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  • CodeForces-1132C Painting the Fence2019-03-08 12:48:26

    题目链接 https://vjudge.net/problem/CodeForces-1132C 题面 Description You have a long fence which consists of \(n\) sections. Unfortunately, it is not painted, so you decided to hire \(q\) painters to paint it. \(i\)-th painter will paint all sections \(

  • Python内置模块之configparse2019-02-21 19:53:27

    一、概述 1.1、处理的文件形式 configparse 主要是用来处理类似于windows的 ini文件,这个文件的特点是有多个节(section),每个节下会存储多个k=v的值 如下配置 [hardware] cpu = 2 [os] os = CentOS os_version = 6.9 kernel_version = 2.6.32 [common] selinux = disabled file_descr


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