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Allegro 16.6快捷键设置

2020-11-27 18:29:15  阅读:920  来源: 互联网

标签:16.6 funckey show zoom Allegro cursor alias pick 快捷键



# example of a funckey to emulate Layout capability
# The "-cursor" option can be added to any Allegro command with the pick familty
# and we utilize the position under the cursor when the command is execute. So
# this example would center the display to position under the cursor when the 'c' key
# is pressed.
# funckey c    "zoom center; pick -cursor"

# F1 is normally reserved by the system for Help so we don't use it
alias F2 zoom fit
alias F3 add connect
alias F4 show element
alias F5 redraw
alias F6 done
alias F7 next
alias F8 oops
alias F9 cancel
alias F10 grid toggle
alias F11 zoom in
alias F12 zoom out
alias SF2 property edit
alias SF3 slide
alias SF4 show measure
alias SF5 copy
alias SF6 move 
alias SF7 dehilight all
alias SF8 hilight pick
alias SF9 vertex
alias SF10 save_as temp
alias SF11 zoom previous
alias SF12 zoom world
alias CF2 next
alias CF5 color192
alias CF6 layer priority
alias CSF5 status
alias ~N new
alias ~O open
alias ~S save
alias ~D delete
alias ~Z undo
funckey + subclass -+
funckey - subclass --


有哪些命令可用,可以在allegro软件里通过Tools -> Utilities -> Keyboards Commands查询

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/ktd007/article/details/110239887

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