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  • LeetCode 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck2022-08-12 08:30:08

    原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/maximum-units-on-a-truck/ 题目: You are assigned to put some amount of boxes onto one truck. You are given a 2D array boxTypes, where boxTypes[i] = [numberOfBoxesi, numberOfUnitsPerBoxi]: numberOfBoxesi is the n

  • leetcode-算法-1710. 卡车上的最大单元数2022-01-28 10:33:15

    1710. 卡车上的最大单元数 算法要求算法思路代码实现 算法要求 1710. 卡车上的最大单元数 请你将一些箱子装在 一辆卡车 上。给你一个二维数组 boxTypes ,其中 boxTypes[i] = [numberOfBoxesi, numberOfUnitsPerBoxi] : numberOfBoxesi 是类型 i 的箱子的数量。 numberO

  • 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck2021-06-15 06:32:33

    You are assigned to put some amount of boxes onto one truck. You are given a 2D array boxTypes, where boxTypes[i] = [numberOfBoxesi, numberOfUnitsPerBoxi]: numberOfBoxesi is the number of boxes of type i. numberOfUnitsPerBoxi is the number of units in

  • 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck (E)2021-06-14 21:02:20

    Maximum Units on a Truck (E) 题目 You are assigned to put some amount of boxes onto one truck. You are given a 2D array boxTypes, where boxTypes[i] = [numberOfBoxesi, numberOfUnitsPerBoxi]: numberOfBoxesi is the number of boxes of type i. numberOfUnitsPerB

  • [LeetCode] 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck2021-01-04 07:32:15

    You are assigned to put some amount of boxes onto one truck. You are given a 2D array boxTypes, where boxTypes[i] = [numberOfBoxesi, numberOfUnitsPerBoxi]: numberOfBoxesi is the number of boxes of type i. numberOfUnitsPerBoxi is the number of units in

  • 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck2021-01-03 15:36:24

    package LeetCode_1710 import java.util.* /** * 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck * https://leetcode.com/problems/maximum-units-on-a-truck/ * You are assigned to put some amount of boxes onto one truck. * You are given a 2D array boxTypes, where boxType

  • CodeVS 1710 生日蛋糕 题解2021-01-01 12:01:03

    #include <cstdio> using namespace std; int N, M; int ans = ~0u>>1; bool flag; void DFS(int R, int H, int V, int S, int m){ if(S>ans)return; if(V>R*R*H*m)return; if(m && !V)return; if(!m && V)return; if(R<m)retur


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