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Microsoft PowerPoint Templates(Microsoft PowerPoint 模板套件)

2020-12-02 12:30:17  阅读:347  来源: 互联网

标签:Templates Lab PowerPoint Infographics 软件 安装 Microsoft


  • Infographics Lab for PowerPoint 是一款包含大量收集成千上万的数据可视化工具,用来说明和提高您的微软 PowerPoint 演示!每一项精心设计完美视觉吸引,可轻松定制。

  • Infographics Lab for PowerPoint contains a massive collection of thousands of data visualization tools to illustrate and enhance your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations! Every single item is crafted to perfection to be visually captivating and easily customizable.


  • Infographics Lab for PowerPoint 几乎包括任何场合,从图表,图表,可编辑的城市,州,国家和地区地图,伴随着广泛的国家标志和符号,它从来没有更容易解释业务结果,复杂行业,或关注任何国家的国家细节!为了使事情变得更加容易 - 我们包括了一些专业设计的幻灯片演示模板,以启动您的工作!

  • 所有图像包括允许将其放置在彩色和/或图案化背景上的透明背景。许多元素都是以形状设计的,因此您可以根据您的具体需求轻松地进行定制。

  • Infographics Lab for PowerPoint 可以与 Microsoft PowerPoint 一起使用,但您也可以调整图像的 Microsoft Word,Excel 和其他应用程序。

  • Infographics Lab for PowerPoint has items for virtually any occasion, from charts and diagrams to editable city, state, country, and region maps, accompanied by a broad selection of national flags and symbols, it has never been easier to explain business results, intricacies of an industry, or focus on a national specifics of any country! To make things even easier – we have included a number of professionally designed slideshow presentation templates to kickstart your work!

  • All images include transparent backgrounds that allow placing them over colored and/or patterned backgrounds. Many elements are designed in shapes, so you can easily customize them to your exact needs.

  • Infographics Lab for PowerPoint is designed to be used with Microsoft PowerPoint, but you can also adapt the images for Microsoft Word, Excel, and other applications.


macOSInfographics Lab for PowerPoint for Mac i678v1.0.310.11 及以上英文互联网


macOS 系统:

    • 1)先在系统 “安全性与隐私” 设置里打开允许从 “任何来源” 安装下载的应用。如果不存在 “任何来源” 选项,请参照文章 Mac 安装任何来源的文件 解决。

    • 2)下载上边资源列表中列出的某个版本的软件。

    • 3)下载完成后打开软件包,按照软件安装包中 “ Read Me ” -> “ 安装说明 ” 文件中的说明安装软件。

    • 4)安装完成后建议不要更新破解的软件,如果不小心更新了导致破解失败,请卸载软件,重启机器,再重新安装破解。

    • 5)对于软件的使用方法及遇到的各种问题,本站不具有解释的职责,如有需要,请 参考相关文章查询解决方法,自行解决。


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_51987112/article/details/110423565

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