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Flutter Weekly Issue 61

2020-06-24 19:08:06  阅读:527  来源: 互联网

标签:widget apps iOS flutter 61 Android Issue Flutter


  1. sup

    A Flutter widget which displays an image, a title, and a subtitle for errors, empty states, or just fancy custom messages.

  2. pub-rules

    simple yet powerful and feature-rich validation library for both dart and flutter.

  3. flutter-libphonenumber

    Leverages libphonenumber to allow for asynchronous and synchronous formatting of phone numbers in Flutter apps. Includes a TextInputFormatter to allow real-time AsYouType formatting.

  4. flutter-portal

    Overlay/OverlayEntry, but better

  5. flutter-adaptive-action-sheet

    A action bottom sheet that adapts to the platform (Android/iOS).

  6. web-browser

    Cross-platform 'dart:html' and web content widgets for Flutter applications.

  7. gql

    Libraries supporting GraphQL in Dart

  8. cubit

    a lightweight state management solution. It is a subset of the bloc package that does not rely on events and instead uses methods to emit new states.

  9. like-button

    a flutter library that allows you to create a button with animation effects similar to Twitter's heart when you like something and animation effects to increase like count.

  10. flutter-graphql

    A GraphQL client for Flutter, bringing all the features from a modern GraphQL client to one easy to use package. Built after react apollo

  11. eyro-toast

    A simple yet powerful Flutter plugin for showing Toast at Android, iOS and Web.

  12. flutter-jsonloader

    Flutter library to open JSON from assets.

  13. spincircle-bottom-bar

    An easy to implement Spin Circle Bottom Navigation Bar for Flutter Applications.

  14. Vertical-Card-Pager

    Use dynamic and beautiful card view pagers to help you create great apps.

    ![](Use dynamic and beautiful card view pagers to help you create great apps.)

  15. Some-Calendar

    Custom calendar dialog widget for flutter with (multi select, single select, date range) mode

  16. dart-wp

    A WordPress API client for dart with support for WooCommerce and custom namespaces.

  17. fancy-bar

    A fancy yet beautiful animated widget for your Flutter apps

  18. flutter-google-maps

    A Flutter plugin for integrating Google Maps in iOS, Android and Web applications. It is a wrapper of google_maps_flutter for Mobile and google_maps for Web.

  19. esptouch-flutter

    ESP-Touch Dart API for Flutter. Platform-specific implementation for Android (Java) and iOS (Objective-C).

  20. empty-widget

    Custom_Empty widget is flutter plugin which is designed to notify user about some event.

  21. ssl-pinning-plugin

    SSL Pinning Plugin Flutter

  22. betterplayer

    Advanced video player based on video_player and Chewie. It's solves many typical use cases and it's easy to run.

  23. gradient-text

    A Flutter Widget for displaying gradient text, text with a gradient drawn through it.

  24. DLNA-Dart

    A simple DLNA DMC library implemented by Dart.

  25. Motion-Tab-Bar

    A beautiful animated widget for your Flutter apps

  26. flutter-cameraview

    A Flutter plugin for Android and iOS allowing access to the device cameras, a bit deeper!!


  1. flutter-music-player

    Music player application with Flutter.

  2. GitHub-Activity-Feed

    A Flutter application for viewing a rich feed of GitHub activity.

  3. GroupChatApp

    Developed a Group chat application using Flutter and Firebase, where users can register and create groups or join already existing groups and start conversing with each other.


  1. fluttertest

    Custom flutter testing CLI tool for inidividual test runs or group testing

  2. Zapbg

    Remove backgrounds fast & easily


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/inferjay/p/13189259.html

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