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  • Pupu(二分快速幂)2021-11-17 19:01:57

    Problem Description There is an island called PiLiPaLa.In the island there is a wild animal living in it, and you can call them PuPu. PuPu is a kind of special animal, infant PuPus play under the sunshine, and adult PuPus hunt near the seaside. They fell

  • 答案:你是成年人吗?【难度:1级】--景越训练营Python习题答案(含多种解法)2019-08-05 11:03:58

    你是成年人吗?【难度:1级】: 答案1: def is_adult(age): return f"You're {age>17 and 'an adult' or 'a minor'}"​ 答案2: def is_adult(age): return 'You\'re an adult' if age >= 18 else 'You\'re a mino

  • Java的四个标记接口:Serializable、Cloneable、RandomAccess和Remote接口2019-04-18 09:52:08

      一、概述             标记接口是一些没有属性和方法的接口,也是一种设计思想。Java中的一个标记接口表示的的是一种类的特性,实现了该标记接口的类则具有该特性。如实现了Serializable接口的类,表示这个类的对象是可以进行序列化和反序列化的。Java中常见的标记接口还有Clo


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