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  • Locust性能-零基础入门系列(1)2020-09-28 23:51:37

    本篇文章,从局部出发,利用一个简单的测试,来说明场景模拟的wait_time属性的用法。wait_time为什么要单独拎出来讲,是因为它主要有两种模式,而初学者对这两种模式,容易混淆。1)wait_time = constant(3) wait_time = between(5,15)第一种模式,可以使用以上2种模式,他们的用法都是一致的,都是

  • css利用flex布局画骰子的六个面2020-09-24 10:01:57

    主要是利用flex的一些特性来写的,掌握好flex基础,写出筛子的几个页面不是问题。 推荐去我写的一个博客中有flex的小练习 线上练习flex布局 html <body> <div class="shaizi"> <div class="top"> <div class="box1 box"> <span cla

  • the difference between rem——remainder and mod——modulus2020-09-22 09:00:57

    As the documentation explains mod(a,b) is defined as a-b.*fix(a./b) rem(a,b) is defined as a-b.*floor(a./b) 这两个函数的生成机制不同,rem 函数采用 fix 函数,而 mod 函数采用了 floor 函数(这两个函数是用来取整的,fix 函数向 0 方向舍入,floor 函数向无穷小方向舍入)。 rem(x

  • space-between与space-around的区别2020-09-01 10:33:39

    flex布局justify-content属性值区别 space-between 最左、最右item贴合左侧或右侧边框,item与item之间间距相等。 space-around 每个item 左右方向的margin相等。两个item中间的间距会比较大 align-items:center; 垂直居中~ 标题:space-between与space-around的区别 - 左小白的

  • Difference between skbuff frags and frag_list2020-08-26 21:01:42

    skb_shinfo(head)->frag_list skb_shinfo(head)->frags[]能区分开来吗???结论就是: frags[] are for scatter-gather i/o buffers --nr_frags 和 frags 用于支持 Scatter/Gather I/O buffer,这样SKB的数据部分不需要都 放在线性内存空间而是放在 page. frag_list is for ip frag

  • MySQL-SQL调优-引擎选错索引或者不使用索引分析 和 字符串加索引的方式思考2020-08-10 09:31:25

    优化器生成最优执行计划需要考虑的因素 MySQL有一个优化器,专门负责生成最优的查询计划,生成最优查询计划可能考虑的因素有: 扫描行数 是否排序 是否需要回表 是否需要临时表 等等 在不同的因素作用下,生成的查询计划可能和我们预想的不同。 具体实例 实验前 先准备好表 CREATE TABL

  • 1523. Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range2020-07-26 06:00:25

    Given two non-negative integers low and high. Return the count of odd numbers between low and high (inclusive).   Example 1: Input: low = 3, high = 7 Output: 3 Explanation: The odd numbers between 3 and 7 are [3,5,7]. Example 2: Input: low = 8, high

  • flex布局space-between最后一行左对齐2020-06-27 14:06:03

    display: flex; justify-content: space-between; flex-wrap: wrap;   导致最后一行出现两端对齐情况             只需要添加父元素的after伪元素中 高度0 ,宽度与item的宽一样 &:after {         content: "";         width: 32.5%;    

  • Matplotlib中的fill_between总结2020-06-24 22:51:33

    Matplotlib中的fill_between总结 https://blog.csdn.net/kabuto_hui/article/details/84979606          待完善  

  • 530. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST 530. BST的最小绝对差2020-05-24 10:01:43

    Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes. Example: Input: 1 \ 3 / 2 Output: 1 Explanation: The minimum absolute difference is 1, which is the differenc

  • 数据库学习(2.2条件查询)DQL语句2020-05-15 14:02:06

    二,条件查询 #基本语法 select 查询列表 from 表名 where 筛选条件; #分类 1,按条件表达式筛选 条件运算符:< ,>,=,!=(<>),>=,<= 2,按逻辑表达式筛选 逻辑运算符: && || !(and or not) and:只要一个为false,则为false; or:一个为true,则为true. 3,模糊查询 like,between and

  • 关于标签的使用2020-05-07 16:55:39

    SWITCH标签 用法: {switch name="变量" } {case value="值1" break="0或1"}输出内容1{/case} {case value="值2"}输出内容2{/case} {default /}默认情况 {/switch} 使用方法如下: {switch name="User.level"} {case value="1&qu

  • space-between最后一栏的填充问题(不使用v-if)2020-05-03 13:01:16

    在采用弹性布局,接着使用justfiy-content:space-between来进行操作的时候会遇到如下问题 也就是说当栏目数目不够,无法填充完整一栏的时候就会出现这种情况 解决方法如下(代码下有解析),此处我用的是vue 第一步 以四列为例 <div class="ItemContainer" v-for="indexa in (4-current.

