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  • Git冲突:Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge2022-01-21 11:30:35

    当执行 git pull 命令时,提示错误如下:   Updating bb954c5..02de6f1 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: app/Services/TongChengRedService.php Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge. Aborting

  • gitlab runner安装与使用2022-01-10 16:31:24

    gitlab runner docker容器安装 安装命令:docker run -d --name gitlab-runner -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest GitLab-CI注册Runner (1)进入容器内部 docker exec -it -uroot gitl

  • := 赋值语句2022-01-10 14:03:31

    Flag := (i>=1) and (i<100)      //将逻辑表达式的结果赋值为1个变量 Hue1:=[Blue , red, Green]      //将1个集合赋给1个变量 i:=Sqr(J) - I*K;            //将1个表达式的结果赋给1个变量 Shorting(MyChar) :=122;        //给类型转换后的

  • How To Be Dead2022-01-09 22:32:37

    年度总结说我去年三月几号来着把这歌循环了八遍,我不信,三月几号的时候我可快乐了。但着实让我回想起了这破歌,又开始一不想活了就听它。我就爱听这种欢快的歌! Songwriters: Gary Lightbody / Nathan Connolly / Jonathan Graham Quinn / Mark Mcclelland Please don't go crazy, i

  • Matlab学习——结构化程式与自定义函数2022-01-06 12:00:43

    一、结构化程式 0. 比较语句 < 小于 > 大于 <= 小于等于 >= 大于等于 == 等于 && 与 ~= 不等于 || 或 1. if elseif else a = 5; if rem(a,2)==0 rem()是一个求余数的函数 disp("a is even"); disp()是一个打印输出的函数 elseif rem(a,

  • springboot项目启动后出现Please login in页面2022-01-02 11:37:10

    运行项目后出现如图登陆页面 解决方法: 输入如下用户名、密码登录即可 用户名:user 密码:控制台出现的——Using generated security password 目标效果:

  • Python 项目2021-12-26 15:35:07

    假设一个简单的ATM机的取款过程是这样的:首先提示用户输入密码(password), 最多只能输入三次,超过3次则提示用户“密码错误,请取卡”结束交易。 如果用户密码正确,再提示用户输入取款金额(amount)。 ATM机只能输出100元的纸币,一次取钱数要求最低100元,最高1000元。 若用户输入的金额符合上述

  • Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access tok2021-12-25 15:37:25

    问题: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.remote: Please see https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-requirements-for-git-operations/ for more information. 办法: 访问相应网

  • 攻防世界 Pwn int_overflow2021-12-25 12:33:56

    攻防世界 Pwn int_overflow 1.题目下载地址2.checksec2.IDA分析4.exp 1.题目下载地址 点击下载 2.checksec 没有canary没有PIE 2.IDA分析 在check_passwd函数中有一个strcpy函数当v3>3u且v3<8u进入else。else中把s的值复制到dest,如果s的值够长,就能造出栈溢出。但是3<v3

  • angular postman不同的body type需要什么样的请求格式2021-12-15 15:03:34

    1. postman的body请求格式为 raw (application/json), 则angular请求方式 const headers = new HttpHeaders().set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8").set("Accept", "*/*" ); let body1 = { "ac

  • Cannot initialize Cluster. Please check your configuration for mapreduce.framework.name and the cor2021-12-15 09:03:19

    1.在本地跑集群的序列化测试时,报错 [INFO] [INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:3.0.0:exec (default-cli) @ HadoopWritable --- log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MutableMetricsFactory). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log

  • *** Invalid C/C++ Compiler Toolchain. Please check... 的解决方案2021-12-05 18:04:58

    因为自己想要编译VSCode源码下载了VSCode的源码用Clion打开时,发现yarn install出现了问题 提示: *** Invalid C/C++ Compiler Toolchain. Please check https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute#prerequisites. 解决方案很简单,执行以下下面这行命令就可以

  • REASON: Ambari Server java process has stopped. Please check the logs for more information.2021-12-05 12:02:51

    REASON: Ambari Server java process has stopped. Please check the logs for more information. 看日志发现是用户权限问题  授下权 grant all privileges on *.* to 'ambari'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '密码' WITH GRANT OPTION; grant all privileges on *.* to

