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  • Asking 心法2021-02-18 12:32:59


  • 美语初级 L99 Asking for Directions 解析2020-08-13 18:03:27

    一、Reading Being in an unfamiliar city can be frightening. And finding an address can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Don't get angry. Just ask someone for directions. However, city people usually give directions very quickly. You may find

  • Rules of Evidence2020-06-18 11:10:57

    1.   Objection: "Relevance" (无关紧要)    Meaning:  The question asked is not relevant to the issues in dispute(在争论中).     Exceptions:  (a) The question is laying a foundation for evidence that will be relevant. (例外一: 抛砖引玉)        

  • 体系结构设计2020-04-22 21:58:59

    进行需求复审,对数据流图做了复查和精化。 完成了软件体系结构的设计 Asking系统的第一级分解 Asking系统的软件结构 进行了模块设计 获取用户输入信息模块:从外部输入设备获取用户提供信息,并将得到的信息发往用户登录模块或个人信息管理模块。 用户登录模块:从下层模块获取用户


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