  • Instrction Arrangement UDH 4109 拓扑排序 or 最长路2020-05-01 18:57:16

    题目描述 Ali has taken the Computer Organization and Architecture course this term. He learned that there may be dependence between instructions, like WAR (write after read), WAW, RAW. If the distance between two instructions is less than the Safe Distance, i

  • Option 2:MP-eBGP between ASBRs2020-04-27 21:06:41

    Option 2:MP-eBGP between ASBRs     1.bridge2.IGP3.LDP4.MPBGP(r3 --> r2 / r4 ---> r3启用next-hop-self)5.R1/R6启用VRF实现VPN通信 更新给 R6过程:R1 --> R2:1003 | 1:1- | | 1:1R2 --> R3:1003 | 1:1- | | 1:1R3 --> R4:30

  • What is the difference between Clustered and Non-Clustered Indexes in SQL Server?2020-03-20 15:03:17

    What is the difference between Clustered and Non-Clustered Indexes in SQL Server? Conclusion From the discussion we find following differences between clustered and non-clustered indexes. There can be only one clustered index per table. However, you can

  • POJ-1287:最下生成树入门题Kruskal2020-02-19 15:42:20

    题目: You are assigned to design network connections between certain points in a wide area. You are given a set of points in the area, and a set of possible routes for the cables that may connect pairs of points. For each possible route between two point

  • K-means VS K-NN and 手肘法2020-01-21 23:53:42

    1. The difference between classification and clustering. from here. Classification: supervised learning with labels. Clustering: unsupervised learning without labels.  Classification and Clustering are the two types of learning methods which characterize

  • What is the difference between btree and rtree indexing?2020-01-20 19:51:15


  • V3 - It's All About Service Teacher: GABRIELE2020-01-07 09:03:54

    In this lesson you will learn to make a complaint   课上内容(Lesson)               词汇(Key Word )   reception desk  接待处,前台 cabin crew 乘务组 scratch n.抓痕;划痕 appliance n. 器具;器械;装置;应用 pollute   vt. 污染;玷污;败坏 environment  n. 环境,外界

  • STAT6210 Section G “Data Analysis”2019-12-28 18:52:15

    Final Project of STAT6210 Section G “Data Analysis” Fall 2019 Due 12/20 Friday midnight Please download the exoneree dataset from BlackboardResearchers in the United States have identified well over 2,000 individuals who were wrongly convicted of crimes t

  • GRE2019-12-14 16:03:51

    from OG: Time schedule: typically 3h45m   within section: you are free to skip questions that you might have difficulty ansewering. between section: once you completed a section, you may not go back to it.   break: 10-minute break follwing the third sect

  • libtool: link: require no space between `-L'2019-12-05 18:55:15

    场景        thrift C++静态链接openssl,失败,提示:/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX   --mode=link g++ -Wall -g -O2 -release 0.9.0 -L/usr/lib -ldl -L /home/dong/3thrdparty/openssl-1.0.2j/ -o libthrift.la -rpath /usr/local/lib Thrift.lo TApplicationException.

  • mysql BETWEEN操作符 语法2019-11-21 14:07:16

    mysql BETWEEN操作符 语法 作用:选取介于两个值之间的数据范围。这些值可以是数值、文本或者日期。大理石平台 语法:SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2 mysql BETWEEN操作符 示例 //以字母顺序显示介于 "Adams"(包括)和 "Carter"(

  • 数据库的基本操作方法2019-11-19 09:03:29

    查询数据库 SELECT * FROM 表名; 插入语句 INSERT INTO (字段名.....)VALUES(与字段名对应的值); 删除语句 DELETE FROM 表名; 修改语句 UPDATE 表名 SET 字段名=值, ----------------------------------------------------------------- [WHERE] 来进行条件判断, [WHERE]后面可以


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