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  • E-What time is it anyway?---2018纽约区域赛(模拟暴搜)2021-06-05 19:02:31

    What time is it anyway? Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 128 Mb Description The Frobozz Magic Clock CompanyFrobozz Magic Clock Company makes 12-hour analog clocks that are always circular and have an hour hand and a minute hand as shown below: [外链图片转存

  • [‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘].map(parseInt) what & why ?2021-06-05 11:30:23

    1. 基础函数 Map 函数:map() 方法创建一个新数组,其结果是该数组中的每个元素都调用一个提供的函数后返回的结果。 var array1 = [1,4,9,16]; const map1 = array1.map(x => x *2); console.log(map1); 输出结果: Array [2,8,18,32] 如下我们看一下map 函数的完整定义: /**

  • Machine Learning - Day2 -ML Intro_12021-06-04 21:02:10

    文章目录 Edible InstructionWhat's Machine Learning?Different Types Of FunctionsRegressionClassificationStructured Learning Example application Edible Instruction Too many formulations and equations, so screen shots of PPT is necessary.My mathematics

  • what is the lexical scope2021-06-04 20:34:49

    Why I write First of all, write down the whole process of how I encountered these problems when I learned how to overload the function call operator, and I learned about function object; which led to the concept of function closures, lamda expression, lex

  • 记录 | what can i learn from the lessons2021-06-04 14:05:16

    课程科目 计算机网络 |《计算机网络自顶向下方法第七版-中文翻译》 计算机组成原理 | 《计算机组成原理-唐朔飞》 国内特点 缺乏强逻辑思辨环节,更多是灌输,衔接性不强 概念多,多为英文(最好从英文脚本入手,非 翻译版) 大部分翻译,参考国外著作,水平层次不齐,有机翻嫌疑,表达不

  • 5W1H聊开源之What——开源是什么?2021-06-04 10:04:53

    美国政治传播学家拉斯韦尔提出了5W传播模式,经过后人的不断运用和发展总结,形成了一套逐渐成熟的“5W1H”体系,即:对选定的项目、工序或操作,都要从原因(何因Why)、对象(何事What)、地点(何地Where)、时间(何时When)、人员(何人Who)、方法(何法How)等六个方面提出问题进行思考。   本系列文章就以5

  • pl-interviewing-Tara2021-06-01 23:02:27

    Introduction Hello, and welcome. My name is Tara. I come from South Africa, and I live in a small beautiful coastal city called Port Elizabeth. In my spare time, I love spending time reading books to my daughter, and watching movies. Corrections Incor

  • What is “with (nolock)” in SQL Server?2021-06-01 11:02:06

    What is “with (nolock)” in SQL Server? Can someone explain the implications of using with (nolock) on queries, when you should/shouldn't use it? For example, if you have a banking application with high transaction rates and a lot of data in certain

  • emoji哈哈哈哈2021-05-30 19:53:12

    emoji哈哈哈哈 Unicode 官网上的FAQ令人发笑,啊哈哈哈 Q: What are the most popular emoji characters? Q: Do emoji characters have single semantics? Q: I’d like my favorite emoji added to my phone. Can the Unicode Consortium add it? Q: How can I get the Uni

  • What is Domain-Driven Design笔记:C1.Analyzing Business Domains2021-05-29 10:00:17

    In this chapter, you will learn about domain-driven design’s concepts for analyzing a company’s business: the business domain; core, supporting, and generic subdomains; and domain experts. 在这一节,你将学习通过DDD从公司商业角度进行分析的概念: 商业域、核

  • Lady General Hua Mu-lan花木兰剧本2021-05-24 12:57:32

    Lady General Hua Mu-lan花木兰剧本 Gary专业版 Scene 0: Narrator (N):Oh, come here little girl, tell me, do you want to become a woman as brave as Mulan? Kid(K):Mulan?But who is Mulan? N:Oh? You don’t know Mulan? Then do you want to listen to the story ab

  • Jetpack Compose What and Why, 6个问题2021-05-22 12:30:13

    Jetpack Compose What and Why, 6个问题 优惠券 https://www.fenfaw.cn/ 1.这个技术出现的背景, 初衷, 要达到什么样的目标或是要解决什么样的问题. Jetpack Compose是什么? 它是一个声明式的UI工具包(declarative UI toolkit for Android). 它的主要目的就是改变之前命令式地(

  • Jetpack Compose What and Why, 6个问题2021-05-21 02:33:52

    Jetpack Compose What and Why, 6个问题 1.这个技术出现的背景, 初衷, 要达到什么样的目标或是要解决什么样的问题. Jetpack Compose是什么? 它是一个声明式的UI工具包(declarative UI toolkit for Android). 它的主要目的就是改变之前命令式地(imperatively)写UI的方法, 改成声

  • What are root name servers?2021-05-20 23:05:37

    The root zone Who operates them Where they are Who is responsible for them Where does the root zone come from How do resolvers find root servers Fault tolerance 关于DNS中的root name servers,转自http://www.netnod.se/what-are-root-name-servers.

