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第7章 按值传递或按引用传递:7.5 处理返回值

2020-05-03 16:01:16  阅读:246  来源: 互联网

标签:std 返回 return 按值 reference auto 传递 引用 7.5

7.5 Dealing with Return Values

7.5 处理返回值


For return values, you can also decide between returning by value or by reference. However, returning references is potentially a source of trouble, because you refer to something that is out of your control. There are a few cases where returning references is common programming practice:


  • Returning elements of containers or strings (e.g., by operator[] or front())

  返回容器或字符串中的元素(如,通过[ ]运算符或front()函数)

  • Granting write access to class members


  • Returning objects for chained calls (operator<< and operator>> for streams and operator= for class objects in general)


In addition, it is common to grant read access to members by returning const references.


Note that all these cases may cause trouble if used improperly. For example:


std::string* s = new std::string("whatever");
auto& c = (*s)[0];
delete s;
std::cout << c; //ERROR:运行期错误

Here, we obtained a reference to an element of a string, but by the time we use that reference, the underlying string no longer exists (i.e., we created a dangling reference), and we have undefined behavior. This example is somewhat contrived (the experienced programmer is likely to notice the problem right away), but things easily become less obvious. For example:


auto s = std::make_shared<std::string>("whatever");
auto& c = (*s)[0];
std::cout << c; //run-time ERROR

We should therefore ensure that function templates return their result by value.



However, as discussed in this chapter, using a template parameter T is no guarantee that it is not a reference, because T might sometimes implicitly be deduced as a reference:


template<typename T>
T retR(T&& p) // p is a forwarding reference
    return T{…}; // OOPS: 当传入左值时,返回T&类型。    

Even when T is a template parameter deduced from a call-by-value call, it might become a reference type when explicitly specifying the template parameter to be a reference:


template<typename T>
T retV(T p) //Note: T might become a reference
    return T{…}; // OOPS: returns a reference if T is a reference

int x;
retV<int&>(x); // retT() instantiated for T as int&

To be safe, you have two options:


• Use the type trait std::remove_reference<> (see Section D.4 on page 729) to convert type T to a nonreference:


template<typename T>
typename std::remove_reference<T>::type retV(T p)
    return typename std::remove_reference_t<T>{…}; // always returns by value

Other traits, such as std::decay<> (see Section D.4 on page 731), may also be useful here because they also implicitly remove references.


• Let the compiler deduce the return type by just declaring the return type to be auto (since C++14; see Section 1.3.2 on page 11), because auto always decays:


template<typename T>
auto retV(T p) // by-value return type deduced by compiler
    return T{…}; // 总是按值返回


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/5iedu/p/12822225.html

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