  • SpringBoot遇到的问题2021-12-03 13:32:10

    1、问题:打包异常:Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) on project demoexcel: There are test failures. Please refer to D:\IdeaProjects\demoexcel\target\surefire-reports for the individual test resul

  • [ Baidunetdisk ] Installation on CentOS72021-11-28 18:05:54

    1-- Download installation package on the website: 百度网盘 客户端下载 2-- Before installation of this pacakge, please update the GCC version to 4.9 or newer. 3-- Find the downloaded package and install it with the following command: rpm -ivh baidunetdisk-

  • We‘re sorry but XX doesn‘t work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue2021-11-25 18:34:31

    vue 項目打包发布到nginx服务器访问接口时返回:We’re sorry but XX doesn’t work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue 接口没有报错 状态返回也是 200 查找网上解决方法 : 将路由 history模式 改为:hash 模式(测试我使用无效)vue.config.js

  • 关于hdfs集群中Please check the logs or run fsck in order to identify the missing blocks. See the Hadoop F2021-11-16 19:03:25

    Please check the logs or run fsck in order to identify the missing blocks. See the Hadoop FAQ for common causes and potential solutions. hadoop fsck hadoop fsck -delete 原因分析: 删除了几个hdfs上的数据,然后就出现这个问题,异常信息 ​ 在hdfs中数据是

  • Failed to save settings. Please restart Android Studio的问题2021-11-13 13:30:00

    发生背景: Android studio安装使用问题:电脑坏了之后,换台机器的时候,直接拷贝android studio覆盖原有的程序,删除了C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Android文件夹下的sdk, 然后重新启动Android studio,无法打开setting对话框,出现错误Failed to save settings. Please restart

  • 圆形体体积计算器2021-11-13 12:05:05

    本题要求实现一个常用圆形体体积的计算器。计算公式如下: 球体体积 V= 3 4 ​ πr 3 ,其中r是球体半径。 圆柱体体积 V=πr 2 h,其中r是底圆半径,h是高。 圆锥体体积 V= 3 1 ​ πr 2 h,其中r是底圆半径,h是高。 输入格式: 在每次计算之前,要求输出如下界面: 1-Ball 2-Cylinder 3-Co

  • React Please wrap your <Route> in a <Routes>2021-11-11 03:00:07

    报错:A <Route> is only ever to be used as the child of <Routes> element, never rendered directly. Please wrap your <Route> in a <Routes>. 那是老版本的写法,报错是要用V6的写法。 ------------------下面是我的记录,可以不用看----------- 先做两个路由界面   再做一个布

  • Open browser failed Please check if you have installed the browser correctly2021-11-10 20:33:14

    报错的意思是:打开浏览器失败!! 请检查您是否正确安装了浏览器! Open browser failed!! Please check if you have installed the browser correctly! 解决此类问题有三种方法 第一种: 搜索 open in browser 扩展工具 --> 设置 --> 安装另一个版本 --> 选择 其他版本安装 即可,

  • Initialization failed for 'https:start.spring.io' Please check URL, network and proxy sett2021-11-06 11:31:06

    问题:Initialization failed for 'https://start.spring.io' Please check URL, network and proxy settings. 意思是:'https:start.spring '的初始化失败。请检查URL、网络和代理设置。 解决方法 一: 这里修改成阿里云的地址就可以了 https://start.aliyun.com/ 解决方法二: 第一步

  • Swirles(漩涡) Court(阁) Maintenance Requests2021-11-04 09:59:48

    https://www.girton.cam.ac.uk/college-members/requests-and-forms/college-maintenance-requests You will be required to enter your Raven password to use the system. Please then: Select Requests and Report a problem Select the area in College you are reporti

  • 用C++实现的数独解题程序 SudokuSolver 2.6 的新功能及相关分析2021-10-30 21:36:34

    SudokuSolver 2.6 的新功能及相关分析 SudokuSolver 2.6 的命令清单如下: H:\Read\num\Release>sudoku.exe Order please: Sudoku Solver 2.6 2021/10/30 by readalps Order List: load-quiz <file>: load quiz from file show: show quiz info levels: show info about guess

  • 使用switch实现多选2021-10-29 11:01:35

    代码: // File name: Multi_select_Switch // Last modified Date: 2021年10月29日10点42分 // Last Version: V1.0 // Descriptions: 使用switch语句实现多选 #include <iostream> using namespace std; void showmenu(); // function prototypes vo


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