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HP X9320 Network Storage System 存储命令

2020-01-11 21:00:34  阅读:390  来源: 互联网

标签:X9320 Network nic HP server fsn1 ibrix bond1 cifs

ibrix_version -l 查看版本
/etc/init.d/ibrix_fusionmanager restart 重启FM

ibrix_health -l 查看状态

ibrix_health -i -h fsn1

ibrix_stats -l -c


ibrix_fs -i

ibrix_fs -l

ibrix_health -l

ibrix_nic -i

ibrix_nic –l

ibrix_server -l

ibrix_stats -l

ibrix_version –l

rpm -qa

ifconfig -a

ibrix_health –i –h `hostname`

ibrix_cifs -i

ibrix_vs -i

ibrix_host -l






ibrix_server -f -U -h fsn1 启动FSN1的failback

ibrix_cifs -i
ibrix_fm -i
ibrix_fm -f 查看FM
ibrix_fm_tune -L 查看管理 配置和状态

ibrix_fmha -i

ibrix_server -l 查看服务

1、 在/tmp目录下创建一个文件名,例如re.sh ,然后把这个文件加上可执行权限。 (每个机器上文件名一样,但是 –h fsn1 或者 fsn2 是不一样的)
vi /tmp/re.sh
/usr/local/ibrix/bin/ibrix_server -s -t cifs -c restart -h fsn1
chmod +x /tmp/re.sh

2、 crontab -e
30 1 * * * /tmp/re.sh

crontab内容格式:分 小时 日 月 周 命令


Creating a bonded VIF
ibrix_server -m -U

Identify the VIF
ibrix_nic -a -n bond1:2 -h fsn1,fsn2

ibrix_nic -c -n bond1:2 -h fsn1 -I -M
ibrix_nic -c -n bond1:2 -h fsn2 -I -M

Set up a standby server for each VIF
ibrix_nic -a -n bond1:3 -h fsn1,fsn2
ibrix_nic -b -H fsn1/bond1:2,fsn2/bond1:3
ibrix_nic -b -H fsn2/bond1:2,fsn1/bond1:3

Configuring NIC failover
ibrix_nic -m -h fsn1 -A fsn2/bond1:2
ibrix_nic -m -h fsn2 -A fsn1/bond1:2

Configuring automated failover

ibrix_server -m

/usr/local/ibrix/bin/ibrix_server -s -t cifs -c stop -h fsn1


1. For optimal CIFS performance apply the following tunings:

Disable write_thru buffering. When Windows requests write-thru buffering one will ignore it and ack once ibrix buffers receive the write.

Disable smb signing. Signing will not be enabled or required. If site required this extra security do not disable it.


To achieve this one can run the following from the FM to disable signing and write_thru then restart LW:

# ibrix_cifsconfig -t -S "smb_signing_enabled=0, smb_signing_required=0, ignore_writethru=1"

# ibrix_server -s -t cifs -c restart (Will cause a short cifs outage during restart.)


2. Mount the filesystem with noatime as it will eliminate meta-data writes for all reads:

Execute the following commands from the active Fusion Manager:

1. Disable HA on all FSN’s:

# ibrix_server -m -U

2. Verify the filesystem name and mountpoint:

# ibrix_fs -i

3. Stop CIFS services on all FSN’s:

# ibrix_server -s -t cifs -c stop

4. Unmount the ibrix filesystem on all FSN’s:

# ibrix_umount -f ifs

5. Mount the filesystem with the noatime option (uppercase O):

# ibrix_mount -f ifs -O noatime -m /ifs

6. Start CIFS services on all FSN’s:

# ibrix_server -s -t cifs -c start

7. Verify filesystem is mounted:

# ibrix_fs -i

8. Enable HA on all FSN’s:

# ibrix_server -m


ibrix_server -m -U
ibrix_fs -i
ibrix_server -s -t cifs -c stop
ibrix_umount -f ifs -X
ibrix_mount -f ifs -O noatime -m /ifs
ibrix_server -s -t cifs -c start
ibrix_fs -i
ibrix_server -m

ibrix_server -m -U
ibrix_server -s -t cifs -c stop
ibrix_umount -f ifs
ibrix_mount -f ifs -O noatime -m /ifs
ibrix_server -s -t cifs -c start
ibrix_server -m

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/sfqas/p/12181113.html

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