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  • The three top-paying tech roles in 2022 and the skills you need to land them2022-02-16 13:04:42

    The three top-paying tech roles in 2022 and the skills you need to land them After two decades of working in the technical training industry, I’ve found software development roles need people who have the skills to do the job, regardless of whether those

  • The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference2022-02-15 01:03:37

    原文:https://github.com/joaoBordalo/feup-COMP/blob/master/The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference.pdf ANTLR V4介绍 新的解析技术:Adaptive LL() or ALL() 简化对expression的语法表达 自动将左递归规则重写为等价的非左递归规则 parse-tree walker: listener and visitor pattern

  • xctf攻防世界 CRYPTO高手进阶区 cr3-what-is-this-encryption2022-02-11 09:58:36

    1. 进入环境 题目给出了一长串字符,我们将其提出来,发现是p,q,e,c,因此猜测可能是RSA相关的解密问题。 查一查RSA的具体操作流程: 2. 代码解题 参考网上的wp,先安装两个包: pip install libnum pip install pycryptodome 接着上代码: import libnum from Crypto.Util.number import l

  • 【改变思路】中式英语解决之法2022-02-09 11:02:46

    1. 前言 我经常写一些英语小作文给我的朋友们去看,自认为也写的可以了,但是仍然会被朋友们认为还有较大的改进空间。在一些人工智能评测工具中,我撰写的作文已经改无可该了,例如grammarly是100分,微软小英给出的是雅思8/9分,批改网给出的是90/100分。 经过与小伙伴的讨论以后,发现有

  • 产品方案:我的PRD撰写规范2022-02-08 17:00:08

    第一部分:PRD的背景 本身,产品经理这个岗位并没有系统的科班专业(哦,不对,之前刷新闻的时候看到北京师范大学研究生院好像已经在今年开通了产品经理的硕士学位和相关的课程),所以我们在工作投入之前,其实并没有办法直接在相关硬技能上有比较系统的学习。大部分同学能进入互联网的产品岗位,

  • Cipher Block chaining2022-02-05 19:29:59

    what is cipher block chaining The following is the description:

  • redis夺命连环问2--谈谈你对redis的认识,越多越好。2022-02-03 14:02:19

    目录 谈谈你对redis的认识,越多越好。1.先谈谈Redis是啥-What2.Redis有哪些优缺点-What3.Redis能干啥-What-What4.为什么要用 Redis /为什么要用缓存-What-What-Why 谈谈你对redis的认识,越多越好。 1.先谈谈Redis是啥-What Redis是一个用 C 语言编写的,开源的高性能非关系

  • attribute2022-02-01 22:31:24

    attribute和property做属性、特质、性质解时算同义词。To be fair though, in Computer Science these two words, at least for the most part, can be used interchangeably - but then again programmers usually don't hold degrees in English Literature and do not write o

  • 2022.4 一图看懂国家数字经济规划要点2022-01-23 09:03:09


  • 备份代码,ignore 一些不要的文件夹,比如build2022-01-22 11:32:13

    备份代码,ignore 一些不要的文件夹,比如build 代码在这 https://gitee.com/starplatinum111/my_util_py_pub/blob/master/myfile.py 配置 代码的根目录 proj_path = r"D:\project\waibao\what-rubbish-final" 要放到的根目录,没有此文件夹的话 会创建 dst_path = r"D:\project\w

  • 幂指函数的处理2022-01-18 20:00:07

    幂指函数_百度百科 (baidu.com)   What is the value of limit x^(1/(x-1)) as x tends to 1?  

