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2021-01-18 23:32:25  阅读:220  来源: 互联网

标签:调节阀 耐腐蚀 01 17 53 进口 污水泵 2021 原理


您的位置:德国托马斯阀门(Thomas) - 公司新闻


作者:托马斯·贝尔森·伍德 发布时间:2021-01-16 13:03:14点击:201 进口耐腐蚀污水泵


进口耐腐蚀污水泵由水泵、密封和电动机三部分组成,电动机位于电泵上部,为单相或三相异步电动机,水泵位于电泵下部,叶轮为多叶片旋流式结构,叶轮与涡壳底部间有宽敞的通道,能通过任何进入吸入口的杂物。水泵与电机之间采用硬质耐磨机械密封,各固定止口处采用“O”形耐油橡胶密封圈作静密封。 产品特点 1、外壳由304不锈钢及工程塑料构成,与介质接触的螺钉采用304不锈钢; 2、电泵转轴采用316不锈钢,具有优异的耐磨性和耐腐蚀性; 3、不堵塞叶轮设计,进入吸水口的杂物可以全径通过,不易被杂物卡死; 4、电机采用F级绝缘,内配有热保护器,能在电泵缺相、过载、电机过热等情况下 能有效保护电机; 5、由于叶轮与涡壳间具有极为宽敞的流道空间,叶轮旋转产生的强烈涡流 能将介质中的固体颗粒直接送出涡壳而不与叶轮接触,极大的减少了叶轮的磨损。 产品用途 1、海洋养殖业、海洋船舶等海水的抽送 2、住宅区、工业废水的排放 3、农业、水产养殖的清水抽送 4、其他场合之供排水 不适用于建筑工地、矿山等场所抽送含砂粒等坚硬颗粒的介质之用。 使用条件 1.水温0~40℃ 2.水源的酸碱度PH值为4~10 3.介质密度不超过1.05×103kg/m3 4. 电源电压:单相为220V,三相为380V,频率50HZ,电压波动范围为额定值的0.9-1.1 Corrosion-resistant sewage pump consists of water pump, seal and motor three parts, the motor is located on the pump Department, for the single-phase or three-phase asynchronous motor, the pump is located in the lower part of the pump, the impeller for multi-blade swirl structure, There is a spacious passage between the impeller and the bottom of the volute, through any debris entering the suction port. Water pump and motor Between the use of hard wear-resistant mechanical seal, the fixed stop at the "O" -shaped oil-resistant rubber seal for static seal. Features 1, the shell made of 304 stainless steel and engineering plastics, and the media in contact with the screw 304 stainless steel; 2, the pump shaft with 316 stainless steel, with excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance; 3, do not plug the impeller design, into the mouth of the debris can be the whole path through, not easy to be debris stuck; 4, the motor using F-class insulation, with a thermal protector, can be in the pump phase, overload, motor overheating, etc. Can effectively protect the motor; 5, due to the impeller and the volute between the very spacious flow channel space, the impeller rotation of the strong eddy The solid particles in the medium can be sent directly to the volute without contact with the impeller, greatly reducing the impeller wear. Product Usage 1, marine aquaculture, marine ships and other sea water pumping 2, residential areas, industrial wastewater discharge 3, agriculture, aquaculture water pumping 4, other occasions for the drainage Not suitable for construction sites, mines and other places pumping sand and other hard particles of the medium. Conditions of Use 1. Water temperature 0 ~ 40 ℃ 2. The pH value of the water source is 4 ~ 10 3. Medium density of not more than 1.05 × 103kg / m3

4. Power supply voltage: single-phase 220V, three-phase 380V, frequency 50HZ, the voltage fluctuation range of the rated 0.9-1.1


进口耐腐蚀污水泵品牌 德国托马斯阀门集团于1933年创建于德国鲁尔工业区,也是世界最重要的工业区。位于德国西部、莱茵河下游支流鲁尔河与利珀河之间的地区。德国托马斯阀门集团是以生产高品质、先进的阀门、测量及控制系统而享誉全球的跨国性生产企业。采用世界先进的设备及生产工艺,所有产品都在严格的质量体系监控下完成作业。并在各大洲几十个国家拥有子公司及分支机构。 上一篇:进口热水管道泵原理特点及品牌(图)下一篇:进口潜水污水泵原理特点及品牌(图) 相关产品
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