客户端(connected_clients)数过高或者不减的问题解决方案2019-07-13 14:35:24

    最近的项目上使用ServiceStack.Redis上了Redis缓存,其中遇到了很多问题。。 比如说 某一天发现redis做的缓存竟然失效了,然后查了下日志  报错max number of clients reached, sPort: 0, LastCommand:   。。首先考虑的是是不是项目中redis使用完后没有dispose..结果查了半天

  • oracle登录后无法使用,显示Connected to an idle instance2019-07-01 09:49:13

    1.登录情况: [oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Jul 1 09:15:35 2019 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to an idle instance. 2.连接到空闲实例,可能是数据库监听未启动,或者数据库未启动

  • ZooKeeper常用命令行操作2019-06-16 16:49:10

    四 ZooKeeper常用命令行操作 通过./zkCli.sh 打开zk的客户端进入命令行后台 ls/ls2 列出当前节点下的子节点 ls2还会列出当前节点的状态 [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 5] ls2 / [cluster, controller_epoch, brokers, zookeeper, admin, isr_change_notification, consumers,

  • ZooKeeper学习之路(三)—— Zookeeper常用Shell命令2019-06-07 16:48:45

    一、节点增删改查 1.1 启动服务和连接服务 # 启动服务 bin/zkServer.sh start #连接服务 不指定服务地址则默认连接到localhost:2181 zkCli.sh -server hadoop001:2181 1.2 help命令 使用help可以查看所有命令及格式。 1.3 查看节点列表 查看节点列表有ls path和 ls2 pat

  • ZooKeeper学习之路(五)—— ACL权限控制2019-06-07 16:47:50

    一、前言 为了避免存储在Zookeeper上的数据被其他程序或者人为误修改,Zookeeper提供了ACL(Access Control Lists)进行权限控制。只有拥有对应权限的用户才可以对节点进行增删改查等操作。下文分别介绍使用原生的Shell命令和Apache Curator客户端进行权限设置。 二、使用Shel

  • zookeeper cli 常用命令解析2019-05-07 23:55:48

    zookeeper CLI 1,查看所有命令 启动zookeeper并使用bin目录下的zkCli.sh连接zookeeper服务器,输入任何zookeeper不能识别的命令,zookeeper都会列出所有可供使用的命令: [zk: 105] k ZooKeeper -server host:port cmd args stat path [watch]

  • UVA459 Graph Connectivity【并查集】2019-05-02 08:53:22

    Consider a graph G formed from a large number of nodes connected by edges. G is said to be connected if a path can be found in 0 or more steps between any pair of nodes in G. For example, the graph below is not connected because there is no path from A to

  • zookeeper调试命令2019-03-26 14:48:54

    转载自 https://www.cnblogs.com/andy6/p/7674028.html 一、zkServer.sh 1、查看 zkServer.sh 帮助信息[root@bigdata05 bin]# ./zkServer.sh helpZooKeeper JMX enabled by defaultUsing config: /bigdata/zookeeper-3.4.10/bin/../conf/zoo.cfgUsage: ./zkServer.sh {start|star

  • 02_路由重发布2019-03-17 11:47:46

    不同协议之间的路由,是不会相互交换的。 一、路由重发布的意义: 1、把一种协议的路由注入到另一种协议当中,譬如把RIP的路由注入到OSPF当中 2、把同一种路由协议的一个进程注入到另一个进程中,譬如把OSPF的进程31注入到32当中 二、重发布需要考虑的问题: 1、只有在路由表中的路由才可以

  • BENZ Prognosis System C5 SD Be connected & Panasonic Xentry-Tab2019-03-12 22:38:42

    Brand-new released!! Recently, we all autonumen website gives a brand-new Superstar prognosis bundle, C5 sdconnect along with Panasonic hook. Mercedes BENZ C5 Xentry Be connected diagnostic user interface (manufactured by France ACTIA Company) along with

  • codeforces Mooyo Mooyo2019-03-10 13:48:34

    挺有意思的题 双dfs题面题意分析代码 题面 With plenty of free time on their hands (or rather, hooves), the cows on Farmer John’s farm often pass the time by playing video games. One of their favorites is based on a popular human video game called Puyo Puyo

  • connected standby2019-03-09 23:40:08

    参考链接 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/modern-standby https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/winsdk/2014/12/02/how-to-get-notified-when-going-in-and-out-of-connected-standby-from-a-windows-service/   一 介绍   低功耗

  • ospf与rip双点双向重分发实验-实现负载均衡2019-02-17 14:55:27

    本次实验,路由器,思科的网络设备拓扑如下(比较简单):首先是动态路由协议配置及ip配置-----------1enconf trouter ospf 1router-id area 0exitrouter ripver 2no autnetwo tint l0ip add

  • POJ1679:The Unique MST(最小生成树)2019-02-13 22:40:09

    The Unique MST Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 38430   Accepted: 14045 题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=1679 Description: Given a connected undirected graph, tell if its minimum spanning tree is unique. Definition 1

  • POJ 1679-The Unique MST【最小生成树的唯一性】2019-01-26 22:01:34

    题目描述 Given a connected undirected graph, tell if its minimum spanning tree is unique.  Definition 1 (Spanning Tree): Consider a connected, undirected graph G = (V, E). A spanning tree of G is a subgraph of G, say T = (V', E'), with the following


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