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  • con·ven·tion2022-08-22 08:30:13

    con·ve·ni·ent | conference, convention early 15c., convencioun, "a formal agreement, covenant, treaty," also "a formal meeting or convention" (of rulers, etc.), also "a private or secret agreement," from Old French convencion

  • intel 9260AC网卡修改成Killer 15502019-08-26 21:00:34

    intel 9260AC网卡修改成Killer 1550 网卡驱动安装好完后,硬件管理器可以发现网卡为9260AC 网卡驱动可以直接下载杀手网卡1550的驱动直装。 只能 Win10 64位! 地址: https://www.killernetworking.com/driver-downloads?task=callelement&format=raw&item_id=41&element=f85

  • Python3虚拟环境 venv搭建轻量级虚拟环境以及DeepPavlov框架虚拟环境配置2019-08-14 20:45:29

    一、Windows系统下创建虚拟环境 选择建立虚拟环境的文件夹,这里我选择D盘,新建文件夹为python_ven_demo,打开windows的dos界面,去到建立虚拟环境的文件夹,cd ‘文件夹名’ 即我的虚拟环境文件夹是python_ven_demo 1、有两种建立虚拟环境的方法: (1)在文件夹下直接建立: 先新建文

  • PAT_A1070#Mooncake2019-07-22 20:00:42

    Source: PAT A1070 Mooncake (25 分) Description: Mooncake is a Chinese bakery product traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Many types of fillings and crusts can be found in traditional mooncakes according to the region's culture. Now


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