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  • win10怎么安装 .net framework 3.52022-01-06 00:01:03

    复制链接:http://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/updt/2015/11/microsoft-windows-netfx3-ondemand-package_421a25bf409692045d1cbfab0d99f8def8d95d3f.cab 将下载的文件复制到复制到 C 盘的 Windows 文件夹 后请在“命令提示符(管理员)”中执行下面

  • CDS_安装及使用2021-03-29 17:32:27

    1.可使用eclipse内安装sap插件实现cds功能 https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/#abap 通过以上网址下载Eclipse IDE for Java ,可进Eclipse官网汉化 然后打开Eclipse店家安装新软件, 安装新软件输入地址https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/+自己的Eclipse版本(我的是2019-06) 安装成

  • ALLDATA 10.53 and 2015 Mitchell OnDemand 2 IN 1 for ind. Repair Shop2021-03-04 09:02:23

    Professional repair shops need current, factory-correct information to meet the complex repair demands of today’s automotive industry. ALLDATA 10.53 shops have fast access to the industry’s best information for vehicles from 1982 to present including TSBs

  • eclipse安装hana tools2021-02-26 10:02:31

    1.根据eclipse版本选择对应的hana链接 # https://tools.eu1.hana.ondemand.com/ # eclipse版本链接 https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/2019-06 https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/mars 2.点击安装新软件 3.新增对应的地址,选择后一路点击next并同意协议 4. 选择 window

  • ALLDATA 10.53 and 2015 Mitchell OnDemand 2 IN 1 for Professional Repair Shops2020-12-22 13:04:54

    Professional repair shops need current, factory-correct information to meet the complex repair demands of today’s automotive industry. ALLDATA 10.53 shops have fast access to the industry’s best information for vehicles from 1982 to present including TSBs

  • CPUt governor调节器汇总2020-10-25 16:33:27

    一、CPU调速器 现在很内核都会增加新的CPU调速器,很多人不知道内核中的CPU调速器有什么用,下面转一个CPU调速器Governor说明: 什么是Governor?Android的CPU 的频率并不是一成不变的,会因应程式所需而调整频率,通常会视乎CPU Loading% 而升/降频,在特定时间再检查是否升/降。Governo

  • 如何通过负载平衡流式传输点播视频2019-11-01 21:20:00

    我想弄清楚如何对视频服务器进行负载平衡. 现实世界的场景是; i have a storage server which stores all my video files, an several servers to load balance my http request(works like a CDN service). Client requests a video file -> Nearest Load balancing server

  • 【New】SAPUI5开发环境配置步骤2019-09-05 21:35:23

    一、安装JAVA Runtime环境     要求:JRE version 1.6 or higher, 32-Bit or 64-Bit     下载地址:http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp     记得进行环境变量的配置: 计算机→属性→高级系统设置→高级→环境变量     系统变量→新建 JAVA_HOME 变量 。 


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