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2020-04-06 20:03:23  阅读:301  来源: 互联网

标签:them problems am blog going Tree LeetCode20200406

CanChen ggchen@mail.ustc.edu.cn



Coding is an essential skill for research and I found this article very useful. From today on, I am going to ace leetcode problems in Google(71) and Microsoft(58), and then write a blog to record my process. At the same time, I am going to post top100 liked problems at leetcode in my blog. I have solved them before but forgot many of them. As a result, there will about 200 coding problems.

I am going to divide these problems into the following 15 categories and assign at least one label to the posted coding problem.

  1. Sliding Window
  2. Two Pointers or Iterators
  3. Fast and Slow pointers
  4. Merge Intervals
  5. Cyclic sort
  6. In-place reversal of linked list
  7. Tree BFS
  8. Tree DFS
  9. Two heaps
  10. Subsets
  11. Modified binary search
  12. Top K elements
  13. K-way Merge
  14. Topological sort
  15. Dynamic Programming

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/JuliaAI123/p/12643912.html

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