  • U校园新标准大学英语(第二版)视听说2 Unit1答案2021-05-15 19:34:41

    Directions: Listen to five short conversations and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1) A. He doesn't like Mrs. Jones. B. His apartment is too expensive. C. He's going to study abroad. D. His apartment is too old.参考答案:1) B

  • 2021-2022学年学英语报七年级第6期答案外研版基础版2021-05-08 20:35:06

    进入查看:2021-2022学年学英语报七年级第6期答案外研版基础版   句型50:... so that ...Put the tree in the hole so that it is straight.把树放入洞穴中,让它立直。句型51:be + num + metres / kilometres / years... + long / wide / deep / high / old...The Great Green Wall i

  • css悬停效果2021-05-08 10:35:31

    * { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: "Poppins",sans-serif; } body { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background:rgb(76,79,64); } .container { position: relative; height: 600px;

  • 软实力-金字塔原理2021-05-05 21:01:25

    以受众为中心的四个层面 受众who 分析他是谁 他的兴趣点:和他专业有关 他的态度:他跟你内容的熟悉程度 他的担忧: 他对你的担忧,来自于他的专业,他的背景 场景where 时间when 目标why 目标类型 报告类型 对象 目的 告知类 经验分享 本部门同事 经验分享 业务介绍 跨部

  • 4月回顾2021-05-05 16:01:34

    2021年4月计划 完成阅读任务: 1. 读完《多样性团队》     4月10日开始        done 2. 《Python从入门到实践》 4月22日开始    done   论文撰写:     题目:简明扼要     摘要:论文主要贡献     引言:论文要解决的基本问题和其主要意义     相关工作:该问题目

  • 侯世达的文章的摘抄2021-05-03 14:04:10

    侯世达的文章的摘抄 来源: <http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_56412c020102whis.html>   去年听的几篇关于侯世达的文章的摘抄。Although he speaks a different 'language' (of algorithm, of AI etc.) , but it's ABSTRACTED in a way that it gets to a COMMON GROUND. A kind

  • What is the difference between ManualResetEvent and AutoResetEvent in .NET?2021-05-02 04:32:21

    What is the difference between ManualResetEvent and AutoResetEvent in .NET? I have read the documentation on this and I think I understand. An AutoResetEvent resets when the code passes through event.WaitOne(), but a ManualResetEvent does not. Is this co

  • 使用 IDEA的// noinspection unchecked去除警告2021-05-01 12:35:20

    // noinspection unchecked 参考 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17836373/what-does-noinspection-forloopreplaceablebyforeach-mean

  • SAP License:SAP FI/CO—Questions and Answers2021-04-29 11:32:17

    SAP Basics 12 1 What is ‘SAP”? 12 2 Tell Me More About (The History Of) SAP 13 3 What are the ‘Solutions’ Currently Available from SAP? 13 4 What are the Components of the ‘SAP ERP’ Solution? 13、 5 What is the Significance of the ‘SAP NetWeaver

  • NetApp发布ONTAP 9,What's new(牛)?2021-04-26 15:07:30

    通俗理解,这个ONTAP的第9个版本。如果一个版本比喻为一个女儿的话,这9公主和前面8大公主有啥不同呢?也就是有啥New(牛)的东东? 想多不想,肯定更好看了。这个有可能,毕竟审美都在进步,但我们今天不重点讨论GUI,而是看看功能上有啥值得注意的新特性。 从ONTAP 9开始,NetApp赋予ONTAP更多的含义,

  • What's new in dubbo-go v1.5.62021-04-26 15:04:50

    简介: dubbogo 社区近期发布了 dubbogo v1.5.6。该版本和 dubbo 2.7.8 对齐,提供了命令行工具,并提供了多种加载配置的方式。 作者 | 铁城  dubbo-go 社区 committer来源 | 阿里巴巴云原生公众号 dubbogo 社区近期发布了 dubbogo v1.5.6。该版本和 dubbo 2.7.8 对齐,提供了命令


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