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What is the difference between XSS and CSRF from their execution perspective?

2019-09-16 17:00:27  阅读:259  来源: 互联网

标签:XSS What difference CSRF between execution browser

What is the difference between XSS and CSRF from their execution perspective?


Fundamental difference is that CSRF (Cross-site Request forgery) happens in authenticated sessions when the server trusts the user/browser,

while XSS (Cross-Site scripting) doesn't need an authenticated session and can be exploited when the vulnerable website doesn't do the basics of validating or escaping input.


In case of XSS, when the server doesn't validate or escapes input as a primary control, an attacker can send inputs via request parameters or any kind of client side input fields (which can be cookies, form fields or url params).These can be written back to screen , persisted in database or executed remotely.

For CSRF, consider an example when you are logged in into your banking site and at the same time logged into Facebook in another tab in same browser.

An attacker can place a malicious link embedded in another link or zero byte image which can be like your banksite.com/transfer.do?fromaccnt=youraccnt&toaccnt=attackersAccount&amt=2500.

Now, if you accidentally click on this link , in the background transfer can happen though you clicked from the Facebook tab.


This is because your session is still active in browser and browser has your session id.

This is the reason the most popular CSRF protection is having another server supplied unique token generated and appended in the request.

This unique token is not something which is known to browser like session id.

This additional validation at server (i.e whether the transfer request also contains the correct CSRF token) will make sure that the attacker manipulated link (I.e the CSRF attack) in above example will never work.



csrf is all about checking auth_tockens used in from , in csrf attck you can create spoof html form and force other victim to do things according to your need while xss is all about javascript execution . you can read more about both on owasp.org



The fundamental difference between CSRF and XSS is that

cross-site scripting (XSS), is designed to exploit the trust the user has for a particular site


CSRF aims to exploit the trust that a website has in the visitor’s browser.


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/11528284.html

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