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  • Linux Shell中反引号``, 单引号'', 双引号"", $混用总结2019-06-21 23:39:31

    用一个小程序(argv.py)来演示下: #!/usr/local/bin/python3import sysprint('sys.argv has these', len(sys.argv), 'elements:', sys.argv)  运行与结果: # 首先是赋予执行权限chmod 755 argv.py#1 一个空格一个命令行参数./argv.py I love Shell scripting.sys.argv has these

  • 离线线段树 SPOJ - GSS2【Can you answer these queries II】2019-05-30 22:51:17

    离线线段树 SPOJ - GSS2【Can you answer these queries II】 https://cn.vjudge.net/contest/304248#problem/H 题意 给定 n 个整数(有负数)和 m 次操作,令 \(q(l,r)\) 为 l 到 r 之间所有数去重后的和,每次询问 \(max(q(x,y)[li \leq x \leq y \leq ri])\) 。 分析 我实在不知道怎么

  • Ablation Study/Test2019-05-27 19:54:34

    Ablation Study: An ablation study is where you systematically removeparts of the input to see which parts of the inputare relevant to the networks output.  It is derivedfrom similar experiments in psychology which are usedto de

  • ECON4016 - FINAL EXAM2019-05-12 19:44:30

    ECON4016 - FINAL EXAMThe final exam consists 4 small projects. You can choose 2 of them to finish and send meyour report. For each of the small projects you choose, you should perform data analysisusing the data I provide to you and the techniques we disc

  • (STAT2008/STAT4038/STAT6014/STAT6038)2019-04-05 19:42:59

    REGRESSION MODELLING(STAT2008/STAT4038/STAT6014/STAT6038)Assignment 1 for Semester 1, 2019INSTRUCTIONS: This assignment is worth 15% of your overall marks for this course. Please submit your assignment on Wattle. When uploading to Wattle you must submit t

  • 现代几何学的二十条公理2019-03-09 08:49:05

    现代几何学的二十条公理     学习微积分需要利用几何学的知识,这些理论知识可以从20条几何公理推导出来。     也许,当今大型计算机系统能够“理解”这些公理,变得与人类一样聪明。     在人类历史上,这二十条几何公理是希尔伯特最先总结出来的,这是他对数学的最大贡献。 袁

  • Subject matter: feminism, interiority, and literary embodiment after 1980【翻译】2019-03-05 20:48:57

    ABSTRACT I argue that literary texts after 1980 use the fluid relationship between matter and discourse within the literary object itself in order to present alternate versions of the subjectivity and interiority. Examining works by Morrison, Gibson, Acke

  • SPOJ Can you answer these queries 系列2019-02-23 22:50:12

    传送门: I:Can you answer these queries I II:Can you answer these queries II III:Can you answer these queries III IV:Can you answer these queries IV V:Can you answer these queries V VI:Can you answer these queries VI VII:Can you answer these queries VII VIII:

  • Glossary2019-02-23 14:41:50

    https://autofac.readthedocs.io/en/latest/glossary.html The goal of this page is to help keep documentation, discussions, and APIs consistent.   Component A body of code that declares the Services it provides and declares the Dependencies it consumes  

  • SP1716 GSS3 - Can you answer these queries III2019-02-03 19:01:10

    题面 题解 相信大家写过的传统做法像这样:(这段代码蒯自Karry5307的题解) struct SegmentTree{ ll l,r,prefix,suffix,sum,maxn; }; //... inline void update(ll node) { ll res; tree[node].sum=tree[node<<1].sum+tree[(node<<1)|1].sum; tree[node].maxn=max(

  • Benchmarking Zeebe: An Intro to How Zeebe Scales Horizontally and How We Measure It2019-02-01 22:03:09

    Written by Felix Müller and Mike Winters on Jun 12 2018 in the Inside Zeebe category. In the past few weeks, we’ve mentioned Zeebe’s performance in horizontal scalability benchmarks that we run internally, but we haven’t yet explained how exactly w


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