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美语初级 L055:More Is Not Always Better

2020-07-23 11:52:20  阅读:394  来源: 互联网

标签:美语 people Always L055 others 从句 动词 than more


Some people have more money than others. However, they're not necessarily happier. On the other hand, some people are as poor as church mice, but they are happy. In a way, these poor people are as rich as kings. Therefore, I always remember my father's words, "More is not always better."


■ Some people have more money than others.

  • 定:Some(表数量的形容词)
  • 主:people
  • 谓:have
  • 宾:more money
  • 状从:than others.

others:此处的 others 为代词,等于 other people。some 亦可作代词,等于 some people.

e.g.:People have different hobbies. Some like to go swimming, and others arefond of dancing.

than other:状语从句,修饰其前比较级形容词 more(much 的比较级)。原句为:than others do,do 为助动词,代替之前主句相同的动词 have,此处 do 已省略。参考 more than 的动词省略规则。

more than 的用法:
此处的 than 为从属连词,引导状语从句,修饰之前的比较级形容词或副词。than 引导的状从中动词省略法则如下:
(1)主句有 be 动词时:从句亦应使用 be 动词,该 be 动词通常予以省略。
(2)主句有一般动词时:从句理应使用相同的动词,但为了避免重复,该动词应按时态及人称改为 do、does 或 did;而 do、does 或 did 通常亦予以省略。

■ However, they're not necessarily happier.

  • 状:However
  • 主:they
  • 系:are
  • 状:not necessarily
  • 表:happier

not necessarily:未必。

■ On the other hand, some people are as poor as church mice, but they are happy.

  • 状:On the other hand
  • 主:some people
  • 系:are
  • 状:as
  • 表:poor
  • 状从:as church mice,
  • 并列连词:but
  • 主:they
  • 系:are
  • 表:happy.

■ In a way, these poor people are as rich as kings.

  • 状:In a way
  • 主:these poor people
  • 系:are
  • 状:as
  • 表:rich
  • 状从:as kings.

■ Therefore, I always remember my father's words, "More is not always better."

  • 状:Therefore
  • 主:I
  • 状:always
  • 谓:remember
  • 宾:my father's words
  • 同位语:"More is not always better."
    • 主:More
    • 系:is
    • 状:not always
    • 表:better.


3.1 more 的用法:

  • a. 更多的(much 的比较级)
  • adv. 更加
  • pron. 更多的分量

I have more friends than you.
(我的朋友比你多。more 为形容词)
She is more beautiful than Mary.
(她比玛丽漂亮。more 为副词)
He has a lot of money,but she has more.
(他固然钱很多,但她的钱却更多。more 为代词,等于 more money)

3.2 as...as... 的用法:

“as...as... ”的句子结构一定要有形容词或副词方可使用。
因为第一个 as 是副词,译成“一样地”,之后须接形容词或副词以供该 as 修饰。第二个 as 则为从属连词,译成“和”,之后接主语及动词,形成状语从句,修饰第一个 as。和 than 引导的状语从句一样,第二个 as 之后的动词为避免与主句的动词重复而省略。规则如下:
(1)主句有 be 动词时:从句亦应使用 be 动词,该 be 动词通常予以省略。
(2)主句有一般动词时:状语从句里理应使用相同的动词,但为了避免重复,该动词应按时态及人称改为 do、does 或 did;而 do、does 或 did 通常亦予以省略。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/ninth/p/13365427.html

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