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  • Algorithms_算法思想_递归篇2020-01-12 20:40:26

    文章目录引导案例递归的定义什么样的问题可以用递归算法来解决 引导案例 案例一: 分销系统的返利: 比如B是A的下线,C是B的下线,那么在分钱返利的时候A可以分B,C的钱,这时候我们是不是就要分别找B,C的最后上级。这个问题我们一般怎么来解决呢? C–>B–>A 案例二: .斐波那契数列: 1

  • [Algorithms] 打印菱形的另一种方法2019-12-07 13:51:25

    int height, i, j, k, t; std::cout << "Enter the height of diamond: "; std::cin >> height; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { t = std::abs((height >> 1) - i); for (j = 0; j < t; j++)

  • CSI 403 Data Structures and Algorithms2019-11-24 18:56:23

    CSI 403 Data Structures and Algorithms Fall 2019Homework IV HurdProblem 1 [25 pts]:Given the sequence of numbers: 20, 7, 34, 29, 43, 40, 8, 12, 30, 42a) [7 pts] Show the resulting BST after inserting the numbers as keys.b) [9 pts] What will be the resulti

  • Data Structures and Algorithms2019-09-14 15:50:50

    一. 简介 有序列表项 一 有序列表项 二 有序列表项 三 有序列表项 一 有序列表项 二 有序列表项 三 有序列表项 一 有序列表项 二 有序列表项 三 有序列表项 三 二. 分级标题 有序列表项 一 有序列表项 二 有序列表项 三 有序列表项 一 有序列表项 二 有序列表项 三 有序列表项

  • SIT221 Data Structures and Algorithms2019-08-28 18:57:34

    SIT221 Data Structures and Algorithms Trimester 2, 2019 Practical Task 6.2 (Credit Task) Submission deadline: 10:00am Monday, September 2 Discussion deadline: 10:00am Saturday, September 14 General Instructions In this task, answer all the following quest

  • FIT1045 Algorithms and programming in Python2019-08-24 18:53:47

    FIT1045 Algorithms and programming in Python, S1-2019Assignment 2 (value 18%).Due: Friday 17th May, 2019, 11:55 pmObjectivesThe objectives of this assignment are: To demonstrate the ability to implement algorithms using basic data structures and operation

  • [转载] TopCoder - Algorithm Tutorials - The Importance of Algorithms - lbackstrom2019-08-11 15:01:04

    原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/pagsun/archive/2011/07/19/2110348.html Introduction The first step towards an understanding of why the study and knowledge of algorithms are so important is to define exactly what we mean by an algorith

  • [转]算法之美2019-08-02 12:01:22

    原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/wangshide/archive/2012/06/26/2564458.html   [注:本文章是一篇书评。书名:algorithm 中文书名:算法概论] 这是本很新的书,06年末发行,07年才慢慢出现于人们的视野。我在08年初得知这本书,那会我还很奇怪:都什么年月了,怎么还

  • Quantum search algorithms2019-07-08 19:36:34

    the oracle 搜索空间: NNN 元素 只关心[0,N−1][0,N-1][0,N−1]的索引,不关注元素本身 假设N=2nN=2^nN=2n,这样索引用n−bitsn-bitsn−bits存储 有MMM个解 假如我们有一个 a quantum oracle, with the ability to recognize solutions to the search problem. The

  • Graph Theory: Representation and Algorithms2019-06-25 20:02:43

    Summer Project - 2019Graph Theory: Representation and Algorithms1 IntroductionIn order to complete this project successfully, the student should be familiar with many basicnotions of graph theory. The questions below whose answers should be included in th

  • Proximal Algorithms 3 Interpretation2019-06-08 23:04:31

    目录 Moreau-Yosida regularization 与次梯度的联系 \(\mathbf{prox}_{\lambda f} = (I + \lambda \partial f)^{-1}\) 改进的梯度路径 信赖域问题 Proximal Algorithms 这一节,作者总结了一些关于proximal的一些直观解释 Moreau-Yosida regularization 内部卷积(infimal co

  • Algorithms and C language2019-06-06 19:00:39

    Algorithms and C languageHomework 2To be returned by Monday 10 June 2019- You should send the source file and the executable file.- Please, do not forget: your name, surname, your Tianjin code and UQAC code, aswell as your e-mail address if you have one.-

  • Proximal Algorithms 1 介绍2019-06-03 18:52:58

    目录 定义 解释 图形解释 梯度解释 一个简单的例子 Proximal Algorithms 定义 令\(f: \mathrm{R}^n \rightarrow \mathrm{R} \cup \{+ \infty \}\)为闭的凸函数,即其上镜图: \[ \mathbf{epi} f = \{ (x, t) \in \mathrm{R}^n \times \mathrm{R}| f(x) \le t\} \] 为非空闭

  • COMP20007 Design of Algorithms2019-06-02 18:51:29

    COMP20007 Design of AlgorithmsSchool of Computing and Information SystemsThe University of MelbourneAssignment 2Due: 11:59 PM Wednesday May 29thIntroductionThis assignment consists of 3 programming problems and 5 analysis problems. You will submit yoursol

  • algorithms总结2019-05-03 17:50:03

    算法复杂度: 常见的增长数量级函数: 1,logN,N,NlogN, N^2,N^3,2^N 除了指数级别 都满足: T(N)~aN^blgN 所以T(2N)/T(N)~2^b  (详见算法p122)   1.并查集 并查集(Union-Find)算法介绍 - dm_vincent的专栏 - CSDN博客 https://blog.csdn.net/dm_vincent/article/details/7655764 并查

  • KIT205 Data Structures and Algorithms2019-03-31 19:51:37

    KIT205 Data Structures and AlgorithmsAssignment 1: Data StructuresDue: 26th April, 11:55pmIntroductionYou work for an online marketing company that manages a number of store loyalty programs.You have been asked to develop some software to manage the custo

  • 机器学习入门书籍推荐2019-03-16 13:53:43

    Hands On Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and TensorFlow,也就是下面这本。      作为一个半路出家的小菜鸡,为了较系统学习机器学习,看过好几本相关书籍,除了上面说的这一本,还看过周志华的《机器学习》、李航的《统计学习方法》、Ian Goodfellow《Deep Learning》(中文版

  • CIS 315, Intermediate Algorithms2019-03-10 19:43:34

    CIS 315, Intermediate AlgorithmsWinter 2019Assignment 6due Friday, March 8, 20191 DescriptionWe want to devise a dynamic programming solution to the following problem: there is a string ofcharacters which might have been a sequence of words with all the s

  • Core Data Structures, Algorithms and Concepts2019-03-08 12:39:31

    Graph: n nodes, m edges Representation Adjacency Matrix: O(n^2) space, not efficient for sparse graph Adjacency List: O(n + m) space, efficient for sparse graph    Traversal BFS: Runtime: O(n + m) application: unweighted graph shortest path computation, c


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