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  • Dyson Box(模拟题--周长)2022-05-05 17:02:27

    swjtu—春季集训 - Virtual Judge (vjudge.net) Dyson Box Input file: standard input Output file: standard output Time limit: 2 seconds Memory limit: 256 megabytes A Dyson Sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures a

  • Codeforces Round #762 (Div. 3) B. Squares and Cubes2022-01-01 19:00:27

    题目链接:Problem - B - Codeforces Polycarp likes squares and cubes of positive integers. Here is the beginning of the sequence of numbers he likes: 1, 4, 8, 9, .... For a given number n, count the number of integers from 1 to n that Polycarp likes.

  • 题解 SP212 WATER - Water among Cubes2021-09-10 08:02:15

    分析 对于每一个位置,它的积水能否达到某一个高度,要求的便是它附近是否有完全封闭的由原高度大于等于该高度的位置连线组成的封闭图形。 所以我们便枚举每一次所需达到的高度,看有多少个比该高度低的能达到该高度,我们发现需要在整个图形上去掉两类,一是原来就比它高的,二是在所有封闭

  • 跳一跳Unity版(一)——基本功能实现2021-08-30 16:03:37

    主要内容:1、最终呈现效果   2、代码大概逻辑   3、代码块   1、目前效果:   2、代码大概逻辑     3、代码块 (1)挂在主摄像机 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Axes { public static LandState landSt

  • Codeforces 1490C Sum of Cubes2021-03-14 20:35:05

    C. Sum of Cubes time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are given a positive integer xx. Check whether the number xx is representable as the sum of the cubes of two positive

  • C. Sum of Cubes2021-02-17 13:02:31

    题目来源 一、题目 You are given a positive integer x. Check whether the number x is representable as the sum of the cubes of two positive integers. Formally, you need to check if there are two integers a and b (1≤a,b) such that a^3 + b^3=x. For example

  • A. Vanya and Cubes(水题)2021-01-08 21:03:08

    题意:给Vanya  n个方块,用来堆塔,塔的第i层有1+2+3+......+i个,问给出的方块最多能堆几层,输出层数。 题解:时间没有限制,所以用简单的for循环求和就可以解决。主要是bug改了几次。。。 ACcode:   int main() { int n; cin >> n; int sum = 0, hei = 0, total = 0; for (int i = 1;

  • Three.js Example 注解 —— canvas_interactive_cubes.html2020-03-14 14:03:41

    本文搬自我的Github,https://github.com/555chy/three.js-example-comment,有兴趣的可以一起来完善,这个为Three.js的Example进行注解,方便初学者阅读 three.js 官网 Example 地址:https://threejs.org/examples/ <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>three.js c

  • Three.js Example 注解 —— canvas_interactive_cubes_tween.html2020-03-14 14:02:13

    本文搬自我的Github,https://github.com/555chy/three.js-example-comment,有兴趣的可以一起来完善,这个为Three.js的Example进行注解,方便初学者阅读 three.js 官网 Example 地址:https://threejs.org/examples/ <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>three.js c

  • leetcode 36. Valid Sudoku2019-12-15 15:01:06

    数独 function isValidSudoku(board) { var rows = []//行 var cols = [] // 列 var cubes = []//9宫格 for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { rows.push({}) cols.push({}) cubes.push({}) } for (var i = 0; i < 9

  • Blocks to Cubes2019-02-02 22:48:01

    Bholu the Pandit on this New Year wanted to divide his Cuboidal Packaging block into cubes. But he loves uniformity so he asks you to divide it such a way that all the cubes are of same size and volume of individual cube is as large as possible. Note: He

  • 寒假集训——搜索 D - Cubes for Masha2019-01-30 14:38:50

    #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; int num[4][10],n; int vis[1100],exa[10]; void dfs(int ceng,int s) { vis[s]=1; if(ceng>=n) return; for(int i=1;i<


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