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对傅里叶频域的角度积分(Azimuthal Intergration)

2021-05-14 12:31:01  阅读:337  来源: 互联网

标签:Intergration wc dTheta 频域 Azimuthal hc np theta psd2D

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from scipy import ndimage

def GetPSD1D(psd2D):
    h  = psd2D.shape[0]
    w  = psd2D.shape[1]
    wc = w//2
    hc = h//2

    # create an array of integer radial distances from the center
    Y, X = np.ogrid[0:h, 0:w]
    r    = np.hypot(X - wc, Y - hc).astype(np.int)

    # SUM all psd2D pixels with label 'r' for 0<=r<=wc
    # NOTE: this will miss power contributions in 'corners' r>wc
    psd1D = ndimage.sum(psd2D, r, index=np.arange(0, wc))

    return psd1D


def GetRPSD(psd2D, dTheta, rMin, rMax):
    h  = psd2D.shape[0]
    w  = psd2D.shape[1]
    wc = w//2
    hc = h//2
    # note that displaying PSD as image inverts Y axis
    # create an array of integer angular slices of dTheta
    Y, X  = np.ogrid[0:h, 0:w]
    theta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-(Y-hc), (X-wc)))
    theta = np.mod(theta + dTheta/2 + 360, 360)
    theta = dTheta * (theta//dTheta)
    theta = theta.astype(np.int)
    # mask below rMin and above rMax by setting to -100
    R     = np.hypot(-(Y-hc), (X-wc))
    mask  = np.logical_and(R > rMin, R < rMax)
    theta = theta + 100
    theta = np.multiply(mask, theta)
    theta = theta - 100
    # SUM all psd2D pixels with label 'theta' for 0<=theta❤60 between rMin and rMax
    angF  = np.arange(0, 360, int(dTheta))
    psd1D = ndimage.sum(psd2D, theta, index=angF)
    # normalize each sector to the total sector power
    pwrTotal = np.sum(psd1D)
    psd1D    = psd1D/pwrTotal
    return angF, psd1D




来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44728985/article/details/116786267

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