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  • Android架构——LifeCycle和LiveData原理学习总结2022-02-20 16:33:15

    本文是楼主学习LifeCycle和LiveData原理的一些总结,本文不会长篇分析源码,而是利用类图和总结性的文字归纳原理。由于Livedata和LifeCycle有紧密联系,所以本文先总结LifeCycle原理,再总结LifeData原理。 本文LifeCycle基于版本androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime:2.1.0, LiveData

  • Android Jetpack 之 Lifecycle - 2(2),flutter蓝牙打印2022-01-28 13:34:55

    所以在分析 LifecycleRegistry之前我们先看下LifecycleObserver 生命周期观察者 (LifecycleObserver) LifecycleObserver 基本介绍 标记接口 LifecycleObserver 表示生命周期观察者,是 lifecycle-aware 组件。 public interface LifecycleObserver { } 这个接口用来声明它的实现

  • Android Jetpack 之 Lifecycle - 2,已开源2022-01-28 13:33:57

    The given observer will be brought to the current state of the LifecycleOwner. For example, if the LifecycleOwner is in {@link State#STARTED} state, the given observer will receive {@link Event#ON_CREATE}, {@link Event#ON_START} events. @param observ


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