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  • 道路卡口摄像头的异常状态统计2022-09-15 10:34:16

    package camera import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession // 摄像异常状态的功能代码 object CameraAbnormality { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("camera").setMaster("l

  • 2018_ACCV_Cross-Resolution Person Re-identification with Deep Antithetical Learning2022-08-08 16:33:23

    1.介绍 ReID是个热点问题。 以往的ReID工作未重视跨分辨率问题。该问题产生原因有三: the graphical perspective:图像透视 configurations of surveillance cameras:监控配置 rescaling image:缩放图像 图像处理中patch的概念

  • Unity Display 1 No cameras rendering 提示消除方法2022-05-25 21:35:15

    在制作一些纯UI的场景时,在Game视窗的中心部分会提示“Display 1 No cameras rendering”,是不是觉得很烦心?那么今天就教你一招,看图:  右键Game ,取消勾选Warn if no cameras rendering

  • Games101笔记——Lecture 19:Cameras, Lenses and Light Fields2022-02-20 23:02:37

    Lecture 19:Cameras, Lenses and Light Fields 独立的内容:相机、棱镜和光场 图形学中两种成像的方法:光栅化和光线追踪但他们在自然界中并不存在简单的成像方法:拍照片,捕捉 相机的工作原理 从小孔成像开始相机的部件 快门传感器-其上的每个点记录irradiance如果相机没“针

  • Basler acA1300-200uc相机使用教程2021-12-28 13:05:31

    https://www.baslerweb.com/cn/products/cameras/area-scan-cameras/ace/aca1300-200uc/ 开发文档 https://zh.docs.baslerweb.com/aca1300-200uc pylon库(C++) 主要示例功能说明 https://blog.csdn.net/juliarjuliar/article/details/79457719 CameraEventPrinter.h //包含一个为

  • Lec19 Cameras, Lenses and Light Fields 相机,棱镜和光场2021-12-26 16:02:28

    Lec19 Cameras, Lenses and Light Fields 相机,棱镜和光场 成像方法 合成方法(Synthesis) 光栅化光线追踪 捕捉方法 (Capture) 比如相机 相机 小孔成像(pinhole camera) q带棱镜的相机 (lens) Shutter(快门) 捕捉光(传感器)记录 irradiance 针孔相机(pinhole camera) 视场(Field

  • calibrate_cameras_hypercentric.hdev 使用超中心镜头校准相机2021-11-17 09:32:23

    calibrate_cameras_hypercentric.hdev 使用超中心镜头校准相机

  • The Ultimate Guide to Buying A New Camera2021-11-15 22:31:41

    [photographyconcentrate] 六级/考研单词: embark, thrill, excite, intimidate, accessory, comprehensive, timid, delight, expense, probable, digit, lens, compose, blur, pursuit, pastime, tertiary, boast, casual, amateur, compact, dedicate, perpetual, zoom, farthe

  • [LeetCode] 968. Binary Tree Cameras2021-05-31 05:32:20

    You are given the root of a binary tree. We install cameras on the tree nodes where each camera at a node can monitor its parent, itself, and its immediate children. Return the minimum number of cameras needed to monitor all nodes of the tree. Example 1:

  • 摆脱恼人的IE控件,mediaDevices Api 实现高拍仪抓拍2021-04-29 19:02:18

    项目中需要用到高拍仪采集资料照片,公司以前的旧代码是使用IE控件的,项目在IE上运行的效果还是很难让人满意,查了相关的api后,发现chrome实现起来既简单又流畅,自己梳理记录一下 涉及到的 API MediaDevices.enumerateDevices():用于获取用户设备列表 MediaDevices.getUserMedia():用于请

  • VisionPro 关闭程序断开相机连接2021-03-16 15:35:03

    退出程序或发生异常需要断开相机连接时,可调用此方法 1 using Cognex.VisionPro.FGGigE; 2 using Cognex.VisionPro.FGGigE.Implementation.Internal; 3 //关闭相机连接,防止程序报错 4 CogFrameGrabberGigEs cameras = new CogFrameGrabberGigEs(); 5 6 try 7 { 8  

  • 基于视觉的战斗检测监视摄像机(Vision-based Fight Detection from Surveillance Cameras)2021-01-08 14:59:59

    基于视觉的战斗检测监视摄像机(Vision-based Fight Detection from Surveillance Cameras)        基于视觉的动作识别是计算机视觉和模式识别最具挑战性的研究 课题之一。 它的具体应用,即从公共区域、监狱等的监控摄像头中检 测打架事件,是为了迅速控制这些暴力事件。本文针对

  • [LeetCode] 968. Binary Tree Cameras 二叉树相机2020-12-14 09:03:39

    Given a binary tree, we install cameras on the nodes of the tree. Each camera at a node can monitor its parent, itself, and its immediate children. Calculate the minimum number of cameras needed to monitor all nodes of the tree. Example 1: Input: [0,0,nu

  • URP代码分析2020-12-08 12:29:27

    protected override void Render(ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, Camera[] cameras) { BeginFrameRendering(renderContext, cameras); GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity = (QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == Co

  • OpenCV VideoCapture类2020-03-18 10:57:25

    OpenCV中通过VideoCaptrue类对视频进行读取操作以及调用摄像头,下面是该类的API。 1.VideoCapture类的构造函数: VideoCapture::VideoCapture(); VideoCapture::VideoCapture(const string& filename); VideoCapture::VideoCapture(int device); 功能:创建一个VideoCapture类的实例

  • SAP Hybris Commerce的页面路由实现2020-02-27 11:54:51

    登录Hybris前台,在product catalog里选择Digital camera: 点击某个product进入detail页面: 注意detail page这个url: 这个detail page的route和我们做Fiori时的思路很像: 这个detail url https://localhost:9002/yacceleratorstorefront/electronics/en/Open-Catalogue/Cameras

  • D - Cameras Gym - 101291D (坑)2019-07-23 14:38:44

    Download 这个方法卡在了42test; #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b,c,i,j,sum=0,d,k,g; int n[100010]; cin >> a >> b >> c; memset(n,0,sizeof(n)); for(i=1; i<=b; i+

  • 泡泡一分钟:Project AutoVision - Localization and 3D Scene Perception for an Autonomous Vehicle with a Mul2019-07-03 22:39:40

    Project AutoVision - Localization and 3D Scene Perception for an Autonomous Vehicle with a Multi-Camera System https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.05477 Abstract: Project AutoVision aims to develop localization and 3D scene perception capabilities for a self-drivi


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