  • 1. 201411162022-01-17 11:04:31

    Malware-Traffic-Analysis.net - 2014-11-16 - Traffic analysis exercise CyberDefenders – MyDFIR 并不是解题的思路历程,而是答案证据记录。 LEVEL 1 QUESTIONS: What is the IP address of the Windows VM that gets infected? 根据经验捕捉的流量有公私网地址,所以应该位于网

  • SpringCloud版本与SpringBoot版本的对应关系2022-01-16 20:32:37

    官方网址: Spring CloudLevel up your Java code and explore what Spring can do for you.https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud  

  • 深入理解linux虚拟内存管理--01 简介2022-01-10 22:02:26

    简介 英文原版书地址 https://www.kernel.org/doc/gorman/html/understand/understand001.html 使用内核版本 2.4.22 目录如下: Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Getting Started 1.2 Managing the Source 1.3 Browsing the Code 1.4 Reading the Code 1.5 Submitting Patches Cha

  • How To Be Dead2022-01-09 22:32:37

    年度总结说我去年三月几号来着把这歌循环了八遍,我不信,三月几号的时候我可快乐了。但着实让我回想起了这破歌,又开始一不想活了就听它。我就爱听这种欢快的歌! Songwriters: Gary Lightbody / Nathan Connolly / Jonathan Graham Quinn / Mark Mcclelland Please don't go crazy, i

  • 新概念1(144课)2022-01-08 14:31:24

    1. casual dress 便服      evening dress晚礼服 祈使句: my coat and my umbrella please.=give me my coat and my umbrella (show me your) Ticket,please.     passort护照 sorry = i'm sorry(为自己所犯过错道歉,对他人有所伤害) what can i do for you ,sir? this is no

  • 2022-2023学年英语周报七年级第35期答案及试题2022-01-08 10:33:38

    进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报七年级第35期答案及试题   In the first few months, Cherish would only sell a few in the online marketplace. But soon she realized that mums like herself were the ones buying into the brand and NOT the 16-year-old girls what she ha

  • Handler源码分析2022-01-07 15:02:30

    源码位置 android-rk3399/frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/Handler.java Handler构造函数 在新建Handler时,在调用Hander重载函数,源码如下: public Handler(Callback callback, boolean async) { if (FIND_POTENTIAL_LEAKS) { final Class<? ext

  • 机器学习笔记1-What is Machine Learning2022-01-02 15:32:02

    What is Machine Learning Two definitions of Machine Learning are offered. Arthur Samuel described it as: “the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.” This is an older, informal definition. Tom Mitc

  • grpc2022-01-01 22:34:49

    grpc 官方文档 https://grpc.io/docs/ https://grpc.io/docs/what-is-grpc/introduction/ https://grpc.io/docs/what-is-grpc/core-concepts/ In gRPC, a client application can directly call a method on a server application on a different machine. By default, gRPC uses

  • Thinking Tool2021-12-31 09:34:56

    The problem its self Discribe your problem. what do you want? Is the problem a right one? Is it necessary to solve the problem? Is it emergent to solve the problem? The source you have Search engine.

  • Introduction to APIs - What are APIs?2021-12-27 13:02:54

    Application Programming Interface (APIs) are essential for exposing that backend in a controlled way, so you can define behaviors to access and manipulate data while maintaining its integrity. An API is an interface. It’s something that has been created

  • What is ISO Unit in SAP?2021-12-27 09:06:05

    SAP uses internal units for measurement. To communicate with external systems, these internal units must be converted into the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standard.ISO codes exist for standard measurement units, and are used for data exchange via ED

  • Jetpack Compose What and Why, 6个问题,2021高级Android笔试总结2021-12-20 18:34:49

    修复和更新了一些旧的API: (Buggy Android Views: Picker, Spinner, EditText, 有一些edge cases. 因为要更改旧的总是很难, 不如创建一个新的. )基于组合的Composable, 比基于继承的View体系, 更加灵活, 易于复用. 比如可以通过组合来达到复用多个源, 不再受单继承限制. 以B

  • What is a Value Change Dump (VCD) file?2021-12-20 08:33:30

    Verilog is a Hardware Description Language (HDL) used to model digital logic. The values of signals can be written out to a Value Change Dump (VCD) file while simulating logic circuits. The syntax of the VCD *text file* is described in the documentation o


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